Sunday, March 7, 2010

Russell Crowe's Oscar lives with his Chickens

The famous New Zealand actor, Russell Crowe, one of the more notorious 'bad boys' of the cinema has performed one action that might give him 'Hero Farmer' Status if Harvest Moon Halls of Fame existed in the 'real world'. He reportedly keeps the Oscar he won for his performance in the film 'Gladiator' in a chicken coop on his ranch in Australia where, he claims, it has inspired his hens to lay larger eggs.

Hmm... if only we could place the Trophies we win in Animal Parade in our Barns and Coops to inspire our Animals to produce superior Ranch Products instead of endless brushing and petting...


  1. Too true~ :)
    It would be awesome if the Trophies did carry over benefits instead of being purely ornamental in nature. Like, maybe a boost in friendship levels with the Wish Trophy!
    Oh, and thank you very much for letting me send you my essay on the Wizard! I've recently made a new one about Chase and my theory about him being a Gourmet. I've put it in my blog: I would really appreciate it if you place the link on your awesome website!

  2. Jan, ordinarily I would reject any comment that contained a link, so please do not add them in future. I have added a link to your site on my Harvest Moon fan fiction page: 'We Love Harvest Moon' as well as a little post about your articles. I found them very interesting, incidentally, with my own lifelong obsession with magic and mythology!

  3. Oh! I apologize--I'm afraid I didn't know. Thank you so much for placing my link on "We Love Harvest Moon"! I hope I will be able to write more essays on Harvest Moon--it is full of the most fascinating things~

  4. No problem. The reason I prohibit links in comments is because of the many unscrupulous posters who are nothing more than shameless capitalist advertisers. I will not lend my site to any of that. Even where the link is not commercial, however, this IS my site and I feel responsible for all content on it. I do not have the technical ability to search the links for potential viruses or worms or whatever or to see where they ultimately lead. It is easier simply to ban all links.
