Saturday, January 9, 2010

He May Not be a God, but... He's definitely Romantic!

The Harvest King is magnificent but he is immortal and it is difficult to compare any God with a mere human. At 8 Hearts, however, the Wizard's dialogue won my heart when he told me:

Wizard: I haven’t lived as long as the Harvest King or Harvest Goddess... But I wouldn’t trade a long life for the opportunity of having met you...

At 3 Hearts, each Character in Animal Parade will confide a Wish to you. I'm afraid that the Wizard is rather maligned when his Wish is conveyed to the Wishing Shrine. His original Wish, as confided to Freya was that he wished he could have a telescope that would pierce the very heart of the universe. This is a deeply profound philosophical wish but when his Wish is transferred to the Wishing Shrine, it becomes 'I want a super-powerful telescope'. This makes him sound like a child who wants a particularly cool toy rather than a magician who wishes he could solve the ultimate mysteries of the universe.

Never mind, though. At least Freya understands him perfectly. Thank God there are three save slots in Animal Parade, allowing her to stay true to the Wizard in one while still dallying with an Immortal God in another!

Incidntally, although one can begin to court the Witch Princess from the instant when she is transformed by the Wizard from a Frog back into a Princess, my own advice would be to wait until you have the Secret of the Animal Whistle. Until then, you will be forced to smash and chop your way through the maze of the Fugue Forest whenever you wish to visit her. Once you have the Secret of the Animal Whistle, the Hippo will glide effortlessly and instantly into the swamp-filled clearing, taking you directly to her door. Although you do need to collect materials in the form of lumber and Material Stone for building upgrades, courting the Witch Princess is far less frustrating if you can bypass the Fugue Forest Maze.


  1. Another admirer of the the Wizard! :D I love reading your Guides, and thanks to your gift-giving guide I was able to raise Toby to 6 hearts before my first Summer Season ended. :D I would like you to see an essay that I have written about the Wizard on my own blog, but I would like to send it to you too...

  2. Please do email it to me personally, Jan. If you wish, I could add it to my 'We Love Harvest Moon' fan fiction site as well...
