Friday, September 18, 2009

Pocket Baby

I am posting here because one of the fundamental aspects of any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game is caring for animals.

I am extremely sentimental about my pets and all my Animals whether in Harvest Moon, Rune Factory or the 'real world'. I can remember my horror when my first chicken died of old age in Friends of Mineral Town. I couldn't bear to go through that again so in future, I always saved last BEFORE I went to bed. If my character awakened at the graveyard, I would reload until a different result prevailed. I then promptly would sell my beloved Chicken before it was killed off again by Fate, thereby rendering it immortal in some vague unstated fashion. Certainly, neither Popuri nor Rick ever spoke of the death of any of the elderly chickens I sold back to them when they had outlived their life expectancy!

In any other game where livestock or poultry had a defined life expectancy, I would make certain to sell the animal before I had to face a corpse or a tombstone.

I always found the Witch Princess extraordinarily attractive but could not bear to kill off 50 Animals for her in HM DS. I know there are players who are very conscious of the difference between a game and reality, but to me, all the Animals I have spent so many hours feeding, brushing, milking and petting in Harvest Moon and Rune Factory make them quite real...

Not as well, though, as a little animal struggling to survive in this world. I have a little kitten in my care whose mother is very weak and who therefore cannot feed himself. He was born late yesterday afternoon but the mother still is not settling from her labour. She is very young and probably not ready for this responsibility. He is hungry and cold but almost too weak to eat.

I have taken over the responsibility of trying to keep him alive for the next day or two. It may be a lost cause but I have to try...

The first step was to find a warm place for him. I found an old shirt with a pocket and placed him in the pocket near my heart.

I once had everything one possibly could need for this sort of enterprise, but no longer do. I do not even have an eye dropper. I do not have Catmilk either. Nonetheless, I am determined somehow to wage a struggle for the little one.

The only reason for posting this is the hope that those who read it will send their strongest wishes or prayer for his survival. They say there is power in prayer. This little creature, who looks as though he may be a bluepoint Himalayan, needs all the prayers in this world and any other.


  1. Freya, I'm praying for you and the kitten. I've been through the same thing before with one of my kittens. You just have to give it all the love and care you can.

  2. HI, the best thing to feed a new born kitten, I recently found out through a friend who had a similar situation, is goat milk :) it has to be at body temperature, oh and glucose or honey are also good to give the baby energies, I'm not too sure how much you can give it, but I can find out for you :)

  3. Oh yes, and a syringe without the needle will work to feed it as well :) hope it helps :)

  4. I'll certainly pray for you both. You are filling the first days of life for that helpless creature with warmth, love and care. Whatever happens, that makes the universe a better place.


  5. I'll pray for the kitten as well. I love cats but I can never have one. That's why I love the animals in HM and RF. I remembered being really upset when my sikworm, Umi, died in HM:TOT.

  6. Thank you, guys, for all your wishes and prayers. Unfortunately, I am very limited at the moment in terms of transportation, which is extremely frustrating. I am restricted to the stuff I have here... except that some one did bring me a couple of feeding syringes, thank God!

    I hated the way the little silkies died in ToT as well, Liza. Their life expectancy was so brief... I can't bear worms in reality but the little silkworms won my heart, as any animal would.

  7. I asked my friend, she said that you have to give the kitten 5cc of milk each two hours. She also advised me to tell you to check the mother to see if she has milk or not. If she has milk but is not being able to feed the kitten she might have an infection... if she has no milk then, well, it will be up to you to feed the kitten.
    Best of luck :)

  8. That might appear to be the obvious solution, Anonymous but with a very limited income, I sadly haven't the money for that. In any case, taking an animal to a vet in my experience does not lead to a happy result always, and especially not on weekends. I would have liked to have obtained a tube from a vet and tried tube feeding for the first baby, but I have a feeling that there was something wrong with the kitten internally and that it would not have succeeded either. He did not have a cleft palate but he was incapable of swallowing properly from the start. His sibling, delivered a day later, on the other hand, is crying lustily and swallows the mixture I feed to him.
    If Beauty had not recovered from the delivery, I would take her to the vet, but I sadly couldn't afford to take a day old kitten to a vet when the prognosis was not positive for him in the first place. It breaks my heart but sometimes no amount of professional medical attention can withstand death. The other kitten who was stillborn was not fully developed, leading me to suspect that this was the case with the first kitten as well. I actually have delivered many kittens. I had to help Beauty with the stillborn who was in breech position. I worked as a volunteer at an animal shelter in the past. I always try to fight for an animal's life, even if it appears hopeless.
