Thursday, February 19, 2009

Underground Shrine Bestiary

This information has been added now both to my General Guide and to my Bestiary and Caves Guide. I thought I would post it here as well, however, in case any one wishes to make a correction. As you cannot use the Pet Glove in the Underground Shrines, Monster identification has to be founded solely on memory. I believe I have it right, but would appreciate any feedback.

It is not critical information as Monsters from the same family tend to drop the same War Trophies, but accuracy always is to be preferred.

Monsters are 'colour-coded' in Rune Factory 2. If you can remember which colour combinations are linked to which Monsters, you always will be able to identify the specific nature of your Enemy.

The reason why I am including a Level by Level Walkthrough of the Underground Shrines is mainly for the purpose of granting instant access to almost every War Trophy at any hour of the day or night.

As each Level in the Underground Shrines contains only a single Generator, I mention the position of the Generation only when it is inaccessible at the point of entry.

Walkthrough for the Green Underground Shrine

The entrance to the Green Underground Shrine is located in the Ruins area of Trieste Forest. You will meet the following Monsters there:

Level 1: Two Orcs and one High Orc. (Cheap Cloth)

Level 2: Two Orc Archers and one High Orc. (Arrowhead, Cheap Cloth)

Level 3: Two Orc Hunters and one High Orc. (Cheap Cloth)

Level 4: Three archers, two of them Orc Hunters, one an ordinary Orc Archer. (Arrowhead)

Level 5: Two Leaf Balls and one Planchoa. (Plant Stem)

Level 6: Two Killer Ants and one Ant. (Speckled Skin, Insect Skin)

Level 7: Two Tricky Mushrooms and one Big Mushroom. (Spore)

Level 8: Here you will find a small artificial ‘Island’ in the centre with two Flower Blossoms and a Generator. Surrounding the Island is a narrow walkway where one Planchoa awaits. When you defeat the Planchoa, a drawbridge will fall into place, allowing access to the ‘Island’. This is a common configuration in all four of the Underground Shrines on certain Levels. (Root, Plant Stem)

Level 9: Here again is an ‘Island’ in the centre with two Flower Blossoms. On the narrow walkway, you will find a High Orc. Defeat the High Orc and the drawbridge will fall into place. (Root, Cheap Cloth)

Level 10: Green Underground Shrine Bottom: Here you will encounter the ‘Boss Monster’ of this Shrine, a Greater Demon known to players of the original Rune Factory.

Walkthrough for the Tropical Underground Shrine

Level 1: Two Ignis Monsters (Magic Crystal)

Level 2: One Troll (Giant's Fingernail)

Level 3: One Troll and two Flower Lions (Giant's Fingernail and Root)

Level 4: One Shadow Panther and one Blood Panther (Panther Claw)

Level 5: Here you will find an 'Island' in the centre of the arena that contains both the Generator and a Goblin Gangster. Your point of entry leads to a narrow walkway that surrounds the Island in the centre and is occupied by a Goblin Pirate. Defeat the Goblin Pirate and a drawbridge will drop in the north, granting access to the 'Island'. (Quality Cloth and Skull)

Level 6: Here again you will find an 'Island' in the centre of the arena but this time, it contains a Goblin Don and Generator. The walkway that surrounds it is occupied by a Goblin Captain. Defeat him and the drawbridge will drop, granting access to the Island. (Quality Cloth and Skull)

Level 7: Two Death Stalkers and one Scorpion (Scorpion Pincer and Scorpion Tail)

Level 8: Two Hammer Trolls (Giant's Glove)

Level 9: Two Giant Beetles and one Hercules Beetle (Hard Horn)

Level 10: The Chimera, Boss Monster known to players of the original Rune Factory and particularly odious for an utterly obscene form of attack from its rear.

Walkthrough for the Ravine Underground Shrine

You will find the entrance to the Messhina Valley Underground Shrine at the end of the long Bridge. A Save Point can be found to the right of the Bridge before you cross it.

Level 1: One ordinary Goblin and two Goblin Archers. (Proof of Warrior, Cheap Bandage)

Level 2: Here you will find a small artificial ‘Island’ in the centre of the screen occupied by one Weegull and a Generator. Two Blackbirds hover above the narrow walkway that surrounds the ‘Island’. Defeat at least one Blackbird and the drawbridge will fall into place, giving you access to the ‘Island’. (Bird Wing)

Level 3: Here you will be confronted by two Flower Lilly Monsters and one Ghost. (Root, Hood)

Level 4: Here you will find two Little Mages and one Goblin Archer. (Magic Crystal, Cheap Bandage)

Level 5: Two Buffalo Monsters and one Chipsqueek will confront you. (Bull Horn, Fur)

Level 6: Very similar to the previous Level, here you will be confronted by two Buffalo Monsters and a single Furpuff. (Bull Horn, Quality Fur)

Level 7: In this chamber, you will find two golden Queen Bees and one Hornet. Remember that they all can inflict Poison on you, so equip the Medication Spell here. (Insect Jaw)

Level 8: Two Hobgoblins and one Ghost. (Proof of Warrior, Hood)

Level 9: An artificial ‘Island’ in the centre of the chamber is occupied by two Goblin Snipers and a Generator. The narrow walkway that surrounds it is patrolled by a Blackbird. Defeat the Blackbird and the drawbridge will fall, allowing access to the ‘Island’. (Cheap Bandage, Bird Wing)

Level 10: The Underground Shrine Bottom is occupied by a ‘Boss Monster’ in the form of a Golem, another ‘Boss’ known to players of the original Rune Factory.

Iceberg Underground Shrine

As always, you will find a Save Point near the entrance to the Underground Shrine. The Entrance, aptly enough, is located in the Shrine screen in Padova Mountains. As you may have suspected, this Shrine offers the greatest challenges of the four.

Level 1. The very first Level consists of a chamber with an artificial ‘Island’ in the centre occupied by two Little Wizards and a Generator. Gliding above the narrow walkway that surrounds the ‘Island’ is a Necro. Defeat the Necro and the drawbridge will fall into place, granting access to the Island.

Level 2. Here you will find another small central ‘Island’ where two Flower Crystals flank a Generator. A single Faerie flits along the narrow walkway. Defeat the Faerie to drop the drawbridge.

Level 3. Here you will find one Slime with an Orc Viking and a High Orc Viking . (Little Crystal, Shoulder Piece)

Level 4: Here you will find one Dark Slime with two High Orc Vikings (Little Crystal, Shoulder Piece)

Level 5: Three Fish Monsters in the form of one Dorado and two Sky Fish will confront you. (Fish Fossil)

Level 6: In this chamber, you will encounter three axe-hurling Ogres, one of them a simple Ogre Viking and the other two High Ogre Vikings. (Glue)

Level 7: Here you will be confronted by a pack of Wolves in the form of two Silver Wolf Monsters and one Hunter Wolf. The Hunter Wolf undoubtedly is the Alpha in this group. (Wolf Fang)

Level 8: In this chamber, you will find two Necros and one Faerie. When Levels include enemies whose attacks are difficult to avoid, they often contain blocks of stone that provide shelter from missile attacks. (Hood, Fairy Dust)

Level 9: Two Tundras and one High Orc Viking confront you here. (Magic Crystal, Shoulder Piece)

Level 10: Iceberg Shrine Underground Bottom. Here you will face the fabled Grimoire Dragon known to players of the original Rune Factory, quite a beautiful creature and one with the power of shooting ice dart missiles at you with every flap of its wings.

As previously stated, what is significant about the presence of these Shrines once you have 'cleared' the game is the ability to obtain access to the items dropped by the Monsters within. If you look at the War Trophies that have been listed in brackets at the end of the description of each Level, you will see that almost every item that can be obtained from a Monster in any of the four seasonal Caves/Dungeons is available in the Underground Shrines.

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