Saturday, June 20, 2009

5th and 6th Floor Lava Ruins Walkthrough

5th and 6th Floor Walkthroughs for the Lava Ruins

Path to the Shortcut Stairway

When you first arrive at the 5th floor from the isolated stairway, you will be in a large chamber with a huge round boulder held in place by sand at its northern end. No Monsters threaten you at this point and it should be an easy matter to use your Hoe on the sand to send the giant ball rolling. You need not even move out of the way if you are careful.

As you follow the rolling boulder west down the stairs, you will encounter two Weagles spawned by a single Generator.

Two white urns stand against the northern wall of the next chamber. South of the position of the urns is a narrow stairway leading south, but it is blocked by fallen rubble.

Further west, two Slimes are generated by a single Generator. Near the Slimes is a swiveling catapult. You may believe at first glance that you need not use it to clear the stairway directly to the south as it will be open to you initially. Unfortunately, a pile of fallen masonry at the bottom of this stairway will prevent you from moving further south at this point, so aim the swiveling catapult towards the south and hit the lever to destroy the rubble at the bottom of these stairs.
In many situations in dungeons in Rune Factory Frontier, it is possible to race through an area by simply avoiding the Monsters who inhabit it. Where you need to use a swiveling catapult, however, it is best to clear the area of all Monsters first.

To turn a swiveling catapult, simply press the ‘A’ Button.

Before you move down the stairway here, aim the swiveling catapult towards the west so that it creates a gap in the western wall, allowing you access to another stairway that descends to the west.

The catapult’s aim is insufficient to destroy the rubble at the top of the first stairway that is farthest east, so do not bother to try.

First go through the gap you created in the western wall and descend the stairway there to a small peaceful chamber containing two tillable fields, a water source and a Treasure Chest that often contains Garlic. Each of the tillable fields consists of two plots.

The exit from this chamber is a descending stairway in the south. When you go south down the stairs, however, you will find a pile of fallen masonry at the bottom, preventing further progress.

Return therefore to the chamber with the two Slimes and the swiveling catapult and descend the stairway directly to the south of the catapult.

You will find yourself at a crossroads with stairways leading in ALL directions. If you attempt to continue south, you will find a huge round boulder held in place by sand at the foot of the stairs. The pile of sand is on the other side, which means that the ball bars further progress south at this point.

If you take the stairway that ascends to the east, you will find yourself in a small chamber with tillable fields, but this one is far from peaceful, crowded with two Monster Generators that spawn two Weagles and a Miinotaurs and a slime. In this little chamber are two tillable fields with two plots each, a water source and a stairway that ascends to the north.

If you ascend the stairway that leads north, however, you will find a pile of fallen masonry at the top. In fact, this is the first stairway that you encountered on the 5th floor…

As often is the case in the Lava Ruins, despite the wealth of apparent choices, all but one are illusory at this point. From this 'crossroads' area, you must descend the stairway that leads west.

You will find yourself in a rather large chamber with a single Monster Generator and four Monsters. The Monster Generator in the north spawns two Minotaurs. The Generator that spawns the two Weagles that inhabit this chamber actually is located on an ascending stairway in the southeast. There are two white urns against the western wall. If you look along the eastern wall, you will see a Bomb. Detonating it may clear the chamber of some of its pesky Monsters.

This is another chamber with a number of exits in various directions but most are illusory at this point. Access to a stairway that leads north is blocked by fallen masonry. The stairway in the southeast that leads east and is the position of the Monster Generator that spawns the Weagles has fallen masonry at the top.

Your only true direction at this point is to descend a stairway in the south
to find yourself on a platform with a single Monster Generator that spawns two Minotaurs.

East of this chamber is an ascending stairway. At the top is a large round boulder held in place with sand. Use your hoe to remove the sand but move very quickly down the stairs and to one side as the boulder will ‘chase’ you down the stairway.
Note that the greatest danger from these huge rolling balls may be to any Monster Ally as they tend to be rather unobservant and may stand stupidly in the path of the rolling ball or even move into its path. If you have a transport monster with you, mount it and ride out of harm’s way if you can.

Having removed the huge boulder from your path, you can ascend the stairway again and go east into a large chamber containing three tillable fields, a water source and a cluster of three Rocks that can be smashed for Ores/Gems. It is not a peaceful chamber, however, as there is a Monster Generator in the north that spawns two Slimes. Each of the tillable fields contains two plots. One of these Rocks, when smashed, often contains Silver.

There are exits in all directions here, but the stairways both in the north and the south are blocked at this point by fallen masonry.

Again, there is but one ‘true’ path and that lies to the east. Ascend the short stairway in the east to a long rectangular platform with a single Monster Generator that spawns two Slimes.

A swiveling catapult is at the northern end of the chamber but before you use it, you need to go south to unlock the shortcut stairway.

There are exits from this platform in every direction and all are viable, thanks to the swiveling catapult. To the south is a sliding door. Go through it to unlock it as this is the door to the shortcut stairway.

As the door to the 6th Floor has not been unlocked yet, however, go north again up the stairway to the previous chamber.

Path to the Isolated Stairway to the 6th Floor

From the rectangular platform with exits in all directions, you can descend a short stairway now that leads east. At the foot of the stairs are two boulders. Destroy them with a special attack from your Hammer to enter a small dead-end chamber containing two Treasure Chests and a Monster Box. One of the Treasure Chests often contains Silver.

Return to the rectangular platform once again to use the swiveling catapult now. It will be facing north, so you needn’t turn it to use it to destroy the fallen masonry at the top of the short northern stairway.

Note, however, that the chamber in the north is one that you previously explored from another direction. It contains two Monster Generators that spawn a Minotaur, a slime and two Weagles, as well as two tillable fields containing two plots each.
To explore new areas, therefore, you need to turn the catapult. First turn it to create a gap in the eastern wall of the chamber, as behind this wall is a little alcove that contains a single Treasure Chest that often contains Rice.

After this, you simply need to take the path directly west of the catapult in the northwest corner of this rectangular platform. You will find yourself in a narrow corridor that leads west to a small chamber.

Here you will see paths in all directions but the paths to the west and south are blocked by fallen masonry. In the north, a huge boulder held in place by sand blocks the path but when you use your Hoe on the sand, it will roll to the south, freeing both the entrance to the stairway in the north and one in the south formerly blocked by masonry.

This huge rolling ball is the most effective of all. It will roll south all the way to the entrance to the Isolated Stairway to the 6th floor.

On its way, it will destroy the rubble at the top of the first stairway, roll through a large chamber you explored earlier containing three tillable fields, each with 2 plots, destroy the fallen masonry at the top of another stairway to the south, opening access to the antechamber where you will find the Isolated stairway to the 6th and lowest floor of the Lava Ruins.

6th Floor Walkthrough

When you take the isolated stairway from the 5th floor to the 6th and lowest floor of the Lava Ruins, you will find yourself on the western wall of a large chamber. To the east is a cluster of three Rocks that can be smashed for Ores/Gems as well as two tillable fields and an ornamental pond. The field closest to you consists of two plots. The other field, near the eastern wall of the chamber consists of four plots. The cluster of Rocks usually has at least one Rock that contains Gold. This may be the first Gold Ore that you find in Rune Factory Frontier.
In the centre of the northern wall is a door that leads to the ‘Boss’ Chamber.. To the right of the door are two white urns that often contain Tomato Ketchup and Copper. At the northern end of the eastern wall is a sliding door. Go through it to unlock the entrance to the shortcut stairway, giving you easy access in future to the 6th floor.

This single large chamber is the full extent of the 6th floor. The ornamental pond here will prove an excellent fishing location, offering Lamp Squid, Fall Fish and Lobster, among others.

When you access the door in the northern wall, your character will muse:
Freyr: There’s something behind the door…
Your choices:
I should turn back…
Let’s go!
Note that, should you enter the 6th floor in future initially from the shortcut stairway, you will have no access to the 5th floor via the isolated stairway as you will find fallen masonry at the top of the first stairway. In future, if you wish to visit the 5th floor, you either need to use the shortcut stairway or take the isolated stairway down from the 4th floor.

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