Friday, October 2, 2009

Move Over, Vaughn!


As much as I responded to Vaughn's physical appearance in Island of Happiness, I really rather detested his surly disposition and lack of good manners. One is sympathetic to the difficult, rather lonely life he led in his childhood, but orphans and those whom fortune has not favoured have been known to behave far better in the face of social deprivation.
Nonetheless, as I always had a weakness for young men with long silver hair, I courted Vaughn in Island of Happiness with single-minded determination (even though I went through the Courtship and Marriage moves with every bachelor, never saving the results afterwards).

Now, however, I have to declare that I have met some one who embodies all of my fantasies and dreams. With aristocratic bearing (and a string of names to equal his lineage), a love of animals, a chivalrous disposition, impeccable manners AND the 'peaches and cream' 6th form sort of wildly attractive looks that captures my heart instantly, I cannot find a single flaw in this Eligible Bachelor. He is a REAL Prince Charming but I cannot say anything else about him at this point in time...

Just to let you know that upcoming Harvest Moon games have some wonderful romantic surprises in store for players... Nor have male players been shorted here. There is an exquisite new Eligible Girl for them and they ALWAYS had the Witch Princess, who is one of my favourite characters, although I really could not bear to slaughter animals even for her.


  1. OH GOD, I KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Though I have get to actually *get* him in my game.

  2. I KNOW TOO. W right? gives everyone a harder time to choose between who to marry but i can't wait to get him in the next game!

    love your blog and faqs, btw!

  3. Is this in Frantic Farming. Omg I'm gettng the game today. I wonder who it is. Though in IoH I preferred Shea.

  4. Not Frantic Farming. As that has been released, I am at liberty to post whatever I wish about Frantic Farming. This is the OTHER sequel to Island of Happiness... and I am dying to write about it, but am not allowed to do so yet! And yes, the name begins with a 'double U'... Any one who loved IoH will absolutely adore the next one.

  5. I now what you mean about silver hair. I like Skye from ds cute. I have never played any of the island games are they good? I am considering getting one.
    So far I have played fomt, rune factory, and ds cute.

  6. I think I know who you are talking about now. Is he the blondie?

  7. Hi Freya,

    I'm an avid Harvest Moon gamer and I always read your FAQS for guidance, tips and tricks to the game. I've been playing since MFoMT in GBA and I ALWAYS get bored after I get married. Getting pregnant takes 30 days of marriage while actually being pregnant takes 60 days. In IoH, you have to wait TWO years until your child is able to get out of bed. I'm just asking how you have the patience to wait for 2 years. Doesn't it get boring? :\ I also want to experience all rival heart events but I won't get to see all their heart events until year 4! Do you have any suggestions to make the game more interesting for Harvest Moon players who absolutely cannot wait for two years just farming, mining, shipping, foraging and fishing? Thanks!

  8. TooBored, in all honesty, the activities you mention really are what Harvest Moon (and Rune Factory, with the addition of combat and collecting War Trophies)is all about. One of the real goals in any Harveset Moon game is to complete your Shipping List. That means you need to find every item that exists in any game. If you focus on that rather than waiting for your child to grow old enough to leave the crib, the time will pass quickly.

    I actually never have enough time to do everything I wish to do in ANY Harvest Moon or Rune Factory day. I never go to bed before midnight!

  9. Anon, yes indeed: fair of hair and fair of face, filled with every form of grace. I wish he'd deliver Thanksgiving 'Cookies' to my door in real life!

  10. True Dragon Master, if you enjoy a challenge, IoH is one of the best. It probably has the most realistic farming system of all Harvest Moon/Rune Factory games. Each Crop has specific Sunlight and Water requirements, imitating real life. Courtship is more complex as well, in that the answer you give during any Heart Event determines your future 'path' in terms of the rest of the Heart Events. It's an incredible game, but you do need patience and determination. The new Island game is equally good and yet different enough to satisfy any player.

  11. Thanks Freya, what does loH stand for? It sounds like fun, I enjoy those kind of challenges. I will probably wait for the new one to come out so I can see and decide between several. Is there a official website for harvest moon where I can check its progress?

  12. TooBored, I hear ya buddy! I've also been playing HM games since MFoMT and I've never been able to face continuing the game much beyond getting married. In fact, I believe Cliff is still waiting for our wedding day, bless him...! I think my problem is I start each new game determined that this will be the one - I WILL see every event possible, I WILL win every festival, unlock every crop/Harvest Sprite/recipe etc., I WILL wait until I've married off all my rivals before getting married myself... and then I do all that, realise I'm over four years into the game already and I simply can't face the drudgery of repeating the same old tasks, day after day, just to see a couple of new events and meet a couple of new characters. I'd actually vowed to give up on HM after Island of Happiness because I just keep disappointing myself. And then I did some research on Sunshine Islands, prompted by Freya's comments on here, and oh look I'm sucked back in again...!

    So this time I have a plan. When I get the new game, I'm going to forget about wooing all the eligible bachelors and seeing all available heart events. I'm going to pick one as soon as I can and marry him as soon as I'm able! Hopefully this will be early enough in the game then that there'll still be loads of new stuff to do and see while I'm waiting for the inevitable child to be born (I've NEVER even got near a HINT of a baby in my previous HM games and it's about time I sorted it out!)

    Of course, the game could throw a spanner in the works by not making my chosen bachelor available until most of the in-game tasks have been completed. I got stung by this in IoH - I was desperate to marry Shea, but as the Jungle was the last area to be unlocked, I found very little to do after I married. I suppose I could have sucked it up and married Vaughn much earlier in the game instead, but I'm afraid even his silver-haired good looks couldn't make up for his deficiencies in tact and charm... Denny was also a candidate, but that weird bird thing he had going on was far too creepy!

    So I suppose only time will tell with the new game. One thing I would say though Freya, is you don't necessarily need a love of ALL ingame activities to love the games as a whole. I absolutely love growing crops and mining, absolutely despise the drudgery of looking after animals (don't get me wrong, I like having the animals, but the daily monotony of brush/speak to/milk *rinse, repeat ad nauseum* drives me insane...) And I understand that the games try to encourage you to spend time following all pursuits, but just for once it would be nice if you didn't feel as if you were being penalised for ignoring those aspects you simply don't like doing (I'm not just thinking of the farming degree here - the Harvest Sprite rescue system in HMDS and visitors depending on some arbitrary unseen task list in IoH also count to an extent - at least TELL me I need 42 cows and 37 chickens to unlock the Harvest Sprite/Villager etc. I'm not a freakin' dairy farmer! I'm simply not going to accumulate herds and herds of cattle just for the sh*ts and giggles!)

    And yet... and yet... despite it's annoyances, despite my inability to keep playing long enough to produce a child, I find myself irresistibly drawn back into the HM universe time and time again. And come November, I can't see things being any different :)

  13. Midna, I do understand what you guys are saying. I really do, and in fact, there are times when I grow weary of my HM chores. When that occurs, I take a little break... To me, though, there is a sort of 'meditation' spiritual value in the repetition of the chores. If you think of it that way, then you don't find it onerous. It's only when you know you have to do something a specific number of times in order to achieve a goal or unlock something new that it can become frustrating. If you just play from day to day and 'go with the rhythm', you can play indefinitely.

    By the way, for those who would rather choose between farming and ranching than being forced to excel in both, a new Harvest Moon game is on the horizon. There will be two separate villages and the one you choose as your own will dictate your career...

    True Dragon Master, IoH is Island of Happiness. Working on the next game in the series now, I have to say that the two games are different enough to merit playing both!

  14. Thanks for the suggestion Freya Island of Happiness looks really interesting. I might get it but could someone answer this one question first? I looked on game spot and all the description said was that the d.s. controls where very difficult and made the game unenjoyable. Is that true? I am exited to see the new game when it comes out. Minda I know what you mean. I was about 1 week away from marrying in Fomt. I don't like watering plants but I really enjoy taking care of animals. They should let you design you own game.

  15. True Dragon Master, I have heard this complaint before where IoH is concerned, but that definitely is NO reason not to play the game or enjoy it. Yes, IoH tried to use the Touchscreen more, probably because some players had complained bitterly that HM games didn't use the Touchscreen ENOUGH. You never can win, can you? The only problem really occurs when you are placing Building materials for fences because you have to stand in a precise position in order to throw the item down. If you aren't careful, the item will vanish... All you have to do then is save the game BEFORE you throw the building material on the ground each time. You only need to make a pen once and you don't NEED to have pens if you don't want to take your animals out of the barns... so it's not something that destroys enjoyment of the game entirely! SI will be fabulous, but IoH has stuff that no other game has, such as many different paths for each heart event. It's an amazingly complex game.

  16. OMG Freya I have always loved the excitement of ranching but the laborious task of farming (buying, planting watering, harvesting, repeat) has always made my frustration reach it's limit. If there is a new game where you can pick one or the other I will be SOOOO happy! I, too, have been playing since MFoMT and once planted hordes of turnips in the spring, only to remember the next day that I couldn't water most of them (I don't ever feel the need to put the effort into mining for ore to upgrade tools...)!!Since then I have always been careful to plant my crops 1 space apart but farming has always been an annoying task for me. Ranching 4 life!!!

  17. i think u are right on most things but i did not think W. was better then vaughn or at least not to me. vaughn is every thing i would want in a guy (i would normaly wright out a bunch of reasons why i think this but i just was wrighting a very long comment on this when my sister hit the X and now iv wasted 15 minets of my life with not a thing to show for it)so im sill think Vaughn is beter and not just cause he is hot

  18. The controls for IoH have really turned me off from trying the game, but if they're not that bad, like you say, and the game is that different and good, maybe I should give it a shot. I'm DEFINITELY getting Sunshine Islands though. It looks fantastic, it has button controls, and I get a stuffed animal pig for pre-ordering it! :)

  19. Anonymous lover of Vaughn, well, of course there are those who will continue to choose Vaughn over ANY new bachelor and those who will continue to choose Elliot, Denny, Shea, Mark or... The ability to CHOOSE between characters as diverse as these is the beauty of Harvest Moon and Rune Factory.

    Vaughn is the 'strong, silent type'. I never liked that in a man. I loved Vaughn in a most superficial fashion, for his physical beauty and with the 'lame duck' syndrome that always has distinguished my romances in real life (to my own detriment). My heart goes out to the orphan, to the outcast, the outsider... and so on. W. is none of these, but he represents the 'flower of chivalry' as well as being extremely good-looking and he's wonderfully articulate. As a writer, I love wordsmiths, so he is a natural choice for me. In any case, I shouldn't wax too articulate on the topic of bachelors in this particular game at this point in time.

    I will state, however, for the record, that Vaughn's overly-protective attitude towards women annoyed me slightly, only because of its parochial nature. I love the fact that he cares, BUT not the fact that he categorically assumes all women should be locked down for the night. You can see it at work in Frantic Farming in his relationship with Sabrina, who is perfectly suited to him because she is terrified of the dark.

  20. And, by the way, lest any one take exception with my statements, I did find Vaughn wildly attractive in IoH and he WAS my choice of husband... All I am saying now is that there's some one I prefer in the sequel. As I do court and marry all Bachelors and Eligible Girls when time permits, I do appreciate the best qualities of each. Ultimately, it's nothing more than personoal preference that leads a player to choose one over another.

  21. Oh gosh... just experienced a new Event with Vaughn that melted my heart... 'I don't have a way with words', he confesses, and then is willing to eat humble pie, as it were. I still carry a bit of a torch for him after all.

  22. oh wow me to that one of the resones(srry for the spelling) i like the strong silent type cause there allmost allways a outsider or outcast. its weird because im allmost nothing like him, i love people but i just cant get them to like me back and i never was abale to fit in at school and im not a talker and im kinda anti sochal(srry again for the spelling) i am kinda like and i think his over portecteveness(srry) is a littal bad but also kinda sweat he realy cares gtg

  23. i had to end my comment but i'll finsh it latter im not over

  24. Ohhhmygod. I am so stuck between Vaughn and Will in this game. I love the mysterious, silent, sexy Vaughn, but I adore the cute, handsome, sweet-talking Will.

    I have to agree with previous comments though, I really don't like the monotonous chores you have to do day after day. I literally have no money to buy items because I spend all day talking to people and buying gifts. >_< Ugghhh!
