Monday, July 13, 2009

Rune Factory 2 Bestiary Guide

I am going to take a very brief break from Rune Factory Frontier in order to continue the Bestiary Video Tutorials for Rune Factory 2. I never had a chance to complete the series.

If any player is interested in advising me on this, please do so as quickly as possible. One question: should the videos organise the Monsters by type or by Dungeon/Cave? There is one other possibility, an 'A to Z' Bestiary... If I don't receive any feedback, I'll simply do it by type.

It appears that the visual tutorials I make for YouTube actually are quite popular and helpful, even though I always will give priority to my written guides.


  1. I think it would be better if you did it by each dungeon atleast that's how I feel.

  2. Thanks for your input. I received an email from another player asking for the same approach, so that is how I will organise the videos in future...

    I did make one video that gave the monsters by type with descriptions of their locations and War Trophies. It really does make more sense to show them by dungeon though.

  3. thanks for all yr guide but would appreciate if you are able to do a video guide on lava ruins , snow ruins and the one at whale island which open up to tower of life and a few more tower. I am actually stuck at lava ruins , afraid to even go further in cause always end up dying anyways , growing crops and fishing that mostly what i do now.. Pls do the one for lava ruins video first cause there so many doors to open and i'm always lost. thank again

  4. I'll try to do that, Sue. At the moment, I am trying to make videos for the stories of the remaining Eligible Girls. I did make a video about the Towers on Whale Island as well as one about the Lava Ruins that takes you to the first place where you can find Silver easily... and one that shows you how to find the locked door to complete Uzuki's Story...but I haven't done general walkthrough videos for the seasonal dungeons yet.

  5. thanks , it would be wonderful to have an A-Z walkthrough video of lava ruins , snow ruins and the deeper whale of whale island ( with a few towers ) I am still stuck at Lava Ruins and yes i've got silver from watching the video provided by you but i'm so lost after that,really need to know the way to the lava boss entrance..and all the big rocks thats blocking most way..gosh i think i need to wait for yr video or else i'm going to have an heart attack just by entering lava as this is my first RPG game.

  6. i've managed to find the lava ruins boss chamber after many attempt but not able to fight him yet cause low on skills but enjoyed fishing there , btw if i give cinnomon the Fall fish will that increased her LP alot cause i remembered she mentioned this particular fish? I would appreciated if the a video walkthrough for snow ruins and the more harder part of whale island such as all the tower ( life , birth a a few more) Ive been up there and its huge with so many towers , i definately will not be able to find my way tru the boss only if you can find the time, as you have benn very helpful with all yr written ones, thanks again.

  7. Sue, I did make a video about the Towers of Whale Island. It actually focuses on the Little Crystals but shows you how to navigate ALL the Towers as well as how to reach the Water Tower and the lever that opens the gate...

    I will try to make some video walkthroughs of all the paths to the boss chambers and so on for Snow Ruins for you. But do take a look at the Whale Island Towers video walkthrough I made.

  8. thanks for considering making a video on snow ruins as there's none yet on youtube , some are just videos on fighting the snow boss.Snow ruins is harder i presume cause its dark and don't fancy the eye generator much I 've managed to beat the lava ruins boss using the tomohawk, consider lucky cause i was at skill level 28 only. But i think i'm not ready to venture deeper in to snow ruins, i'll much prefer to wait for a walkthrough video so i'm just going to fishing and tent to my garden and up my skills for now.
    i'll definately watch the video on whale island tower,much appreciated again.
