Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Autumn Date and Wedding with Tabatha

A friend of mine who goes by the name of LeonWolf recently sent me the text of Tabatha's Wedding, which he had transcribed carefully. I thanked him and told him that I actually had made a video of the entire sequence, although I had not added the text to my guide yet.

While adding the text to my Courtship and Wedding Guide today, I wished to refer to my old video for confirmation of one word. Rather to my surprise, I could not find it on YouTube.

In fact, I never had uploaded it, nor had I uploaded many of the similar videos I made of Autumn Dates and Weddings with other Eligible Girls. I have an entire folder named 'Other Dates' filled with videos of Date Events with various Eligible Girls, still waiting for me to upload them...

Here then is the video of Tabatha's Autumn Date and her Wedding Event. It differs a little from that of other Eligible Girls in that Bianca actually is included in the Proposal Event.

I was unable to add much in the way of text to the video as it originally exceeded the 10 minute limit imposed by YouTube. I would like to dedicate it to LeonWolf, however, and to thank him again for his painstaking transcription both of Anette's Proposal/Wedding and that of Tabatha.

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