Friday, June 19, 2009

Walkthrough of 2nd Floor of Lava Ruins

2nd Floor

When you go down the isolated stairway to the 2nd floor, you will find that lava bars your path to the east. You must go west across a little causeway to a chamber tenanted by two Furpys, cousins of the Chitter, spawned by a single Generator.
The single exit from this area is a short stairway in the south. When you descend the stairway, you will find yourself in a huge open area. Two Ducks spawned by a single Generator will confront you immediately. To the east is a tillable field consisting of 4 plots. Beyond that is a short causeway over a river, blocked by two boulders. Smash them with a special attack by a Hammer to move further east where you will see a tillable field containing 2 plots. South of this field is a cluster of 4 rocks that can be smashed for Ores/Gems. Moving further south, you will find a small tillable field consisting of 2 plots and beyond that, in the far south, a large tillable field containing 4 plots. There are no Monsters in this eastern half of the large area.
In fact, the entire southern half of the large area is a peaceful area, but you will see that a pile of fallen masonry blocks you from the southern half that lies to the west. Detonate the bomb near the fallen masonry and move west to find two tillable fields, each consisting of two plots as well as two white urns.
A river divides this half of the area from the northwest section that held the Monster Generator and Ducks.
There are many exits in this large area of the dungeon. In the eastern half, you will find a short stairway that leads upwards in the northeast as well as another short stairway leading upwards in the southeast corner.

Path to the Shortcut Stairway

Path to the Shortcut Stairway
Explore the stairway in the southeast corner first to find the shortcut stairway. When you reach the top of the little stairway, you will have a choice of paths. You can go east or south along a narrow path above flowing lava. Go east and almost immediately, you will find that you have to choose again either to go east or south. Go south here to find a sliding door that leads directly to the shortcut stairway. Go through the sliding door to unlock it, then retrace your steps to the narrow path.

Path to Isolated Stairway to 3rd Floor

If you go east now, you will come to a sliding door that leads to a chamber containing two Monster Generators, each of which spawns an Ignis and a Mini-Golem. The Ignis is the first creature who may drop a Magic Crystal for you. To the east of this chamber is lava. The only exit is a sliding door in the north.
Go through the sliding door to find yourself in a fairly large antechamber with the isolated stairway to the 3rd floor in the northeast corner. To the left of the stairway are two crates that sometimes contain Orange Juice and Curry Powder.
There is a bomb in the southwest corner. If you detonate the bomb, you will be able to move west through the gap to the southern half of a chamber bisected by a crack in the floor. Two Mini-Golems spawned by a single Generator are in the northern half of this chamber, but you will not be able to reach them from here.
Go west instead through the sliding door to find yourself on a short stairway that descends to a little island containing a single Treasure Chest. To the west, you will see the huge open area with all the fields but you will not be able to cross the little stream that borders the ‘island’ in the west.
This is a virtual dead end.
Retrace your steps to the foyer with the stairs to the 3rd floor, then go south thorugh the sliding door and west through the sliding door on the western wall to return to the original narrow path that had access to the shortcut stairway.
This Walkthrough has taken you as directly as possible from the isolated stairway from the 2nd floor to the shortcut stairway and the isolated stairway to the 3rd floor.

Exploring all Chambers

To explore the remainder of the 2nd Floor, you can continue west along the narrow pathway past the sliding door that leads to the shortcut stairway to the end of the narrow path. From here, turn south to find yourself in a little alcove with two Ignis spawned by a single Generator. West of the Ignis are three Rocks that can be smashed for Ores/Gems and west of the Rocks, you will find another Monster Generator that spawns two Furpys.
From here, you either can go north to a short stairway that descends back into the huge area that occupies the centre of the 2nd floor or you can detonate a bomb to clear a pile of fallen masonry, allowing you to move further west along the southern edge of the 2nd floor.
Detonate the bomb first and move west to find yourself in a peaceful area with two Rocks that can be smashed for Ores/Gems in the far west and two boulders that create a barrier on a little causeway leading north.
If you smash the boulders and proceed north, you will find a sliding door that leads to a rectangular chamber. A crack in the floor cuts this chamber in half. You will be on the southern half, where you will find two Treasure Chests. They often contain Flour and Garlic respectively.
The southern half of the chamber is a dead end, however and you will be forced to retrace your steps south. Cross the little causeway and move east again across the causeway there then descend the little stairway in the north to find yourself in the southwest section of the huge central area of the 2nd floor.
The only unexplored path is the little ascending stairway in the west. Go up the stairs to find yourself in a small chamber occupied by two Mini-Golems spawned by a single Generator.
From here you must go north along a causeway into an area with a number of exits. If you go down the little stairway in the southeast, you will find yourself in the initial northwest corner of the huge central area. (This is where you encountered the 2 Ducks spawned by a single Generator.)
Instead, skirt the large hole in the floor to move west, then south across a little causeway to enter the northern half of the chamber where you found the two Treasure Chests. Here you will find two crates and a veritable nest of Furpys. There are four Furpys here spawned by a single Generator.
This is a dead end. Retrace your steps to go north across the causeway and then north again into a chamber dominated by four Ignis spawned by two Monster Generators and a Treasure Chest that often contains Cooking Oil. This is a dead end as well but it represents the northwestern limit of the 2nd Floor.
Retrace your steps south to the chamber with the big hole in the floor, then go through the sliding door in the east to descend the short stairway back to the huge central area. There is only one more area to explore on the 2nd floor.
To do so, go all the way east past the large tillable field, across the little causeway and past the small tillable field to the short stairway in the northeast that leads upwards. You will find yourself in a rectangular chamber with two Mini-Golems spawned by a single Generator.
Cross the little causeway to the north to find yourself on an open platform. Three rocks here can be smashed for Ores/Gems. (One sometimes contains Silver.) The single Generator in the northeast corner spawns one Ignis and one Duck. There is a bomb near the Rocks that can be detonated to damage some Monsters and/or Rocks.
This is a dead end as well but you now have explored the entire 2nd Floor.

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