Friday, May 28, 2010

Question for Players of Hero of Leaf Valley

IGN has a limit as far as the size of any Guide is concerned. I therefore cannot add the schedules and/or strategies for all 16 Story Quests to the Walkthrough/General Guide. I have created an HoLV Characters Guide which contains the actual text of the Story Quest Events in the sections devoted to the Characters most closely connected to each Story Quest. The actual schedules of ALL Story Quests are provided in the HoLV 1st Year Events Calendar Guide and the 2nd Year Events Calendar Guide.

I wonder, however, if this is too fragmented for players. Perhaps I should add the text of all Story Quest Events to the Events Calendar Guides for each of the two first year. Alternately, I could add the schedules of all Events to the Characters Guide. At the moment, the text of the Events in the Characters Guide includes only the actual date and time when Freyr experienced each Event.

I believe the easiest solution would be to add the schedule of each Event to the Characters Guide. The Table of Contents in the Characters Guide does show where the Events for each Story Quest are included. If I provide the complete schedule as well as the actual date and time when my Character experienced the Event, this should prove helpful.

If any player has an opinion on the matter, please feel free to add your comment to this post.

Here is an example of how I intend to organise the actual Events in the HoLV Characters Guide:

The Tale of the Cake Contest

Katie's Events:

The following section includes all of Katie's Friendship Events as well as all Events connnected to the Tale of the Cake Contest Story Quest.

Katie's 1st Friendship Event

Schedule: 26 Spring - 28 Spring, 30 Spring or 2 Summer:

6.00 a.m. Katie's 1st Friendship Event (Tale of the Cake Contest) (Optional)

Location: Homestead

Requirements: You must have met Wallace previously; Katie must have 20 FP or higher

N.B. To gain +15 FP with Katie at the very start of the game, give negative responses to all three Questions posed by the Harvest Goddess

On Friday, 26 Spring, I experienced Katie's 1st Event when I left my farmhouse.

Katie: Good morning, Freyr! If you're free, why don't you come to the cafe? I'll treat you to some cake!

We now are at the Cake. I cram an entire slice of cake into my mouth.

Katie: How is it? Do you like it?

I nod.

Katie: Oh, good! Well, if you're going to stay here, I'd like you to know that you're always welcome in our cafe! We keep losing business because...well, more people move out of Leaf Valley than move in these days.

Wallace: Oh, don't worry. We still get by. But I hope you'll come by often, Freyr.

Katie and I now are at my door again.

Katie: Did you know that my grandpa and your grandmother were close friends since childhood? Maybe we can be close friends, too! Stop by and say hello sometime!

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