Monday, November 10, 2008

Dorothy's Courtship Event: Chocolate Cookies

As I have become more aware of the popularity of Dorothy, I have made a little video of one of her courtship Events in Rune Factory 2. You will find 'Heart Events' in Rune Factory 2 to be quite different from those in other Harvest Moon games. Often when you have a choice of responses, the one you choose will not affect the girl's heart level, even if it appears to be a 'negative' response.

'Heart Events' are experienced when you accept Requests from the Eligible Girls. In this event, Dorothy requests that you meet her to try her Chocolate Cookies. In the course of the event, you have a choice to pronounce the Cookies either to be 'good' or 'awful'. It is by accepting and completing the Requesty that the girl's heart level is raised. Even if you tell Dorothy her baking is 'awful', you will not lose any affection with her. In fact, this response leads to a very amusing result, one that may be more interesting than that experienced if you make the 'positive' response.

The video shows both results.


  1. Interesting. So the cookies at first aren't either good or bad, the player chooses what to make them...

    But I would prefer that the cookies were awful from the start and the player would get penalised for telling they're good, a lie :D

  2. after scrolling through your guides, i didn't see anything about it so i decided to ask you. :D
    in harvest moon cute, when i pressed A next to the telephone, suddenly i was "transported" to a screen that had multiple people in the game, in the excavation site. then a question saying "how many muffys were there?" & there were options.
    when i tried again, nothing happened. how do i make it happen, & what'll happen if i answer correctly?

  3. I think I would've thrown up after hearing that recipe... That guy must have a stomach of steel ...

  4. Well, after watching that, I think I'll go the "These are great" option since I'm a sap and Dorothy will at least smile. Cammy's gonna show up and something amusing will happen.

    As usual, Player's a sweetie.

    Thanks for the vid!

  5. Synth, I thought that would be the result as well when I declared the cookies to be wonderful... but there are other events in Rune Factory 2 where you will be challenged if you try to make a claim that is false simply in order to please a character. As I wrote in another comment, the beauty of Harvest Moon is the uniqueness of each game, even though you tend to meet characters who may remind you of others in different games. For example, both Dorothy and Candace are extremely shy, but they are very different people!
    Nathan, the player IS a sweetie, isn't he?! Is it any wonder that my own heart goes out to him with a wish that I could court him somehow as a girl? He is so very long-suffering and patient, so filled with goodwill towards all...
    Meanwhile, I am approaching the 'moment of truth'. I have almost every girl on the edge of marriage at maximum heart level. Whom do I choose? It will have to be some one for whom my character has no rival, because I want to see all the rival marriages in this game...

  6. Speaking of characters that remind of others... Now, I'm a fresh fan of the series, so my knowledge is limited, but I noticed that the shy girl is quite common: Mary in FoMT (and DS), Tori in RF, Sabrina in IoH, Dorothy in RF2. Though Dorothy breaks the "shy girl with glasses" archetype.

  7. Anon, I answered your question about the 'How Many Girls' mini-game in a new post. The information about all mini-games in HM DS is included in a section of my General Guide. I believe the same section is included in my HM Cute DS General Guide but if not, please let me know and I will update the guide.

    As a general rule, if you see a Guide for HM DS but do not see a corresponding guide for Cute, use the Guide for the original HM DS game as I only wrote guides for Cute for the most part when it involved an aspect of the game that differed substantially from the original HM DS.

  8. Synth, I almost mentioned Mary, Sabrina and Tori myself, but none of those characters had quite the 'pathological' degree of shyness exhibited by Candace and Dorothy. Candace actually will run away from you... and Dorothy's responses to any personal interaction are almost as extreme until you earn her trust.

    I apologise in advance for the use of 'pathological' to describe your favourite character, but indeed, talking through a doll is a textbook example of extreme shyness! Not that it hasn't a charm of its own... nor does it mean that anything is radically 'wrong' with the individual. It is 'extreme', however.

  9. I had to google up Candace :D Unfortunately I haven't yet played any of the home console games. I hope to play Magical Melody someday, but in order to play an imported one I'll first need a freeloader or a modded Wii. Imported from the USA because the European version has no female main character...
    But that's too off-topic. Back on topic: which girls have rivals?

  10. I can answer that.

    Jake is your rival for Cecilia.
    Ray is your rival for Rosalind.
    Barrett is your rival for Dorothy.
    Max is your rival for Julia.

  11. Thanks, Nathan. I try to answer all the comments, but hadn't had time for this one yet. Incidentally, Jake's interest in marrying Ceci is the subject of her 7 Heart Event, which I plan to share next with all of you.
