Saturday, November 14, 2009

Animal Parade Calendar of Birthdays and Festivals

This is the Calendar of Birthdays and Festivals I created for the Animal Parade General Guide.

Here is my preliminary Calendar of Birthdays and Festivals. The items listed with each Birthday are 'suggested easy gifts'. What this means is that they are items that you can obtain very easily even at the start of the game and if not the 'Most Favourite Gift', nonetheless a Birthday Gift that will be acknowledged happily and therefore will raise Friendship/Affection Levels as well as eliciting an acknowledgement that it is the Character's Birthday.

Note that you must have at least 10 Characters at 3 Hearts in order to begin the Purple Bell Quest. Remembering Birthdays is an excellent way to start.

Although the Birthdays of all Eligible Bachelors will be included on your Calendar if your Character is a Girl and similarly, the Birthdays of all Eligible Girls included if your Character is male, no other Birthdays ever are added, even when you give a Gift to some one on his/her Birthday.

The only Gifts that will be recognised AS Birthday Gifts by any Character are those items that meet with a response either of a 'burst of hearts' or a 'single heart'. The Gifts that are received with a burst of musical notes, while accepted happily by an individual, will not elicit any Birthday acknowledgement.
The dates of all Birthdays and Festivals are listed in this Calendar with a suggested Birthday Gift in brackets next to each Birthday. The Items may not be a ‘Most Favourite Gift’ but it will be a gift that is easy to obtain and one that is inexpensive and yet will raise Friendship and Love Levels. For each Season, all Crops and Flowers that can be grown have been listed as well as all Items found in the Wilds. A Fish section has been included for each Season, providing a list of those varieties of Fish that can be caught ONLY in that specific Season or during two Seasons at most. More detailed information about ALL varieties of Fish is provided in the Fishing section of the Guide as well as the Items Shipping List Guide. Where I have listed ‘Sea Urchin’ as a preferred Gift, it indicates for the most part that ANY raw shellfish collected at the shore would be acceptable, including Mussels, Oysters and Clams. Shellfish tends to be seasonal.


Spring Crops

Spring Crops are as follows:
Single Harvest Crops: Cabbage, Lettuce, Potato, Spicy Pepper, Turnip
Multiple Harvest Crops: Cocoa, Flax, Strawberry, Wheat
Spring Flowers: Hyacinth, Lavender, Pansy, Pinkcat Flower, Tulip
Items found in the Wilds: Blue Herb, Green Herb, Purple Herb, Yellow Herb, Blueberry, Raspberry
On the Beach: Sea Urchins

Spring Fish

Spring and Summer: Dorado,
Spring and Autumn: Mackerel, Skull Jellyfish
Spring and Winter: Huchen, Pacific Halibut, Pacific Herring, Rock Trout, Tarpon, Yellowtail

Spring Festivals and Birthdays

5 Spring: Ramsey’s Birthday (Herbal Tea, Turnip)
6 Spring: Ruth’s Birthday (Tulip, Sakura Seashell)
9 Spring: Toby’s Birthday (Sea Urchin, Sakura Sea Shell)
13 Spring: Hamilton’s Birthday (Tulip)
14 Spring: Flower Festival
17 Spring: Phoebe’s Birthday (Mushroom (White), Iron or any Refined Ore, Yellow Wonderful)
20 Spring: Perry’s Birthday (Tulip, Herbal Tea)
21 Spring: Hayden’s Birthday (Sea Urchin, any cocktail)
22 Spring: Theodore’s Circus
23 Spring: Chase’s Birthday (Sea Urchin)
25 Spring: Luna’s Birthday (Tulip, Sakura Seashell)
27 Spring: Sue’s Birthday (Tulip, Pineapple Juice)
28 Spring: Animal Festival


Summer Crops

Single Harvest Crops: Blue Herb, Cucumber, Green Herb, Honeydew, Onion, Sugarcane, Tea Leaves, Watermelon
Multiple Harvest Crops: Corn, Tomato
Summer Flowers: Begonia, Hibiscus, Lily, Morning Glory, Sunflower
Items Found in the Wilds: Green Herb, Purple Herb, Red Herb, Yellow Herb, Blackberry, Raspberry
On the Beach: Mussels and Oysters

Summer Fish

Spring and Summer: Dorado
Summer and Autumn: Bonito, Conger Eel, King Salmon

Summer Festivals and Birthdays

3 Summer: Kathy’s Birthday (Sea Urchin, Mussel)
6 Summer: Cain’s Birthday (Boiled Egg, Corn)
7 Summer: Firefly Festival
8 Summer: Luke’s Birthday (Tulip, Banana)
10 Summer: Yolanda’s Birthday (Herbal Tea, Boiled Egg)
14 Summer: Dale’s Birthday (Remedy, any Cocktail)
17 Summer: Summer Festival
18 Summer: Owen’s Birthday (Boiled Egg, Sea Urchin, Mussel)
19 Summer: Taylor’s Birthday (Tulip)
21 Summer: Samson’s Birthday (Coconut, Hibiscus)
23 Summer: Barbara’s Birthday (Tulip, Pinkcat Flower)
26 Summer: Selena’s Birthday (Sakura Seashell, Sea Urchin, Mussel)
27 Summer: Chloe’s Birthday (Tulip)


Autumn Crops

Single Harvest Crops: Carrot, Grape, Purple Herb, Red Herb, Rice, Spinach
Multiple Harvest Crops: Bell Pepper, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Yam
Autumn Flowers: Blue Mist, Chrysanthemum, Cosmos, Moondrop, Rose
Items Found in the Wilds: Blue Herb, Green Herb, Red Herb, Yellow Herb, Blueberry, Cranberry
On the Beach: Clams

Autumn Fish

Spring and Autumn: Mackerel, Skull Jellyfish
Summer and Autumn: Bonito, Conger Eel, King Salmon
Autumn Only: Salmon
Autumn and Winter: Angler Fish and Cod

Autumn Festivals and Birthdays

2 Autumn: Bo’s Birthday (Tulip, Mushroom*)
5 Autumn: Renee’s Birthday (Sakura Sea Shell, Sea Urchin, Mussel)
6 Autumn: Craig’s Birthday (Raspberry Cocktail, any Cocktail)
14 Autumn: Moon Festival
16 Autumn: Anissa’s Birthday (Tulip, Blue Herb, Herbal Tea)
20 Autumn: Irene’s Birthday (Purple Herb, Herbal Tea)
21 Autumn: Julius’ Birthday (Tulip, Rose, Herbal Tea)
22 Autumn: Theodore’s Circus
24 Autumn: Maya’s Birthday (Sea Urchin, Mussel)
27 Autumn: Harvest Festival
28 Autumn: Jake’s Birthday (Hyacinth, any Cocktail)


Winter Crops

Single Harvest Crops: Buckwheat, Yellow Herb
Multiple Harvest Crops: None
Winter Flowers: Anemone, Green Bell Flower, Snowflake Flower
Items found in the Wilds: Blue Herb, Green Herb, Purple Herb, Red Herb, Blackberry, Cranberry
On the Beach: Laver Seaweed

Winter Fish

Autumn and Winter: Angler Fish and Cod
Spring and Winter: Huchen, Pacific Halibut, Pacific Herring, Rock Trout, Tarpon, Yellowtail

Winter Festivals and Birthdays

2 Winter: Gill’s Birthday (Tomato Juice, Blue Herb, Remedy)
3 Winter: Pascal’s Birthday (Sea Urchin)
4 Winter: Hanna’s Birthday (Sakura Seashell, Morning Glory)
5 Winter: Harmony Day Festival
7 Winter: Candace’s Birthday (Snowflake Flower, Herbal Tea)
8 Winter: Simon’s Birthday ( Remedy, Yam)
10 Winter: Mira’s Birthday (Sakura Seashell)
11 Winter: Starry Night Festival
12 Winter: Colleen’s Birthday (Rose, any Cocktail)
14 Winter: Calvin’s Birthday (Sea Urchin, Boiled Egg, any Cocktail)
19 Winter: Shelly’s Birthday (Tulip, Sakura Seashell)
20 Winter: Paolo’s Birthday (Sea Urchin, any Shellfish)
22 Winter: Theodore’s Circus
23 Winter: Ozzie’s Birthday (Sea Urchin)
26 Winter: Jin’s Birthday (Herbal Tea)
28 Winter: New Year’s Festival

*Mushroom is the White Mushroom, not the Common Mushroom

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