Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Iris' Illness and Recovery

This two-part video deals with the Illness that Iris contracts when both Iris Blanche and Iris Noire reach maximum 10 Hearts in Trampoli.

It shows a date with Iris Blanche and the result of a marriage proposal, even at maximum Heart Level before the Events involved in her 'illness' and 'recovery' have transpired:

Incidentally, I did not 'choose' Iris Blanche on a permanent basis and in fact, reloaded after experiencing the Event... A video of a date with Noire and the result of choosing the second option at the Square will be made as well.


  1. Hi Freyashawk,

    Thanks a million for your useful guides! They have helped me to accomplish many tasks successfully.

    But there is one thing I really need your advice. I have lost my White Rose seeds! I have accidentally sickled them! It was only after I saved the game then I realise what a horrendous mistake I have made. :(

    Is there any other way to get the seeds again? I have read from somewhere (was it your guide?)that Ganesha will give another white rose seed when she reaches 8 hearts. But no matter how much ores and blood demon I have given her, the FP remained at max 10 and zero for HP!!! What should I do??!!

    Pls help!


  2. Dear Claire,

    I should not use the term 'Hearts' for Friendship Levels, really as no one but Girls eligible for marriage EVER have any Heart Level increase in Rune Factory Frontier.

    I wrote a post about this after reading your comment. Certainly at 10 Friendship, I experience the little dialogue with Ganesha about once each season... so be patient. If she is at 10 Friendship, you should trigger another Gift of a White Rose sometime soon! I have experienced the little dialogue a few times now.
