Friday, October 3, 2008

Island of Happiness: 'Winning' the Game!

Although there is no 'win' or 'lose' in most Harvest Moon games, you are rewarded when you complete goals. There often is a 'false' ending when you marry. Many players through the years have emailed me in desperation, telling me that their game ended when they married, asking me how to avoid that. Well, in fact, it's not a final ending. Very often, the credits will roll after your wedding in Harvest Moon.
If you have the courage to keep the system on and go through this, your game will resume afterwards...

In some Harvest Moon games, there are other 'endings' that reward you for your success but the game does not end afterwards in those cases either. IoH therefore has two 'endings', neither of which are final.

The first 'ending' is after your Wedding. The second occurs when you bring the last subsidiary character to the Island, completing the Inhabitants List. If, by the way, you did not allow all the Rival Couples to marry, thereby not being able to bring one or more of their Children to the Island, this will not prevent the Event from occurring.

The Event celebrates your success in creating a thriving metropolis from a deserted island.

On the morning after you fulfil the requirement to bring the last subsidiary character to the Island, you will receive a visit from Taro.

Taro: Hey, Freya.
You have a minute?

Taro enters.

Taro: There’s something I want to show you.
Can you come with me?


You now will be at the Meadow. The townspeople surround you.

Taro: Well, I was thinking of hosting a festival tomorrow.

(All the residents are in a circle. There’s Gannon, Mirabelle, Felicia, Elliot, Chen, Julia and Natalie. My husband Vaughn stands next to me)

Me: (?)

Taro: When we washed up on this island, it was uninhabited…
The island was so empty but we started living here in the new world…

Me: (…)

Taro: We built everything one by one with our own hands. And then people started coming here.
As a result, there’s even a town where there are so many people on this island!

Felicia: We all owe it to Freya.
Freya, because of your great ranch, people came to this place.

Taro: I hope the island continues to prosper and I want to celebrate that with every one!

I nod.

Chen: Actually, I’ve already told everyone in the island.
We all wanted to surprise Freya.

Now I see all the subsidiary characters in different areas. The view moves slowly from one screen to the next…

Taro: Some came years ago, and there are some that came over the years on this island.
There are people that know this island completely, and there are those that don’t.
This island is made up of so many kinds of people.
All can join in this Festival!
We’ll celebrate together!

Now you will be treated to a fireworks display, after which the credits will roll for the second time.

My thoughst: I’ll remember this day for the rest of my life as the best.
Tomorrow will be great, too!

After the credits, your game will resume...

1 comment:

  1. This has nothing to do with this segment, I just have a question. I want to marry Vaughn and I have him up to the orange heart level, but have never experienced a heart event with him. I figured this was because Denny is not on the island and I NEED to get him back. I shipped over 200 fish in one month and still he hasn't come back. PLEASE HELP!!! MY LOVE LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!!
