Monday, November 10, 2008

Farm Rankings in Island of Happiness

It was only when a player wrote to me to ask how the Wi-Fi Ranking system in Island of Happiness worked that I realised I had neglected this aspect of the game completely in my Guide. When I played IoH, I was curious about the Wi-Fi component of the game initially, but as the game had not been released at that time, there was no way I could have competed against any one. I therefore promptly forgot about the option...

I am adding a section to my General Guide now, but will post the information here as well for players:

In order to participate in the system, a player first must register for the week. It is best to do this on Sunday or Monday as that will give the player the potential to have as many of his/her actions count as possible. Once the connection to the server is made and the player has registered for the week, everything he/she does is recorded. For example, all items shipped after registration is made will count towards the ranking. You must make certain, however, that your records are submitted.

On Saturday, the records are tallied and the winners are selected. Afterwards, the prizes will be given out and the users can register for the next week. Prizes for winning are Wonderfuls. The colour of the Wonderful that you receive actually IS random in this situation, unlike the Wonderfuls given at Festivals or by your Spouse as an Anniversary gift.

Here is the schedule:

On Sunday/Monday: Register/Update Rankings.
From Monday to Friday: Play your game and work towards that week's rankings.
On Friday: Submit My Records.
On Sunday/Monday: Again Register/Update Rankings to see if you have won.
Repeat the entire process...

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