Thursday, March 27, 2008

How to find Skye!!!


I am SO embarrassed. I apparently never made it clear in my Courtship and Marriage Guide that you meet Skye for the first time by experiencing his First Heart Event.

I have received a possible deluge of emails from players today who have been wandering the paths of the Valley searching for Skye in vain... As a matter of fact, I believe I did that myself in my first game, so I should have been aware of the danger of not stating very clearly that his First Heart Event is your first meeting with him.

Skye really does break all the rules. Ordinarily, you must meet an individual before you can experience any event with him/her. Skye of course, is an exception to THIS rule as well as many others.

Walk up the staircase towards the Villa between 10.00 p.m. and 11.50 p.m. on any sunny night and you will meet Skye for the first time in his First Heart Event. AFTER that, you will find him at the entrance to the Valley at 10.20 on sunny nights. He then crosses the bridge and walks up to the Goddess Spring where he stands until dawn.

By the way, you never will see him the night after one of his Heart Events, but the following night, he will resume his regular path...

There is another anomaly about Skye that may be worth mentioning. Between his First and Second Heart Events, I did find him once on the path between Turtle Pond and the Blue Bar. Once he 'hit' the Blue Bar in his Second Heart Event, though, I never saw him anywhere but on the path that leads from the Valley entrance across the bridge and then north to the Goddess Spring.


  1. I have found that Skye seems to follow a different path on Sundays than other days, but I have only experienced Skye's first heart event.

  2. *sigh* Phantom Skye... lord, he is the loveliest thing I've ever set my eyes on in Harvest Moon. I am currently devising a plan to sneak out of my house to get my hands on a copy of HMDS Cute for my beloved Skye...

    Still, I will get it somehow.

    Good luck on the Island of Happiness, and if there's anything I can do, just let me know, and I'll try my best.

  3. Thank you, Kalypsocry!

    Anonymous, I believe he does that only until the second heart event occurs. I think that information is included in my Courtship and Marriage Guide... You see, he is 'casing' the Blue Bar for his next 'job'.

  4. Hi Freyashawk.

    Skye he is the most handsome thing I have ever seen....
    Kai is the second and Marlin is next.Trent looks different in Cute than in the original HMDS.

    You know something I LOVE about him?Well another thing?
    That he leaves notes ahead of time right?Well, since he knows that the townsfolk know you, they will ask you for help.So he does that and then comes just to see YOU!Havent you noticed the whole thing he does is talk to you and charm you and never does anything except for his second heart event?


  5. Our collective infatuation with Skye makes me laugh a little but at the same time it is VERY potent and very real. Skye is the hottest commodity to come out of Harvest Moon for a long time, although romance is exciting in every Harvest Moon game. Kai once occupied Skye's position as the ultimate charmer, even though I usually felt sorry for Grey and married him partly for that reason. I have to admit that Kai is more romantic in HM Cute DS than in any other game, and it was difficult for me to resist him, even though I was committed totally to Skye.

    I agree. Of course Skye isn't really a criminal at all and his entire strategy is somewhat connected to his courtship of you. He tempts you each time with the power to lock him away, simply to gauge your responses. He has the Chick-Beam to immobilise any threat, but at the same time, the act of placing himself at your mercy is extremely appealing.

    At first I almost HATED Lumina for running after him. It amused me that I could have such strong emotions in the circumstances. As time passed and Skye continued to woo me, I began to feel sorry for all the other girls instead, because he was MINE.

    There is a very old tradition of the 'gentleman thief' in every culture. In England, there were the highwaymen, who would stop the coaches and then demand a kiss. Later, there were the 'cat burglars' who would announce their intentions much as Skye does, and then attend a gala affair and very daringly steal a single item.

    Skye works in this tradition. I love the way he declares that he has all the freshest ingredients to make his special curry for you at the Starry Night Festival! Obviously all stolen from Vesta and other villagers... but I wouldn't begrudge him every vegetable in my larder... or anything else his heart desired.

  6. I agree with every word you said Freyashawk!

    The townsfolk think he is a thief because they arent there when he 'steals'.They don't see that he doesnt steal and always the reason is to meet with you.I also got annoyed by Lumina.I got jealous and furious and wanted to ugh...wanted to hit her......
    But not in a bad way because I was INLOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    One day I will melt.And I fear that day will be when I marry him cus I AM GONNA MARRY HIM!
    MINE MINE MINE.....I mean.....

  7. Agh! I was just about to give up on Skye (now I'm thinking, HOW COULD I POSSIBLY HAVE TRIED TO DO THAT???!!!!) and move on to Kai or Marlin because I couldn't get Skye's First Heart Event.

    I'm so sorry could I have done that????!!

    Actually, I'm totally angry cause you have to find those Sprites BEFORE you get to marry. I want to marry Skye SOOOO bad but alas, only have 15 sprites....

    Why can't we have totally perfect guys like Skye exist???? WHY???!!!


  8. Dear Kappi-chan,

    You would have experienced the event sooner or later, I expect, as you would have met Lumina at some point, even if by accident on the road, but it is important always to remember that every individual in Harvest Moon has value. I almost hated Lumina when she ran after Skye in the First Heart Event but ordinarily we are the best of friends... there is a 'best friend' event for the girls in Cute and they definitely are worth experiencing. You need to bring the girl to 255 FP to be able to experience these events. Flora's event and Muffy's event are my personal favourites. Flora will teach you a secret martial arts technique. Muffy's event includes every girl in the Valley!

    The best reward for meeting Lumina, however, is that you then will be able to experience Skye's
    1st Heart Event.

    As for the Sprite rescue requirement, I do believe that the original Japanese name for Harvest Moon DS may have been Sprite Station. The real basis for the game is the rescue of all the Harvest Sprites. As much as we adore Skye, he is NOT the main focus of the game itself.

    Rescuing the Sprites is part of the general philosophy at the foundation of Harvest Moon. Success is not simply a matter of making money. It requires that one care about the land and be aware of and work with Nature and all natural forces. The Harvest Sprites and the Harvest Goddess represent the spirit of the land to some extent. The blessing of the Harvest Goddess is required for any marriage because she is the power of fertility and life. You could not have a child, nor would crops and animals flourish were it not for the blessing of Nature. The representatives of Nature are the Harvest King, the Harvest Goddess and the Harvest Sprites.

    I think every one who plays Harvest Moon wishes that he/she could live in that world. Even without Skye, the idea that some one would give you a neglected farm and allow you to restore it is extremely attractive.

    Characters in Harvest Moon games often remark upon the beauty of the land and how fortunate they are to live in such a perfect place. Skye simply is the icing on the cake...

  9. omgoosh i neeeedd hellpp likee seriously neeed help~~ i cant find skye!! is it becausee its my first yearr in the gammee? do i have to find a certain amount of sprites? i seriously neeed help!! omgoosh helppp mee :(

    tel mee exactly all the steps!!

  10. i am not suree if my other comment posted buhh i neeed helpp :S I SERIOUSLY CANT FIND SKYE!! his sooo hard to findd~~ waht do i have to doo? is it because its only the first year of the gamee? i seriously cant find him! help mee!!

  11. As stated in my Courtship and Marriage Guide (and now in the Characters Guide as well), you MUST meet Lumina before the First Heart Event with Skye will trigger and you will not see Skye anywhere until you have experienced his First Heart Event.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Introduce yourself to EVERY character in the Valley even if you do not give them all gifts.
    2. Go up the wide staircase towards Romana's Villa on any sunny night between 10.00 p.m. and 11.50 p.m. and Skye's 1st Heart Event will trigger, introducing you to Skye.
    3. Do NOT expect to find him the next day as he never appears in the Valley on the day following any of his Heart Events.
    4. Go to the Valley exit at 10.20 p.m. on the next sunny night to find him at the earliest time and give him any toiletry (sun block, lotion, whatever) from the Excavation Site to boost his AP by
    +500 points and change your outfit daily to boost his AP by an additional +200 points, giving you an increase of +700 AP per day with Skye.

  12. Sorry, I am very bad with numbers. The gift of a toiletry such as Sunblock or Lotion is worth +300 AP with Skye, I believe. Even so, with the clothing change bonus, that's +500 AP increase per day. If you want to cheat, control the weather so that ALL days are sunny days... but remember that some events require rain!

  13. i just got the game and i havent started yet. i wanted to know if you have the steps to make sure you can be either claire or the other(whats her name?does she have one?) if you dont, then ill just keep trying until i get what i want , but i think you should know cuz you know like EVERYTHING about it!!! *p.s. i love your site :D*

  14. I'm glad you like the site, zz_angel. I didn't add the information to my guide although it was in my game journal, but I have published it on this site now in a separate post. I tried most permutations in my first game and wrote down the results... Look at the most recent post and you will see them. The information will be added to the next version of my General Guide as well...

  15. I have a matter where I look, I can't seem to find a solution. I give skye body lotion every sunny night at about 11:00pm, which raises his AP but 300, right? It did, but the next day, his AP was back to zero... Am I doing something wrong? I always have the Love Bangle on when I talk to him, and every sunny day, this happens. I don't know how to upgrade my house, because when I talk to Gotz, the house upgrade option isn't there... I don't know how to get a kitchen either, or how to make Utimate Curry.....Help?

  16. From Skye's Girlfriend,
    Whoever said Skye is just the 'Icing on the cake' Is WRONG!!!! Skye is the
    WHOLE CAKE!!!!!!!!!!! The harvest sprites and goddess are the stupid little crumbs!!!!
    Those of you who need help with Skye's first heart event have come to the RIGHT PLACE!!!!
    You need to meet all the townsfolk first. For they are in his future heart events. Even Lumina.
    I do not wish to JUST hit lumina. {Her name in my perspective dosen't even deserve a capital letter.} I want to kill her with a sword and breathe fire on her!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have even experienced SKYE'S BLUE HEART EVENT so u can trust me.

    Skye's Girlfriend

  17. Well, the beauty of Harvest Moon and gaming systems is that each of us can be Skye's girlfriend and ultimately, Skye's wife and the mother of his child in our own little Harvest Moon universe. Skye at this point in time is the most popular bachelor in any Harvest Moon game. Yes, almost every character in Cute appears in one of Skye's Event in Part II if not Part I of the Event, but if a player hasn't met EVERY ONE in the Valley by the time he/she is eligible to experience even Skye's Purple Heart Event, he/she is not playing the game properly. Friendship and participation in community life is one of the key elements in any Harvest Moon game. Tunnel vision (such as an obsession with any one character, bachelor or goal) ultimately causes disaster as Harvest Moon is not linear in nature and many events and goals depend on a variety of requirements.

    Skye's heart level will increase fairly slowly until you have a kitchen and all kitchen implements due to the following:

    1. He usually only appears in the Valley on sunny days (apart from his heart events);
    2. His Most Favourite Item requires a Kitchen and a Pot and thus, the highest increase from a gift is 300 AP per day; if you change your outfit, you can gain another 200 AP but that's the best any one can do until you are able to cook his beloved Curry, the Finest Curry.

  18. I've alreadt met Skye and stuff, but how do you trigger the second heart event? I go to the bar in the morning on rainy days, but nothing happens. Does it happen on a certain day? I'm beggining to get discouraged.

  19. Links to all my guides are provided on the right side of this page. You will find a section devoted to Skye, with his likes and dislikes, as well as a complete schedule of all his Heart Events in my Courtship and Marriage Guide for Cute.

    The only day on which the 2nd Heart Event can be experienced is a rainy Monday. This information is given in fact in the Courtship Guide as follows:

    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event
    Location: Blue Bar
    Time: 6.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. on Monday, Part I
    10.00 p.m. to midnight, Part II
    Requirements: Must be a rainy Monday, Skye must be at 10,000 AP or higher

  20. I have only experienced the first heart event... gawd... you people are falling in love with a character in a game! - but I can blame ya... he's so smexy and so charming.
    He'll be my target.
    At first I was gonna marry Rock again because all the other guys are ugly and old-looking... but Im like "I already married Rock in Harvest Moon:Another Wonderful Life" and I also married Marlon and Gustafa just to see what it'd be like.
    But Skye... Oh Skye, I'm happy I learned about you. x'D

  21. Hi, well, i am having a problem with getting Skye's second heart event, i believe its the purple one. Anyways, on every rainy Monday, i wake up at 6:00 AM and go to the Blue Bar like i am supposed to, but every time I walk in, nothing happens! I don't know how to trigger the first part of the event. Plus, I cant seem to get enough heart to buy the Love Bangle thing, because I can never get enough medals from the casino. I really don't want to switch to Kia or Rock, because I married Rock in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Skye is just the coolest. Please help me, i need to know what i am doing wrong! Thanx,

  22. uh... this forum is making me laugh so hard! Seriously! You girls are sooo obsessed with Skye it's unbelievable!

    I love him as well... but not THAT obsessed. To cure you of your pain, I shall bless you with this site.

    Go to google and type 'ushi no tane'. The first link would place you in a site filled with Harvest Moon Goodness and more Natsume games.

    Click HMDS Cute and it will include 99.9% of what you NEED to know especially about Skye and other bachelors.

    *giggle* Hopefully this will help.

  23. Actually, you can find my Courtship and Marriage Guide on the right side of this page. It contains an entire section on Skye as well as sections devoted to each of the other bachelors. The actual text of all heart and rival heart events is included as well.

  24. For the second heart event, is Skye at 10,000 AP or above? You can't trigger the event if he isn't at purple heart level. I assume you have met every one in the village by now in your game... but Skye must be at purple heart level or you won't be able to experience the 2nd heart event.
    If he is at purple heart level, have you tried to go to the bar at 10.00 a.m. as well?

  25. I don't change the clothes every day, but I have more AP than usual, and I have heard somewhere that speaking twice to a person increases it. Is that true?

  26. Anon, speaking twice to an individual raises AP/FP in MOST HM games, such as FoMT, MFoMT and IoH, but NOT in HM DS/Cute DS. HM DS/Cute DS are the exceptions to the general rule. Only gifts, correct responses in the course of an Event, changing your outfit in Cute or showing the character your dog/cat if that character likes dogs or cats will raise AP/FP in HM DS/Cute DS.

  27. hey freyashawk, is there a red heart event for skye? I havent found all of the harvest sprites, but i have a black heart with him... so ya.

  28. Bob, there are no 'red heart' events for any bachelor. The 4th and final Heart Event can be triggered at Yellow Heart. You won't be able to propose to any one successfully until the bachelor is at 60,000 AP or deepest red heart level but there isn't any Heart Event connected to that. Incidentally, you can experience ALL FOUR Heart events if a bachelor is at red heart level. You must be at the specified heart level or above to experience the Heart Event. The requirement of finding 60 Sprites is a marriage requirement because it allows you to rescue the Harvest Goddess but it isn't connected to heart levels or heart events per se.

  29. Hey Freyshawk:D
    My problem is that I have a kitchen, I have a pot ( all the tools), I cook finest curry 3 times a week for him and but for some reason, it keeps dropping!! I also always have the love bangle whenever I talk to him. Problem similar to Anonymous. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

  30. Gwen, you obviously are LITTERING. In both HM DS and HM Cute DS, you cannot drop ANY item on the ground anywhere, even a Weed on your own field without penalty. AP and FP will drop. It doesn't matter how much you raise some one's heart level if you continue to litter. You must be throwing weeds or other items on the ground. Remember not to throw fish back into the water either.

  31. OHH... Thanks alot!! You really halped me!! I'm so glad I came across you :D. So about how many affection points will drop if I just drop a weed? And also, do stones and branches count since they don't disappear after I drop them?

  32. Gwen, I don't recall precisely how many points you lose but you can see by doing the following: Save your game. Equip the Love Bangle and speak to some one, especially a bachelor. Make a note of his AP, then drop an item in front of him and speak to him again to see the difference it made to his AP.

    As for stones and branches, it depends on where you drop them. If you drop them on your field, you can create fences or pens out of them and that is not littering but if you drop one in the road or on some one else's property, it will vanish and will be considered littering.

  33. I really love Skye but why is it 10,000 AP?! T.T SO MUCH BUT WHY?!~~
    I love him badly!T.T

  34. Skye really is the best character in all harvest moon games. only thing keeping me from writing a fanfic of sorts is his name...its the same as mine. -_-... awkward much.

  35. SOMEONE!!!!! please help me!! okay i need skyes second heart event and he wont show up and it has everything is it because i just did the 1st heart event the day before or what?!?!!?!? someone please help me i need to at least get his second heart and ive been trying to get sprits and stuff like thats and making money buts its so hard! Thank you so much for whoever can help me!

  36. The only day on which the 2nd Heart Event can be experienced is a rainy Monday. This information is given in fact in the Courtship Guide as follows:

    2nd Heart Event, aka Purple Heart Event
    Location: Blue Bar
    Time: 6.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. on Monday, Part I
    10.00 p.m. to midnight, Part II
    Requirements: Must be a rainy Monday, Skye must be at 10,000 AP or higher

    As stated previously, Skye will not appear in the Valley at all on the day AFTER any Heart Event.

    This information should help you, Anon.

  37. A bit off topic, but...

    I am going to have to fan-spazz a bit here... I have dreams to become an illustrator or a graphic designer, because when I see animations (Manga, Japanime mostly) I just get excited. I love good cartoons! Earlier there was discussion over transition to differentt HM games, how we can't enjoy every game to the fullest, and I agree 100%! The hardest transition for me is the animation!

    Terribly good animation, beautifully portrayed characters, the-the-FREEDOM the games are built on, I can't get the Harvest Moon series out of my head!

    By the way, luv yer guidez!

  38. Anonymous, I am glad you like my guides. I obviously agree with you that the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory series are far more than 'games'. I have called them 'interactive novels' and that is why I include so much text from the actual games in my guides. My guides are not simple strategy guides. They are an attempt to transfer some of the game into a literary form. In particular, I try to include actual events and dialogue in the Characters Guides because the Characters ARE three-dimensional and part of the joy in exploring any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game is the discovery of new insights into the history or personality of any character through dialogue or events. I suppose it would make sense to create Harvest Moon manga or cartoon books... I think I'll suggest that to Natsume, actually. Who knows? Perhaps one day you will be able to apply for a position in working on a Harvest Moon manga book!

  39. *fangirls* I was able to marry the man with ease but with one esception..HIS SCHEDULE IS?WAS VERY HARD TO KEEP UP WITH!!!! You can not tell whether he is in the valley or not, but i have a question..i am trying to draw skye and i am very scared that he would appear out of nowhere and take me into the world of harvest moon. and i need to know how to draw skye so can anyone tell me???

  40. So if you have a pond and you drop fish into the pond, would that count against the FP/HP, whatevers?

  41. :C i can't find Skye i'm still trying to do the first heart event but every time i try he doesn't appear. =3=

  42. Heart Events will NOT occur if you have not introduced yourself to all Characters involved in them. Skye's Black Heart Event includes Lumina. Have you met every one at the mansion?

  43. Not certain why a comment about littering is posted here precisely but the Fish Pond is the place to keep Fish. Drop a Fish in the river or into the ocean and THAT is considered littering.
