Monday, March 2, 2009

New Information in Rune Factory 2 Items List Guide

I have been working on completing the descriptions of Cooked Dishes in my Rune Factory 2 Guides. While searching in vain for another Onion in one of my Refrigerators in order to make a Cooked Dish, I realised that a Quick Reference Guide giving all the methods by which any Crop item could be obtained would be useful. I actually HAVE created an Items List Guide and that would be the logical choice for any additional cross-referencing. Having thought of it, I decided to implement it and here is the result. This information has been added both to my General Guide for Rune Factory 2 and my Items List Guide. Sadly, I was unable to add many of the descriptions for the Cooked Dishes I had made because this new project took all afternoon to complete and organise. Even so, it was worth doing. I for one will find it useful to be able to go unerringly to a specific screen to use the Inquisitive Waltz to find an ingredient for a Cooked Dish.

Furthermore, having all the information organised like this allows a player to conceive an organised strategy for farming in the 2nd Generation. In the 1st Generation, your farming goals of necessity are different from those in the 2nd Generation, although I do advise players to plan even from the start of the game for the 2nd Generation and to store single harvest Crops instead of multiple harvest Crops as well as being aware of ingredients that will be required for cooking and forging in large quantities in the 2nd Generation.

When you actually enter the 2nd Generation and gain the Inquisitive Waltz Spell, it will allow a radical change in your game strategy. You no longer need to worry about growing those Crop items that can be obtained by using the Inquisitive Waltz Spell for a start. You therefore will grow Crops in the Caves for one of the following purposes:

1. Multiple harvest Crops that will supply Rune Points indefinitely;
2. Single Harvest Crops that cannot be obtained through use of the Inquistive Waltz that are needed in quantity for Recipes;
3. A few rare, extremely valuable Crops that cannot be obtained through the Inquisitive Waltz and are grown either for financial gain or for use in Recipes.

If any Crop does not receive water daily, it may disappear at some point. In other words, in a plot of nine squares, you may lose the crop growing in a single square even if you do not experience a severe storm but fail to guarantee the Crop water on a daily basis. It therefore is not financially beneficial to keep an extremely valuable and slow-growing Crop in any field simply in order to take Rune Points from it daily. It is far better to use cheap, fast-growing Single Harvest or Multiple Harvest Crops for this purpose. Knowing which Crops can be obtained through the Inquisitive Waltz instead will give you a better idea of the Crops to choose to grow even for Rune Point harvests.

For example, Tomatoes and Corn both can be obtained in large quantities in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine using the Inquisitive Waltz. Why then would you grow either in a field in Blessia Island when Eggplant, another fairly fast-growing multiple Harvest Summer Crop cannot be obtained through use of the Inquisitive Waltz? It is far better to plant Eggplant and Pineapples on Blessia Island for use as Rune Point harvest crops as well as maintaining a steady supply of ingredients for Cooked Dishes. Cucumber is another Crop that can be obtained in the Refreshing Summer Garden using the Inquisitive Waltz, although it appears to be less common than either Corn or Tomatoes.

In terms of Autumn Crops, Spinach and Carrots both are single harvest Crops but Carrots can be obtained in two separate locations using the Inquisitive Waltz while Spinach has to be grown in a field. It is better then to grow Spinach than Carrots.

These are not vital choices that have to be made, but having a knowledge of the items that can be obtained through the Inquisitive Waltz and knowing where you need to go on the map for them will make your life easier if you are the sort of player who wishes to complete his/her Shipping List. If you don't care about that aspect of the game, then all of this information becomes fairly irrelevant.


Spring Crops

Growth: 11 Days
A well-balanced vegetable that tastes good raw, fried, or boiled. Eating this is great after a big meal.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your own field in Spring, in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use Inquisitive Waltz in Wooded Paradise in Trieste Forest to obtain or in the Gentle Spring Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 4 Days
A beautiful pink turnip. The result of one girl’s tireless efforts to expand beyond white turnips.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your own field in Spring, in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use Inquisitive Waltz in Gentle Spring Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine for Level 4 Pink Turnips.

Growth: 20 Days
A pink melon brimming with cuteness. Its flavour is a favourite among young girls.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your own field in Spring, in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz in Sun-Dappled Spot or Gentle Spring Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine. In Palermo Shrine, you will obtain Level 4 Pink Melon.

Growth: 7 Days
A vegetable that’s crips when raw, but mellow after being fried. Causes tears when chopped.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your own field in Spring, in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use Inquisitive Waltz in Gentle Spring Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 60 Days
Plants with pink flowers. Seeing them is like seeing a bard sing brilliantly of the wonders of Spring.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz in the Reflecting Water or Mushroom Patch areas of Trieste Forest to obtain.

Growth: 90 Days
The petals of this flower are filled with a sparkling powder that is said to be able to cure insomnia.
N.B. Players of Magical Melody may recall the ‘Firefly Flower’. I believe the Lamp Grass is similar in nature.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.

Growth: 100 Days
A flower created by rune crystals underground. Each season produces a different colour – blue in Spring.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz in the Grassy Path to obtain.

Growth: 120 Days
A completely gold flower. Very hard to grow, making it a rare and special sight.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.

Growth: 14 Days
A rare golden vegetable. With its new colour, its taste is improved a hundred fold.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your own field in Spring, in Trieste Forest or in Palermo Shrine in any field, apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.

Summer Crops

Growth: 12 Days
A popular type of squash. Can be transformed into a spooky lantern when hollowed out.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your Field in Summer or in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 10 Days
Give your teeth a workout! Packed with water, you’ll be just as cool as one if you eat it!
Grown as a multiple harvest Crop in your Field in Summer or in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in Refreshing Summer Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

CORN: 170G
Growth: 14 Days
Said to grow as high as a Buffamoo’s eye. Joins wheat and rice as one of the ‘big three’ grain crops.
Grown as a multiple harvest Crop in your Field in Summer or in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in Refreshing Summer Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 10 Days
Shiny and red, like the summer sun. Packed with nutrition and highly versatile.
Grown as a multiple harvest Crop in your Field in Summer or in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in Refreshing Summer Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 9 Days
This purple vegetable actually has nothing to do with eggs. Its curved stalk is strangely appealing.
Grown as a multiple harvest Crop in your Field in Summer or in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 40 Days
A spiky plant. It gets its shape from the iron in the soil. Gentle, despite its appearance.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use Inquisitive Waltz in Centre or Dense Overgrowth areas of Blessia Island to obtain.

Growth: 60 Days
A lucky, lucky item. Just carrying it makes you happy, and giving it as a gift makes you doubly so.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 90 Days
A uniquely-shaped flower. Often called ‘the fireworks of the wild’. Pay attention, and you might hear them pop.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use Inquisitive Waltz in Southeast Beach on Blessia Island to obtain.

Growth: 100 Days
A flower created by rune crystals underground. Each season produces a different colour – green in Summer.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 15 Days
A rare golden vegetable. When carved into a lantern, it makes even the heartiest of men cower in fear.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your Field in Summer or in any field on Blessia Island as well as in the Refreshing Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use Inquisitive Waltz in Refreshing Summer Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine to obtain.

Autumn Crops

YAM: 140G
Growth: 6 Days
Packed with fibre, this vegetable will give your insides a thorough cleaning out.
Grown as a multiple harvest Crop in your field in Autumn or in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain at Withered Road in Messhina Valley or in Sorrowful Autumn Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 7 Days
A widely-loved vegetable that can be anything from a food staple to a hors d’oeuvre.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your field in Autumn, in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain at Serene Garden in Messhina Valley.

Growth: 9 Days
A long, orange vegetable. Said to increase motivation if dangled just in front of the eyes.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your field in Autumn, in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain at Serene Garden in Messhina Valley or in Sorrowful Autumn Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 10 Days
Often disliked because of its bitter taste. It is easily depressed because of this.
Grown as a multiple harvest Crop in your field in Autumn or in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in Sorrowful Autumn Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 5 Days
Dark green and highly nutritious. Tinned spinach has been known to provide super-strength.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your field in Autumn or in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 90 Days
Has a white, cotton ball-like flower, which takes to the air when the Spring winds blow.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain at Giant Boulder or Cave – Small Room areas in Messhina Valley.

Growth: 100 Days
A flower created by rune crystals underground. Each season produces a different colour – red in Fall.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 60 Days
Bright and vividly coloured. Its name comes from its colour, which is like that of the leaves in Fall.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 11 Days
A rare golden vegetable. Easy to spot, as light shines up from the ground even while still buried.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in your own Field in Autumn, in any field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Winter Crops

Growth: 4 Days
A king among farm crops. Lovingly raised across the entire world to this very day.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 14 Days
The radish’s long, white cousin. Its accommodating taste allows it to be used in a multitude of ways.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

LEEK: 520G
Growth: 6 Days
A staple of winter hot-pots. Has also been used as a way to identify allies during battles.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 11 Days
Harvested in winter. The colder the weather gets, the tastier it will be when harvested.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 20 Days
Covered in thick fuzz. It is said that when it is placed in water, it will help the water boil faster.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.

Growth: 40 Days
A grass that is shaped, for some reason, like a tree. A really big tree if you happen to be a dwarf.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in the Tomb in Padova Mountains.

Growth: 100 Days
A flower created by rune crystals underground. Each season produces a different colour – white in Winter.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in the Icy Path area of Padova Mountains.
N.B. You only can obtain the White Crystal Flower initially through the Inquisitive Waltz.

Growth: 8 Days
A rare golden vegetable. Created to accommodate requests for turnips that match a girl’s hair.
Grown as a single harvest Crop in any field in Padova Mountains or in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain in the Frigid Winter Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.


Growth: 8 Days
Red and petite. Its sweet, tangy taste and bite-size shape just beg to be devoured.
Grown as a multiple harvest Crop in your own Field in Spring, in Trieste Forest or in any Field in Palermo Shrine apart from the Summer, Autumn and Winter Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use Inquisitive Waltz in Reflecting Water of Trieste Forest to obtain.
N.B. Strawberry and Pineapple are the only fruits that are grown as crops. All others must be found in the wilds.

Growth: 20 Days
Spiky on the outside, sweet on the inside. Just smelling it is enough to invoke the feeling of summer.
Grown in Summer as a multiple harvest crop in your own Field, in any field in Blessia Island or in Summer Garden on 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
A small, purple round fruit. Eating a bunch of them at once is like having a carnival in your mouth.
Found in Messhina Valley on wild vines in the Riverbank and Giant Boulder screens.

A little bundle of love from the Trieste Forest. So good for you, it may put your doctor out of a job.
Found on trees in Trieste Forest in the Grassy Path and Green Garden screens and as War Trophies from Pomme-Pomme Monsters.

Has succeeded in skillfully balancing the taste of both sweet and sour more than any other fruit.
Found on four trees on Blessia Island in the Altar/Old Ship, Dense Overgrowth, West Beach screens.


All Flowers in Rune Factory 2 are grown as crops.

Growth: 12 Days
A medical herb said to be good for your health. Can be tricky to grow.
Grown in Spring as a single harvest crop in your own Field, in Trieste Forest or in any field in Palermo Shrine apart from the Summer, Autumn or Winter Seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz in the Spring Clearing of Trieste Forest to obtain.

Growth: 6 Days
A mysterious flower that grows by moonlight. Shines as though it fell from the moon.
Grown in Spring as a single harvest crop in your own Field, in Trieste Forest or in any field in Palermo Shrine apart from the Summer, Autumn and Winter Seasonal Gardens on the 5th Floor.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz in the Grassy Path area of Trieste Forest to obtain.

Growth: 6 Days
A bright pink flower, its small, cute petals have earned it its endearing name.
Grown in Summer as a single harvest crop in your own field, in any field on Blessia Island or in the Summer Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain at the Dense Overgrowth, West Beach and Sandy Path areas on Blessia Island.

Growth: 12 Days
A dark blue flower. Its large petals and striking colour could mesmerise one forever.
Grown in Autumn as a single harvest Crop in your own Field, in any Field in Messhina Valley or in the Sorrowful Autumn Garden on the 5th Floor of Palermo Shrine.
Use the Inquisitive Waltz to obtain on the Withered Road in Messhina Valley.

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