Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Calendar for original Rune Factory DS

Rune Factory, A Fantasy Harvest Moon, was the first game in the Rune Factory series and therefore was our introduction to Kardia and the Characters who lived there. Some of the Characters from Kardia went to Alvarna and thus Rune Factory 2 is set in the same universe and indeed makes reference to more than one Character from the original game.

You will find Cecilia, a little girl in Kardia in this game, has become an adult in Alvarna in Rune Factory 2. Her birthday will remain the same and indeed, her likes and dislikes will not have changed much.

Rune Factory Frontier introduced owners of a Wii to the Rune Factory universe and many of the Characters from Kardia can be found (and courted) in Trampoli. Again, their birthdays as well as most of their likes and dislikes will remain unchanged from game to game. The main difference between the three games is the English names of some of the Cooked Dishes that are ‘Most Favourites’.

For example, in Rune Factory Frontier, Tabatha will declare that she loves ‘Rice Porridge’, the dish that is her Most Favourite in the original Rune Factory. The Dish she actually loves best in Rune Factory Frontier, however, goes by the name of Oatmeal.

Even Characters who do not appear physically in Trampoli can be part of the landscape of Rune Factory Frontier. Rosetta returns to Kardia temporarily when her father Jean becomes ill. At the various Contests, you may hear references to other Characters from Rune Factory. Both Wesley and Gordon evidently communicate with Stella, the ‘Sister’ at the Church in Trampoli.

In fact, your character in Rune Factory Frontier is Raguna. Once again, he is suffering from amnesia, although he vaguely recalls his purpose in leaving Kardia, which is to search for Mist. Mist has come to Trampoli, and thus Rune Factory Frontier begins a new chapter in their lives...

Here, however, is a Calendar for the original Rune Factory (A Fantasy Harvest Moon) DS. It lists all Festivals and Birthdays. With each Birthday listing are two suggested Gifts. The first is the 'Most Favourite Gift' in most cases. The second is an item that the Character particularly likes/loves that either is less expensive or easier to obtain.

In fact, the entire issue of 'Most Favourites' and 'Loved' Gifts is a little obscure in the original Rune Factory. In many cases, the item that is designated as 'Most Favourite' yields the same response as an item that is designated simply as a 'preferred' gift. In Rune Factory 2, each Character had a specific designated 'Birthday Gift' as well as two Most Favourites. In Rune Factory Frontier, there usually is one 'Most Favourite' but more than one preferred gift and no special designated Birthday Gift.

Actually, the responses can be slightly tricky as they may differ in only a single word. For example, when you wish to assess whether BAKED POTATO (Sweet Potato, not ordinary Potato) or CORN ON COB is Rosetta's Most Favourite Gift, these are her Responses:

For Corn on the Cob: (Thanks!) Thank you! I love the CORN ON COB! But how did you know that I liked them?

For Baked Potato: (Thanks!) Thank you! I like the BAKED POTATO.

I personally would opt for the Corn on Cob as the true Most Favourite, especially in view of the fact that this is the item she chooses for your Packed Lunch after marriage.

In the case of Tori, there is one word only that differs in her Responses to PUMPKIN PUDDING and PINKCAT. Originally, I thought that PinkCat was her Most Favourite Gift, but I now realise it is PUMPKIN PUDDING.

For Pumpkin Pudding: 'Th-thank you... I ... I love the PUMP. PUDDING... That's so nice of you...'

For Pinkcat: 'Th-thank you... I ... I like the Pink Cat... That's so nice of you...'

Sharron's Responses to her Most Favourite Relax Tealeaves and the Water/Wind/Fire Crystals she loves are a bit more difficult to decipher:

For Relax Tealeaves: (Good evening!) Thanks for the RELAX TEALEAVES! I’m so happy.

When given a Water, Wind or Fire Crystal, she will say: 'Wow! I was looking for a WaterWind/Fire Crystal for so long. I'm so happy to get this!'

As for Tabatha, her Responses to the 'Most Fav.' RICE PORRIDGE and APPLES AND GRAPES are identical:

For Rice Porridge: (‘Thank you very much!) Thank you very much for the RICE PORRIDGE! I love it!

'Thank you very much for the APPLE. I love it!' (She says the same for a GRAPE.)

Does it really MATTER in the BIG picture where Courtship is concerned? Not really.
Each Eligible Girl in the original Rune Factory is different where Gifts in general are concerned. Some love to receive both Most Favourites and items they really like and their LP will increase rather quickly if you ply them with their favourite Gifts. Others will remain at 0 LP even if you give them the 'Most Favourite Gift' every single day and that gift only on the occasion of her Birthday will have any effect on Love Points.

As far as Friendship is concerned, 'meeting and greeting' on a daily basis IS the most important action to take with respect to EVERY Character. Where Eligible Girls and Love is concerned, there are different rules for each.

Rune Factory Calendar

The Calendar in Rune Factory is comprised of four seasons of 30 days each. There are six days in every week and the week begins on the Holiday. Friday therefore is the last day of the week. As 30 days is precisely five weeks, Festivals will fall on the same day every year.


1 Spring: New Year's Day
Meet and Greet all Characters to increase Friendship
3 Spring: Jean's Birthday (Bullhorn, Moondrop)
11 Spring: Melody's Birthday (Relax Tea, Medicinal Herb)
13 Spring: Neumann's Birthday (Grilled Shrimp, Egg)
18 Spring: Spring Festival (Rune Factory equivalent of Spring Thanksgiving Festival)
Give Eligible Girls Cookies and/or Chocolate Cookies
20 Spring: Russell's Birthday (Chinese Manju, Fried Rice)
23 Spring: Egg Show
Submit Large Egg if possible (highest level) to win.
N.B. In the first Spring, you may be able to win even with a Small Egg purchased from Neumann.
27 Spring: Big Cook-Off
Speak to Jasper to discover specific Dish requirement for Entry, then make it and submit it.
Note that the Dish is chosen randomly so save your game BEFORE midnight on the previous day and if the entry that is announced is one that you cannot make, reload and try again.
30 Spring: Emmet's Birthday (Ultimate Curry, Wine, Insect Jaw)

Unlike other Harvest Moon games, you can access other seasons by touching L or R with the stylus.


1 Summer: Beaches Open
3 Summer: Jasper's Birthday (Omelet, Fried Eggs)
8 Summer: Bianca's Birthday (No Favourite Gift)
12 Summer: Cecilia's Birthday (Aquamarine, Amethyst)
13 Summer: Zavier's Birthday (Devil Horn, Medicinal Herb)
18 Summer: Dairy Show
Enter Large Milk to win Contest
20 Summer: Lady Ann's Birthday (Grilled Lobster, Toyherb)
23 Summer: Godwin's Birthday (Boiled Gyoza, Pineapple)
25 Summer: Announcement about Treasure Hunt from Godwin
26 Summer: Treasure Hunt
Speak to Godwin at the Square to begin Contest
30 Summer: Nicholas' Birthday (Stew, any Coloured Grass)


1 Fall: Mist's Birthday (Emery Flower, Radish)
5 Fall: Felicity's Birthday (Eggplant Curd, Cheesecake)
7 Fall: Harvest Festival
Give a Crop to every character and especially to each of the Eligible Girls (for some, this will increase LP)
10 Fall: Mei's Birthday (Baked Riceball, most raw Fish)
12 Fall: Tabitha's Birthday (Rice Porridge, Flour)
14 Fall: Camus's Birthday (Warrior Certificate, Milk)
16 Fall: Announcement from Godwin about Moonlit Eve
17 Fall: Moonlit Eve
Speak to any Eligible Girl with at least 4 LP to make a date at the top of Mt. Clemens and meet her after 6.00 p.m.
21 Fall: Rosetta's Birthday (Corn on Cob, Strawberry, Baked Potato)
23 Fall: Announcement from Godwin about Wool Festival
24 Fall: Wool Show
Submit Large Wool (highest level) if possible to win Contest
25 Fall: Lynette’s Birthday (4 Leaf Clover, Bamboo Sprout)
29 Fall: Fishing Day
Give Mei a Fish to increase her LP. (Do not give Pond Smelt or Lobster)


1 Winter: Lara's Birthday (Chocolate Cake, Strawberry)
4 Winter: Sabrina's Birthday (Grape Liqueur, all Sashimi)
6 Winter: Winter Festival (RF equivalent of Winter Thanksgiving or Japanese White Day)
Visits from all Eligible Girls with at least 5 Hearts to your farmhouse after 6.00 a.m.
8 Winter: Edward's Birthday (Fried Skipjack, Antidotal Herb)
11 Winter: Leo's Birthday (Bronze Bracelet, Flour)
17 Winter: Wesley's Birthday (Grape Juice, Tomato)
19 Winter: Sharron's Birthday (Relax Tealeaves, Wind Crystal, Fire Crystal)
23 Winter: Sacred Night Announcement from Godwin
24 Winter: Sacred Night
Meet and Greet all Eligible Girls; any girl with 7 Hearts or more can be visited in her own room after 6.00 p.m.
26 Winter: Tori's Birthday (Pumpkin Pudding, Pinkcat)
28 Winter: Luka's Birthday (Curry Manju, Moondrop, Strawberry)
29 Winter: New Year’s Eve Announcement from Godwin
Note that all businesses will be shut for TWO DAYS. Make certain you have Feed.
30 Winter: New Year's Eve
Meet and greet every one for FP increases.

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