Saturday, May 1, 2010

Calendar of all 1st Year Story Events in Hero of Leaf Village

The following is taken from my 'Hero of Leaf Valley 1st Year Calendar Events Guide'. At present, all 1st Year Events for about half of the Storylines have been added. I have made certain, however, to include ALL Events for every Storyline that occur in Spring. Where the first Event in any Storyline does not occur until later in the 1st Year, I have added that as well. I hope to have all first Year Events for all of the Story Quests entered in my 1st Year Events Calendar Guide by Monday.


‘Hero of Leaf Valley’ has a primary Quest with a strict time limit that must be performed successfully. You must ‘save the land’ from the threat of development by the Funpark Corporation and you must do so by the end of the 2nd Year. Once you succeed in this primary Quest, the game no longer will make further demands upon your Character in terms of time or his activities. There are a multitude of Events that occur after the 2nd Year, but Leaf Valley will be safe from major threats.
There is more than one method by which you can end the threat of development and each has its own storyline. In fact, there are three major solutions to the threat, divided into 16 different specific methods. The most difficult method by which to save the land is to make 50,000G by the end of the 2nd year in order to be able to purchase the land outright from the Funpark Corporation. This is the first Story, entitled ‘Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Farm in the World!’ It is not sufficient to have the necessary funds in order to succeed, however. You must be able to defeat the series of Robots that are sent into various locations at various times by the Funpark Corporation as well.

In fact, most of the main Events in the ‘Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Farm in the World!’ will be experienced automatically by your Character, whether or not you have any intention of trying to earn sufficient income to buy the land from the Funpark Corporation. The threat of development of the land by the Funpark Corporation is the main Story of ‘Hero of Leaf Valley’ after all.

The other 15 Storylines fall into one of the two remaining solutions to the threat, which are to transform Leaf Valley either into a Nature Preserve or into a desirable Tourist Destination. In order to succeed in either of these aims, you must complete at least three of the Stories in that caregory. The List of all Storylines is as follows:

Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Farm in the World!
Tale of the Golden Potato Seed (Nature Preserve)
Tale of the Blue Mist and the Azure Swallowtails (Nature Preserve)
Tale of the Silver Fish (Nature Preserve)
Tale of the Blue Bird (Nature Preserve)
Tale of the Endangered Weasel (Nature Preserve)
The Hundred-Year-Old Cherry Tree (Nature Preserve)
The Secret Fossil (Nature Preserve)
Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress (Tourist Destination)
Tale of the Cake Contest (Tourist Destination)
Tale of the Horse Race Champion (Tourist Destination)
The Harvest Goddess Temple (Tourist Destination)
Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival! (Tourist Destination)
The Holy Masterpiece (Tourist Destination)
The Legendary Baker (Tourist Destination)
Louis, the Inventor King (Tourist Destination)

In other words, you must complete either three of the 'Tourist Destination' Story Quests or three of the 'Nature Preserve' Story Quests.

Each Storyline has its own Event sequences. Some Events are mandatory and others are optional to the successful completion of the specific Story.

The first Events in any Story Quest often simply 'set up' the Story iinn some fashion. In another Harvest Moon game, they might be termed 'Character Events' or 'Subsidiary Events'. In 'Hero of Leaf Valley', they usually involve the main Character in the Story Quest to which they have been linked but if you fail to experience an Optional Event, you still can pursue and complete the Story Quest, provided you meet all the Requirements for triggering the first MANDATORY Event in the Sequence.

This Events Calendar Guide adds a notation when any Event is Optional. You will see that many of the Events that occur in the first Spring ARE Optional Events. The Main Story Events dealing with Alice that occur in the first Spring are triggered automatically.

The reason I have organised my Events Calendar Guide to include ALL Events for ALL Quests is because some of the Events unlock special new options. For example, you can obtain a Horse from Bob in one of the optional Events connected with the 'Tale of the Horse Race Champion' Events. You can unlock Blue Mist Seeds at Lyla's Shop in one of the Events linked to the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail Story.

Some Events are fairly easy to experience if you go to the right location at the right time. Even if you do not wish to commit yourself to the Story Quest linked to the Event, it always is good to give yourself as many choices as possible.

I have created a Walkthrough/General Guide for Hero of Leaf Valley containing information about all general aspects of life, including Farming, Ranching, Mining, Fishing and Social Interactions. Although it contains some basic information about the various Storylines and contains a Calendar of Birthdays and Festivals, it does not give a Schedule of Events.
You will find my Hero of Leaf Valley General Guide at:

In ‘Friends of Mineral Town’, ‘More Friends of Mineral Town’, ‘HM DS’ and ‘HM Cute DS’, there were Events that could occur only in specific years. I therefore created special mini-guides in the form of Events Guides for each Year through the Fifth Year. In ‘Hero of Leaf Valley,’ Events in any of the 16 Storylines are set to occur only on specific dates in the first two years. I therefore have created similar Events Guides for the game. This is the Hero of Leaf Valley 1st Year Events Guide.
The Events Guide takes the form of a Calendar and Events are organised by Season and Date. The Calendar includes Events from all 16 of the Storylines. After the Title of the Event, the specific Storyline is given in brackets. As previously indicated, within any Storyline, some Events are mandatory but others are optional. When an Event is optional, this has been indicated. The time or times when the Event can be triggered, its location and any special Requirements are included as well. Where an Event can occur on more than one Day, it has been entered on the Calendar on the FIRST Day that it can be experienced. Where an Event has specific Weather Requirements, that information has been included.

Please note that any Event that is listed at the Homestead at 6.00 a.m. on any particular Day will occur when you first exit your Farmhouse. If you oversleep, the Event still should occur as soon as you leave the House. 6.00 a.m. therefore simply is the ‘default’ time for the Event.

You can experience Events for more than one of the Storylines in ‘Hero of Leaf Valley’. As the PSP offers multiple save slots, you can save your game at a point where you have not met ALL the requirements for one of the final Events in any Storyline. You then can move forward in new slots towards different endings.
In some cases, experiencing an Event will unlock new options, such as rare Seeds or new areas on the Map. You therefore may wish to experience as many Events as possible, even if you wish to pursue a specific ‘Ending’ in the 2nd Year. Where an Event has a ‘Result’ in terms of unlocking a new option, I have included that information.

A final note about Hero of Leaf Valley. Players who are familiar with ordinary Harvest Moon games have wondered why Heart Events are not given in the 1st Year Events Guide. Hero of Leaf Valley does not have the standard sequence of Heart Events that are included in most Harvest Moon games. Courtship of an Eligible Girl can begin in the first two years of the game, but you will not be able to marry until you have saved the land. Friendship Levels determine many of the Events that will allow you to complete a Story Quest. Those same Friendship Levels can be used later to further your Courtship of a specific Girl.

In HoLV, however, there is a special Courtship Event that may occur after you succeed in your Quest of saving the land. It is a 'Confession' by the Eligible Girl who has the highest FP at that point. As in Another Wonderful Life, you are not given any choice beyond that of choosing to raise Friendship Levels for one Girl higher than the others. Unlike AWL, however, experiencing a Girl's Confession will not obligate you to marry THAT Girl... Once Leaf Valley is saved from the threat of development, you can move forward, courting any Girl you like.

Friendship Level Requirements

When you study the Calendar of Events, you will see that one of the most common Requirements is a specific Friendship Level with one or more Characters.
At the very start of the game, the Harvest Goddess will ask three questions. The responses you choose will boost the friendship of a selected group of Characters in Leaf Valley.

If you give the 'positive' response or first response to each of the three questions of the Harvest Goddess, you will earn +15 FP with the following individuals: the Harvest Goddess herself, Dia, Louis, Bob, Joe, Wallace, Chester and Nak.

If you give the 'negative' or second response to each of her three questions, you will gain +15 FP with Katie, Gina, Kurt, Ronald, Charlie, Renton, Rudolph and Nik.

If you give a combination of positive and negative responses, you earn +15 FP with Gwen, Lyla, Aurelia, Alice, Parsley, Tim, Woody, Martha and Flak.

When a minimum Friendship Level is a Requirement for any Event that occurs in the first Spring and you are determined to experience that Event, you may wish to tailor your Responses to the questions posed by the Harvest Goddess to boost the FP of the Character involved in the Event.

Once you have been introduced to any Character, you can earn Friendship Points with the following actions, among others:

‘Meet and Greet’ an individual to gain +1 FP with him/her
Give an individual an Item he/she likes or loves to gain +1 - +3 FP. If the item is a Most Favourite Gift, it will result in an increase of +3 FP. IF the item simply is acceptable to the Character, you will gain +1 FP. Items that the Character loves but are not ‘Most Favourites’ are worth +2 FP.

Remembering a Character on his/her Birthday with a Most Favourite Gift will result in a gain of +10 FP.

Working Part-Time for local merchants and buying items from their Shops will earn Friendship Points with those Characters. Completing Requests will endear you to the Individuals who make them as well.

The biggest problem in any Harvest Moon game, especially at the beginning, is not lack of money but lack of time. ‘Meeting and Greeting’ every Character on the Map can be extremely time-consuming.

Leaf Valley is not a small Valley. As Renton remarks:
Renton: It takes about half a day to circle around the whole town. It’s a little too big...

I have written about the 'Easy Gifts' for each Character in another post.

Calendar of 1st Year Events

Calendar of 1st Year Events


1 Spring: Renton’s Birthday
N.B. You will not meet Renton for the first time until 3 Spring
6.00 a.m. Introduction Event for Nic, Nak, Flak and Harvest Goddess (Automatic)
Location: Homestead
2 Spring – 21 Spring or 23 Spring – 30 Spring:
8.00 a.m. – 4.59 p.m.: Let’s Take Care of Animals! (Tale of the Horse Race Champion)
Location: Bob’s Animal Supply Shop
Requirements: Accept Part-Time Work at the Starling Ranch; only when the weather is fine and not on Thursdays
Results: If you respond ‘Yes’ after completing your Work, you will gain +10 FP with Bob. You will need Bob at 30 FP or more and the Livestock at Starling Ranch at a total of 40 FP or more by 2 Summer – 6 Summer in order to receive a Horse from him.
3 Spring:
6.00 a.m. Introduction Event for Alice, Renton and Charles (Automatic)
Location: Homestead
5 Spring: Alice’s Birthday
8 Spring:
6.00 a.m.: Introduction Event for Aurelia and Chester (Automatic)
Location: Homestead
9 Spring or 11, 16, 18, 25 Spring:
8.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Invitation to Fish (Tale of the Silver Fish) (Optional)
Location: Mallard Lake area
Requirement: Joe must have 5FP or higher; Will not occur in foul weather
N.B. Even if you have a Fishing Rod, you can tell him you do not have one in order to experience the Event.
11 Spring: Harvest Goddess Festival; Ronald’s Birthday
An accepted Gift to a Character on this date is worth more than the same Gift given on any ordinary Day
12 Spring, 14 Spring – 16 Spring or 18 Spring:
10.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Tool Shop Owner is an Inventor (Louis, the Inventor King) (Optional)
Location: Enter Louis’ Item Shop
Requirements: Louis must be at 20 FP or higher
12 Spring – 16 Spring:
6.00 a.m.: Farm Inspection Event (Tale of the Endangered Weasel) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Gwen must have at least 5FP and you must have at least 1FP with an Animal apart from your Dog; Event will not occur in foul weather
N.B. Give both positive and negative responses to the three Quiz questions of the Harvest Goddess at the start of the game to gain +15 FP with Gwen
12 Spring – 13 Spring or 15 Spring – 17 Spring:
8.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Gina’s New Friend (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress) (Optional)
Location: Enter Ronald’s Grocery Store
Requirements: Gina must have 20 FP or higher and you must have met Katie previously.
N.B. By giving the negative or ‘second’ Responses to all three Questions posed by the Harvest Goddess, you can earn +15 FP with Gina at the start of the game.
16 Spring: Parsley’s Birthday
18 Spring – 21 Spring, 24 Spring:
6.00 a.m.: Lyla and Parsley’s Request (Tale of the Blue Mist and the Azure Swallowtails)
Location: Homestead
Other Requirements: Lyla must have 20 FP or higher, you must have met Parsley previously and have sold at least 4 Crops
N.B. The last possible opportunity to experience this Event to begin this Story is on 24 Spring. Give BOTH positive and negative Responses in the H. Goddess Quiz to gain 15 FP with Lyla on the first day of the game.
22 Spring – 26 Spring:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Goddess’ Love Conference: ‘I’ll Follow You’ (The Harvest Goddess Temple) (Optional)
Location: Enter the Goddess Spring area
Requirements: Harvest Goddess must have 20 FP or higher; Event will not occur in foul Weather
23 Spring:
6.00 a.m. Alice’s Position Event (Shoot for the Stars)
Location: Homestead
23 Spring – 26 Spring:
8.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Ronald’s Concern (The Legendary Baker) (Optional)
Location: Enter Ronald’s Grocery Store
Requirements: Ronald must be at 20 FP or higher; will not occur in foul weather
26 Spring – 28 Spring, 30 Spring or 2 Summer:
6.00 a.m. Katie’s Invitation (Tale of the Cake Contest) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
You must have met Wallace previously; Katie must have 20 FP or higher*
N.B. To gain +15 FP with Katie at the very start of the game, give negative responses to all three Questions posed by the Harvest Goddess
27 Spring: Lyla’s Birthday


1 Summer: Earth Day; Bob’s Birthday
2 Summer – 6 Summer:
6.00 a.m.: Where the Blue Flowers Bloom (Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtails)
Location: Homestead
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘Lyla and Parsley’s Request’ Event, have sold at least 8 Crops and have Lyla at 31 FP or higher; Event will not occur in foul weather
Results: This Event unlocks Blue Mist Seeds at Lyla’s Florist Shop
6.00 a.m. : Raise a Horse! (Tale of the Horse Race Champion) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Bob must have at least 30 FP, your Total Friendship Level with the Animals at Starling Ranch must be at least 40 FP and you cannot have purchased a Horse prior to this; Event will occur only if the weather is fine
Result: Bob will lend you the money to purchase a Horse! You will be given the Horse that has the highest Friendship Level, by the way. If you have a preference, favour that horse when you perform part-time labour for Bob.
N.B. You can gain +15 FP with Bob at the start of the game if you give the positive or ‘first’ answer to all three Questions posed by the Harvest Goddess
4 Summer – 8 Summer:
8.00 a.m. – 9.59 p.m. : The Lady of the Mansion Event (Tale of the Golden Potato Seed) (Optional)
Location: Enter Clove Villa
Other Requirements: Dia must have 36 FP or higher, you must have met Martha and Gina previously and Dia must be inside the Villa
N.B. Give only positive responses in the Harvest Goddess Quiz to gain 15 FP with Dia on the first day of the game.
8 Summer: Gwen’s Birthday
6.00 a.m. A Signboard for the Town Event (Shoot for the Stars)
Location: Homestead
9 Summer – 12 Summer, 14 Summer:
12.00 noon – 4.59 p.m. or 6.00 p.m. – 11.59 p.m.:: The Azure Swallowtail Nature Memorial Event (Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtails)
Location: Enter Sunny Garden Café/Moon Garden Pub
Other Requirements: You must have experienced Where the Blue Flowers Bloom Event, must have sold at least 12 Crops (excluding Mist Bloom) and have met Woody and Wallace previously
9 Summer – 13 Summer:
6.00 a.m.: Taking Care of Endangered Animals (Tale of the Endangered Weasel)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Gwen must be at 10 FP or higher and you must have at least 20 FP with an Animal other than your Dog; Event will not occur in foul weather.
6.00 a.m. Secret Tip: The Legendary Painting (The 100 Year Old Cherry Tree, Tim’s Path*) (Optional)
Location Homestead
Requirements: Tim must have at least 20 FP; Event will not occur in foul weather
*The 100 Year Old Cherry Tree has two separate paths in terms of Events. Tim is the protagonist in one path, while Parsley is the central character in the other. You only can experience ONE Path of Events in this Story after you experience the first mandatory Event, which is ‘Searching for the One Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree’).
6.00 a.m.: Create an Outfit for the Goddess (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Gina has at least 25 FP; Event will not occur in foul weather
N.B. This is the first Mandatory Event for the Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress
10 Summer: Joe’s Birthday
11 Summer – 30 Summer:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Withered Blue Mist Event (Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtails)
Location: Enter the Goddess Spring area
Other Requirements: You must have experienced previous Event in sequence, Blue Mist Flowers must be ready to harvest; this Event will not occur in foul Weather
14 Summer: Rudolph’s Birthday
14 Summer – 18 Summer:
6.00 a.m.: Talk to the Holy Father (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Gina has at least 30 FP and you must have experienced the ‘Create an Outfit for the Harvest Goddess’ Event
15 Summer: Zann’s Birthday
N.B. You will not meet Zann in the 1st Year
15 Summer – 19 Summer:
6.00 p.m. – 11.59 p.m.: Rudolph’s Drunken Tale: The Diamond’s Vein (The Secret Fossil) (Optional)
Location: Enter the Moon Garden Pub
Requirements: You must have at least 20 FP with Rudolph.
N.B. Choose all negative responses in the Quiz of the Harvest Goddess to gain +15 FP with Rudolph at the start of the game.
16 Summer – 19 Summer or 21 Summer:
6.00 a.m. to 5.59 p.m. The Sound of the Flute at Mallard Lake Event (Tale of the Blue Bird)
Location: Enter Sunny Garden Café/Moon Garden Pub area
Requirements: Aurelia must have at least 20 FP, you must have met Wallace previously; Event will not occur in foul weather*
*You will need to purchase the Ocarina from Louis’ Item Shop in order to complete the sequence of Events in this Tale. The Ocarina is a necessity if you wish to train your Dog to ‘search’ for items, including Power Berries.
N.B. Give both positive and negative Responses in the Harvest Goddess Quiz to gain 15 FP with Aurelia on the 1st day of the game.
16 Summer – 20 Summer:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Martha’s Memory (Rebirth of the Harvest Goddess Festival) (Optional)
Location: Enter Crystal Bay area
Requirements: Martha must be at 10 FP or higher; Weather must be fine
18 Summer – 22 Summer
8.00 a.m. – 9.59 p.m.: Affection from a Present Event (Golden Potato Seed) (Optional)
Location: Enter Clove Villa
Other Requirements: Dia must have 46 FP or higher and must be inside Clove Villa
19 Summer – 23 Summer:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Katie Participates in the Design! (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Enter the Clove Villa Area
Requirements: You must have met Katie previously; Gina must have at least 40 FP and you must have experienced the ‘Create an Outfit for the Harvest Goddess’ Event; this Event will not occur in foul weather
19 Summer – 28 Summer:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Goddess’ Happiness (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Enter the Goddess Spring area
Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘Katie Participates in the Design!’ Event; this Event requires fine weather
19 Summer – 26 Summer, 28 Summer or 3 Autumn:
10.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Sewing Technique (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Enter Louis’ Item Shop
Requirements: You must have met Louis previously; you must have experienced ‘The Goddess’ Happiness’ Event; Event will not occur on Wednesday or Saturday
20 Summer: Fireworks Day
21 Summer: Wallace’s Birthday
24 Summer: Chester’s Birthday
26 Summer or 28 Summer or 1 Autumn:
12.00 p.m. – 4.59 p.m.: The Legendary Flute Sound Event (Tale of the Bluebird)
Location: Enter Sunny Garden Café
Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘Sound of the Flute at Mallard Lake’ Event; Aurelia must be at 30 FP or higher; you must have met both Katie and Wallace previously; Event will not occur in foul weather
6.00 a.m.: The Sacred Land (The 100 Year Old Cherry Tree, Tim’s Path) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Tim must have at least 30 FP; Event will not occur in foul weather
27 Summer: Race Day
29 Summer – 3 Autumn:
6.00 p.m. – 11.59 p.m.: Rudolph’s Drunken Tale: To the Next Country (The Secret Fossil) (Optional)
Location: Enter the Moon Garden Pub
Requirements: Rudolph has at least 25 FP


1 Autumn – 5 Autumn:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Painting in the Church Basement (The Holy Masterpiece)
Location: Enter the Mallard Lake area
Requirements: You must have obtained at least 20 items from the Mine; Event will occur only if the Weather is fine
N.B. This is the first Mandatory Event and indeed, the first Event in The Holy Masterpiece Story
2 Autumn - 6 Autumn:
6.00 a.m. What is Written on the Treasure Map? Event (Tale of the Golden Potato Seed)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Dia has 61 FP or higher and you have met Tim previously
6.00 a.m. A Brief Parting (The 100 Year Old Cherry Tree, Parsley’s Path*) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Parsley must have at least +30 FP
*The 100 Year Old Cherry Tree has two separate paths in terms of Events. Tim is the protagonist in one path, while Parsley is the central character in the other. You only can experience ONE Path of Events in this Story after you experience the first mandatory Event, which is ‘Searching for the One Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree’.
6.00 a.m. The Running Shadow (Tale of the Endangered Weasel)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: You must have experienced the Taking Care of Endangered Animals Event, Gwen must be at 15 FP or higher, you must have at least 50 FP with an Animal other than your Dog; Event will not occur in foul weather.
2 Autumn: Louis’ Birthday
4 Autumn – 12 Autumn:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Dia’s Jealousy (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Enter the Clove Villa area
Requirements: You must have met Joe previously; Gina must be at 70 FP or higher; you must have experienced ‘The Sewing Technique’ Event; this Event will not occur in foul weather
4 Autumn – 13 Autumn:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Giving the Thread to the Goddess (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location; Enter the Goddess Spring area
Requirements: You must have experienced ‘Dia’s Jealousy’ and must be carrying the Silk Thread; weather must be fine
5 Autumn: Aurelia’s Birthday
7 Autumn – 11 Autumn:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m. Lyla’s Anxiety Event (Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtails)(Optional)
Location: Enter the Goddess Spring area
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘The Withered Blue Mist’ Event and Lyla must have 50 FP or higher; this Event will not occur in foul Weather.
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m. The Ocarina Challenge Event (Tale of the Blue Bird)
Location: Enter the Mallard Lake area
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘The Legendary Flute Sound’ Event; Aurelia must be at least 40FP; you must have your own Ocarina; Event will not occur in foul weather
8 Autumn – 11 Autumn, 13 Autumn or 15-16 Autumn
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Mysterious Blue Bird
Location: Enter Woody’s Carpentry area
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘The Ocarina Challenge’ Event and you must have met Gwen previously; Event will not occur in foul weather.
11 Autumn – 15 Autumn:
8.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Road to the Sacred Land Event (Golden Potato Seed) (Optional)
Location: Enter Woody’s Carpentry area
Other Requirements: Will not occur in foul Weather; you must have met Woody prior to this and Woody must be in the area
12 Autumn: Tim’s Birthday
13 Autumn – 17 Autumn:
6.00 p.m. – 11.59 p.m.: The Kindness of the People of Leaf Valley (The Secret Fossil) (Optional)
Location: Enter the Moon Garden Pub
Requirements: Rudolph is at 30 FP or higher
16 Autumn – 20 Autumn:
6.00 a.m.: Secret Tip: Fossil in the Mine (The 100 Year Old Cherry Tree, Tim’s Path) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Time must have at least 40 FP; Event will not occur in foul weather
6.00 a.m.: Seven-Colour Cloth Complete! (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: You must have experienced ‘Giving the Thread to the Goddess’ Event and Gina must have at least 80 FP; weather must be fine
16 Autumn – 24 Autumn:
8.00 a.m. – 9.59 p.m.: Taking the Seven-Colour Cloth to Gina (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Enter Clove Villa
Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘Seven-Colour Cloth Complete!’ Event and you must be carrying the Seven-Colour Cloth; Gina must be inside the Villa
20 Autumn: Gina’s Birthday
20 Autumn – 24 Autumn:
6.00 a.m. : Check the Old Scroll at the Church! Event (Golden Potato Seed) (Optional)
Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘What is Written on the Treasure Map’ Event and Dia’s FP must be 71 or higher
25 Autumn: Race Day
26 Autumn – 27 Autumn, 29 Autumn or 1 Winter:
6.00 a.m.: Welcome Home to Leaf Valley (The 100 Year Old Cherry Tree, Parsley’s Path) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: You must have experienced ‘A Brief Parting’ previously
Result: +10 FP increase for Parsley when you discuss his journey
26 Autumn or 28 Autumn, 3 Winter, 5 Winter or 10 Winter:
10.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m. Parental Distress (Silver Fish) (Optional)
Location: Enter Mallard Lake Area
Requirements: Joe or Kurt must have at least 30 FP and you must have met Woody previously; Event will not occur in foul weather
28 Autumn:
6.00 a.m. An Alarming Atmosphere Event (Shoot for the Stars)
Location: Homestead
29 Autumn: Katie’s Birthday


2 Winter: Woody’s Birthday
6.00 a.m. The Mysterious Crop-Ruining Bird Event (Shoot for the Stars)
Location: Homestead
6.01 a.m. – 5.59 p.m. Drive Back the Robot Crow! (Shoot for the Stars) (Optional)
Location: Enter area of Lyla’s Florist/Louis’ Item Shops
N.B. If you defeat the Crow, +10 FP increase for Alice
3 Winter – 7 Winter:
6.00 a.m.: Discovery of the Sacred Land (Tale of the Golden Potato Seed)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Will not occur in foul Weather; you must have experienced the ‘What is Written on the Treasure Map? Event, you must have sold at least 16 Crops (excluding Mist Bloom) and Dia’s FP must be 81 or higher
12.00 p.m. to 4.59 p.m.: Legend of the Blue Bird Event (Tale of the Blue Bird)
Location: Enter the Sunny Garden Café
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘The Mysterious Blue Bird’ Event; Aurelia must have 50 FP or higher
3 Winter – 8 Winter:
6.00 a.m.: The Mysterious Shadow’s Identity (Tale of the Endangered Weasel)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Gwen must have 30 FP or higher; Event will not occur in foul weather
4 Winter – 29 Winter
8.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Mysterious Seeds in the Sacred Land (Tale of the Golden Potato Seed)
Location: Enter the Sacred Land area
Other Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘Discovery of the Sacred Land’ Event (obviously!), have sold 20 or more Crops (excluding Mist Bloom) and have 9 Crops ready for Harvest in 9 squares in the Sacred Land Plot.
5 Winter – 29 Winter
11.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m. : Dia Perseveres Event (Golden Potato Seed) (Optional)
Location: Enter the Sacred Land area
Other Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘Mysterious Seeds in the Sacred Land’ Event, Dia must have 86 FP or higher and she must be in the Sacred Land area
N.B. Note that this Event must occur within three days of the ‘Mysterious Seeds’ Event, but if you experience the ‘Mysterious Seed’ Event on the 28th or 29th, you can experience this Event on 1 Spring or 2 Spring of the 2nd Year.
6 Winter:
6.00 a.m. Louis’ Achievement Event (Shoot for the Stars) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: This Event only occurs if you fail to experience ‘Drive Back the Robot Crow!’ or if you fail to defeat the Robot Crow
6 Winter – 10 Winter:
6.00 a.m.: Searching for the Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree (The Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree, Parsley’s Path)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Parsley must be at 50 FP or higher and Tim must have a lower FP than Parsley; you cannot have experienced ‘Secret Tip: The Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree, Tim’s Path); this Event will not occur in foul weather.
N.B. This is the first Mandatory Event in Parsley’s Path in this Story.
6.00 a.m.: Secret Tip: The Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree (The Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree, Tim’s Path)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: Tim must be at 50 HP or higher and Parsley must have a lower FP than Tim. You must have not have experienced the ‘Searching for the Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree’ Event; this Event will not occur in foul weather
N.B. This is the first Mandatory Event in Tim’s Path in this Story
6 Winter – 9 Winter, 11 Winter, 13 – 16 Winter or 18 Winter
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Gather Lumber! (The Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree)
Location: Enter Woody’s Carpentry area
Requirements: You must have met Woody previously and have experienced either Tim’s Event of ‘Secret Tip: Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree’ or Parsley’s Event, ‘Searching for the Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree; will not occur in foul weather
N.B. This Mandatory Event will occur on BOTH Tim’s and Parsley’s Paths
7 Winter – 20 Winter:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: The Hundred Year Old Cherry Tree: The Investigation Begins
Location: Enter the Sunny Garden Café area
Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘Gather Lumber!’ Event at least one day prior to this
N.B. This Mandatory Event occurs both on Parsley’s and Tim’s Paths
8 Winter – 29 Winter: The Sprouts Appear! Event (Golden Potato Seed) (Optional)
Location: Enter the Sacred Land area
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘Mysterious Seeds’ Event and ‘Dia Perseveres’ Event, Dia must have 91FP or higher and must be in the Sacred Land area
N.B. If you experience the ‘Mysterious Seed’ Event and ‘Dia Perseveres’ Event late in Winter, although this Event must occur within four days of the previous Event, it can occur from 1 Spring - 7 Spring of the 2nd Year.
9 Winter: Dia’s Birthday
10 Winter: Kurt’s Birthday
11 Winter – 13 Winter: The Fruit of Fortune (Tale of the Golden Potato Seed)
Location: Homestead
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘The Mysterious Seeds’ Event, sold more than 29 Crops (excluding Mist Bloom), have met both Woody and Parsley previously and have Dia at 95 FP or higher.
N.B. If you experienced the prior Events in this Sequence near the end of Winter, this Event can occur in the 2nd Year between 1 Spring – 4 Spring (5 days after the previous Event) or between 6 Spring – 10 Spring (7 days after the previous Event) at the latest.
Note that a final mandatory Event will occur between 2 Summer – 6 Summer in the 2nd Year when you leave your Farmhouse but by experiencing the ‘Fruit of Fortune’ Event, you have succeeded in the Quest to save the Land.
14 Winter:
6.00 a.m. Sold to the Mine Event
Results: Part-Time Work no longer available at the Dig Site until 24 Winter
15 Winter – 19 Winter:
6.00 a.m.: Where the Fossil is Hidden (The Secret Fossil)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: You have obtained at least 25 items from the Mine, excluding Mineral Crystals
N.B. This is the first Mandatory Event in ‘The Secret Fossil’ Story
20 Winter:
6.00 a.m. The Mechanical Mole in the Mine Event (Shoot for the Stars)
Location: Homestead
6.01 a.m. – 5.59 p.m. Drive Back the Mechanical Mole Event (Shoot for the Stars) (Optional)
Location: Enter the Dig Site
Results: If you defeat the Mechanical Mole, +10 FP to Alice, you unlock the Mechanical Mole area of the Dig Site and Part-Time Work at the Dig Site will become available again on 24 Winter.
21 Winter:
6.00 a.m. Rudolph’s Protest Event (Shoot for the Stars) (Optional)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: This Event will occur only if you failed to experience the Drive Back the Mechanical Mole Event at the Mine or if you failed to defeat it.
21 Winter – 25 Winter:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: Save Rudolph! (The Secret Fossil)
Location: Dig Site of the Mine
Requirements: You must have experienced the ‘Where the Fossil is Hidden’ Event and Rudolph must have at least 40 FP
22 Winter or 24-27 Winter:
6.00 a.m.: To Save the Village… (Tale of the Silver Fish)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: You must have caught at least one Fish; Event will not occur in foul weather
23 Winter: Liar’s Day; Charles’ Birthday
24 Winter – 28 Winter:
6.00 a.m. – 5.59 p.m.: I Hate Winter! Event (Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtails) (Optional)
Location: Enter area of Lyla’s Florist/Louis’ Item Shops
Other Requirements: You must have experienced ‘The Withered Blue Mist’ Event, have met Louis previously and Lyla must have 60 FP or higher; Event will not occur in foul weather
25 Winter: Martha’s Birthday
25 Winter – 29 Winter:
6.00 a.m. Unveiling of the Goddess’ Clothes (Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress)
Location: Homestead
Requirements: you must have experienced the ‘Taking the Seven-Colour Cloth to Gina’ Event and Gina must have at least 100 FP.
30 Winter: New Year’s Day Festival

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