Saturday, October 31, 2009

When Sparks Fly in Vaughn's Heart Events in Sunshine Island

Although Will captured my heart the moment I first encountered him, I still find Vaughn very attractive. Remembering the huge outpouring of female romantic interest in Vaughn when Island of Happiness was released, I felt I owed it to the devoted fans of Vaughn to share some of his new Events in Sunshine Islands. This video explores his Blue and Green Heart Events:


  1. Your descriptions are interesting but I cant see any of the videos. Sunshine Islands sound like a game I definitely want!

  2. I often upload the videos as soon as YouTube creates the link. Sometimes it takes half an hour or so for YouTube to process the video fully. Try again... If you cannot see any of the videos tomorrow, do let me know. I can view all of them from my site.

  3. nice thnxz 4 puting that on i was one of the girls that was(...ok is)love sick over i love this.hey can u think of wich girl i am heres a hint i left off quickly saying gtg and allways wright srry about the spelling.

    ps. im ur #1 fan. and i just pre orderd the sunshin island

  4. 'Vaughn's Sweetheart' perhaps? Even though I still rather fancy him myself and always shall, no doubt, despite my instant and passionate response to Will!

  5. I can see the videos perfectly and I watched them the other day... maybe it's just your computer, True_Dragon_Master...

  6. It was a security program that is downloaded on my computer. Videos downloaded on sites like this one where blocked and I had to undo that. I solved the problem today after much messing around with flash player.

  7. How come you dont have any of lily's heart events and only her rival heart events?

  8. Anon, I wasn't aware of the missing section in the file until you brought it to my attention here. It has been restored, but the corrected file will not be published by IGN until Monday. I therefore have posted the schedule of Lily's Heart Events on this site. Sorry about that! Can't imagine how it happened.
