Thursday, April 29, 2010

Raising Friendship Levels in Hero of Leaf Village

'Hero of Leaf Village' follows basic Harvest Moon rules where Friendship is concerned. Your Friendship Levels with specific Characters will determine your success or failure in any specific quest to save the Land. Beyond that, marriage is a possibility once you have saved the Land from destruction and therefore, your Friendship Levels with the Eligible Girl of your choice will determine your prospects for marriage.

In 'Hero of Leaf Valley', 'meeting and greeting' any Character on a given day will raise Friendship by +1 FP. A gift of a 'Most Favourite Item' is worth +3 FP. A simple Favourite is worth +2 FP and an acceptable Gift is worth +1 FP. Unlike many other Harvest Moon games, unacceptable or disliked items simply will be refused. You therefore cannot 'waste' an item by giving it to some one who will not appreciate it.

You are allowed to give one Gift per day to any Character. There is one added twist to this in that an item that has been refused counts as the gift for the day even though it was not accepted. You therefore can waste your opportunity to give a desired Gift, although you cannot waste an actual item.

Gift-giving is fairly easy in Hero. There are a number of inexpensive items that can be found in the Wilds that are acceptable to almost every Character in the game. These include Fruits and Berries, Red Herb, Flowers and any size of Fish. Crops and Eggs are acceptable as well to most Characters. There are only a few exceptions. Chester does not care for Crops, while Joe does not like Red Herb. Ponta likes ONLY Fish.

Although most Characters will not appreciate the Gift of Fodder, there are a number who do. Bob, Chester, Joe, Parsley, Ronald and Rudolph all will accept Fodder happily. As the Meadow on your Homestead is filled with fully ripened Grass that needs only the use of a Sickle to be transformed into Fodder, this item makes a perfect gift for the individuals who appreciate it.

Another item of little general value but which is appreciated by a few is a Failed Dish. Aurelia, Chester, Rudolph and Zann all will accept Failed Dishes with pleasure.

Insects, on the other hand, will be acceptable solely to Tim, who collects them and actually will pay for them. Scrap Metal can be given to Zann in a sequence of transactions that ultimately can allow you to obtain Accessories.


  1. apeiron.zeronine@yahoo.comApril 30, 2010 at 2:52 AM

    Whoa! It's the legendary freya! I've been following you since your guide in Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town. I'm a big fan of yours and I'm really happy to see your own blog because I thought it would be difficult to contact you. Its like a dream come true for me today. No kidding! Its great that you've done a Guide to Hero of Leaf Village I just got the game today and it is the psp version of Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland if I'm not mistaken. Geez! I'm an avid fan of yours. Your a Harvest Goddess if harvest moon is concerned. I hope we can stay in touch.

    Love Lots! Your Avid Fan! :D

  2. Thank you for your very flattering comment. Please understand that my guides for HoLV are very much 'works in progress' at this point, but I am working feverishly to complete them as quickly as I can. I am going to make the 1st and 2nd Year Events Calendar Guides a priority because they will be critical in helping players complete the main Quest of saving Leaf Valley.

  3. apeiron.zeronine@yahoo.comMay 1, 2010 at 12:22 AM

    Well my comment says it all I guess since I'am a HUGE fan! Haha! Hm I can't believe no one is doing any comments. It's a chance to greet you and they let it go. I guess more freya for me then? Haha! I would faint for an autograph! Hahaha! And yes your guides in HoLV is still quite in progress since I've seen you only got the Bdays and no Heart and Rival events yet. I'm thinking if I'm gonna play the game already or to wait for your guide to be finished. Hmmmm. I guess I'll just finish day one. :D

  4. HoLV is a little different from other Harvest Moon games. The first two years basically are devoted to the Quest of saving the land. The Events in the Story Quests are as close as you get to Heart Events until you have saved the land. I have posted all the Events that can occur in the first Spring and most of those for Summer in my 1st Year Events Calendar (and posted directly on this site). 'Meet and Greet' the Eligible Girls every day and give them easy gifts they like. That will unlock the Story Events in which they participate and help you in your courtship ultimately.

  5. apeiron.zeronine@yahoo.comMay 1, 2010 at 11:47 PM

    Wow. You play really fast. I'll take notes on the event on your first year calendar. Well HoLV is totally different from the harvest moon games I've played before. It is much more realistic since you can do part time jobs. I've discovered a trick on how to recharge your stamina for free simply by working on the mines and saying that you don't know how to mine. The technique is to work in the day and go to the mine before 1pm and TA-DA! Stamina is back to normal! (Quite normal if I say. Haha!) But im finding difficulties in acquiring coals. Even if I found one, the only item left in my bag is the mineral stone. Boohoo. Hm I wish the harvest goddess could be married because she tells stories about its unfair to be a Goddess since there are many couples getting inlove. I'm just at my day 16th of Spring and boy Chickens are CHEAP! ^-^

  6. You unlock the Mine by continuing to work Part-Time for Rudolph. You probably have unlocked it by now...

    The ability to chop Lumber for yourself is unlocked in the same way.
