Saturday, October 4, 2008

Change in ToT with respect to 'On the Hook'

For those players who have the ToT Official Strategy Guide that I wrote, I need to mention a change in the game itself. In the version I played, the Fish Shop sold raw fish. In the final version, Pascal sells grilled fish. What this means is that there now is no way to purchase raw fish or to add fish to your Items List unless you catch them yourself.

Remember that the only requirement with respect to triggering ANY Rival Heart Event in ToT is the heart level OF THE RIVAL. The strategy I advise is to avoid the Rivals completely until you have experienced all the Heart Events with every Bachelor or Eligible Girl. Raise the Rivals' heart levels only AFTER that in order to experience THEIR gift visits... If you intend to marry an Eligible Bachelor/Girl for whom there is a Rival, you may wish to forego that Rival's second gift visit, unless you can avoid the location where the final Rival Heart Event will occur until you have a chance to propose to the individual yourself.

As in Island of Happiness, you cannot meet every possible character if you do not allow ALL Rival Couples to marry as each of the Rival Couples has a child. You therefore may wish to choose your spouse from one of the Eligible Bachelors or Girls for whom no rival exists.

Gift visits either from characters of EITHER gender will not occur once you have married. Each of these visits is accompanied by the gift of an item. Some of the items are quite rare and valuable. It is to your advantage, therefore, to experience as many of them as possible BEFORE you propose to any one.

All details of Courtship and Marriage are included in the Official Strategy Guide for ToT. I cannot write too much about the game here, but I did wish to mention the chance that occurred with respect to the fish sold at the Fish Shop.

Later: Players complained that Cocoons were not available at the Brownie Ranch and in fact, neither Cocoons nor Wool can be purchased in the final retail version of the game.

Finally, if any players are having trouble with Courtship Events with Calvin or any other individual, please feel free to email me directly. Until there is official confirmation on this topic, I am not going to post about it, but will be happy to help players on an individual basis. Remember that you always can AVOID any specific floor in the Mine by falling through a pitfall and that you can LOWER any character's heart level usually by giving that individual a number of Failed Dishes. (There is a maximum of 15 points' increase to any one's heart level in a single day but no limit to the number of points by which you can decrease a character's heart level in one day in ToT. Remember always to make allowances for the initial 5 point increase you will earn simply by speaking to an individual.)


  1. So the trial version sold raw fish? ... Hmm ... No big loss to me - I prefer catching my fish, not buying them. It's my favorite past time in the series. And ToT has quite a nice selection of to fish for.

  2. Hi

    I'm really enjoying ToT and have your guide. It has been very useful, specifically all the lists.

    I have a question though. Is it really possible to buy Decent Cocoons from Brownie Farm? A bit about that is in the guide. But I can't find the Decent Cocoons for purchase at Brownie Farm. Maybe I haven't unlocked it somehow? Or was it taken out of the game?

    Also, on page 153 of the guide the description of the Pumpkin says it is a Multiple Harvest crop. But it wasn't that way in the game. I planted pumpkins and had to plant more seeds to get more pumpkins each time.

    Anyway, not sure you can help with any of this. Overall the guide is great and very helpful.

  3. Pumpkins always are a single harvest crop. That is a typo I missed somehow. How embarrassing. Typing all those lists and putting them into a specific 'formatting' was the most difficult part of writing the guide for me. I spent more time on the formatting than on writing... I apologise for that error!

    The Coccons should become available at the Brownie Farm at a certain point. How many stars does the Brownie Ranch have at present? The highest upgrade is three stars. I can't imagine that Cocoons as a purchase would have been removed from the game unless they didn't like the exploitation I found in the game! It is possible that the grade of product will depend on your progress. That wasn't the case in my own game but it may be in the final version.

    I'm glad you find the lists helpful. It is the sort of thing I would find the most helpful in any game guide.

  4. Lina, that error in the Items list will haunt me forever. If it had been an internet guide, I could have corrected it instantly. As it is, the mistake will confront me forever. I thought of something else: I believe that I list all the Crops and items that can be found in every season in the Calendar section. Pumpkins should be listed correctly there as a single harvest crop.

    I don't recall offhand if your own in-game Crops List tells you if the crop is single harvest or multiple harvest... if it does, you always can look at that for confirmation.

  5. Thanks so much for giving an answer!

    To be more specific, I have the Brownie farm at 3 stars. When I go to buy items there I get a few options including honey. But there aren't any Cocoons. Nor any Wool, which I recall is also in the guide (being able to buy it at the farm).

    I think it might be possible the game also lists Pumpkins as being multiple harvest crops. I don't have more pumpkin seeds right now so I can't check. I'm currently in the Fall season.

    The guide has the correct info on the pumpkins on page 25. Again, the lists are very useful and make it easy to compare between crops to decide which to plant for more profit.

  6. I love your guides, I always read them online. The official one is great. For the other poster about the cocoons, I also haven't been able to buy them and I've three stars on Brownie Ranch. Sadly, you would think that they would have you take things out of the guide that they take out of the game. Its rude of them, because then lesser people might be mad at you for writing it. Thank you for a great guide though!

  7. No Cocoons even at 3 Stars??? You know, I wondered when I found that great exploit in the game if I should keep quiet about it. I was so proud of myself for finding that... but perhaps it has been removed from the final version because it made the game too easy. I'll go straight to the source and ask Natsume about it. I believe it is mentioned in more than one place in my Guide because it was SO helpful!

    I need to get a copy of the final retail version of the game so I can play ToT with the rest of you now! It seems that quite a bit has changed...

  8. I did ask another player, and he said he has them available. Maybe some games are glitched. To answer your question, I do own silkworms, and have shipped all types of cocoons. I own the barn, I've shipped at least 18,000 in animal well as farming. I'm able to buy everything else there, actually. The other player was clueless as well, and is trying to find out if there is some other thing needed to sell them. Sadly, it may just be our games...

  9. Actually, I can buy everything but the cocoon and wool too. I forgot about wool. But all animals and other products are there

  10. How baffling ... I've been seeing a lot of people ask about this on forums lately. I had no such trouble with having cocoons accessible in my game. ... I wonder if it might be because I shipped more cocoons / silk ... I bought a Silkworm early in the game. ... Perhaps having the thread maker is a requirement? ... Hmm ...

  11. To answer your question, I do own 2 silkworms and have shipped over 5 cocoons.

  12. Mars, I believe that a Yarn Maker may be the key to unlocking the Cocoons at the Brownie Ranch. Certainly the items that are sold at the Ranch are based on your character's shipping.

  13. I own the Yarn Maker and have currently shipped over 20,000 worth of Animal products, yet still don't have an option to buy either Decent Cocoons or any Wool.

    I've shipped cocoons normally and also as Blue Silk Thread. Also shipped wool and wool yarn gotten from my goat.

    I hope it's a simple matter of needing to trigger something to get the option.

  14. I'm playing TOT now and I atfirst wanted to woo calvin but then found out about his horrible glitch, i have started to woo Owen instead but how do I get Calvin to get married..or How do I make his heart level go down because I know Owens 5 Heart request is for me to go to the bottom of the mine but I cant if my game freezes at 10..
    So worried about this..
    I will try to give calvin failed dishes and I guess I just start talking to the girl hes gonna marry ..Pheobe?
