Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bestiary List in Rune Factory 2 by Type

I have continued to work hard on my guides for Rune Factory 2, despite the detour into the Flower Kingdom of Princess Debut. Although I had completed a screen-by-screen Walkthrough of each of the Dungeons/Caves for the Bestiary and Caves Guide at the end of the week, I decided to make a list of all Monsters according to their types. This would be useful for any player who is searching for a particular item that is 'dropped' as a War Trophy.

I completed the list late this afternoon and added it both to the General Guide and the Bestiary and Caves Guide. In the process, I tried to do a little copy-editing in terms of some errors I had made in descriptions here and there...

I am copying the list here for players who are more inclined to read posts on this site than to read my actual Guides:

Bestiary or Monster List by Type in Rune Factory 2:

The following is a comprehensive list of all Monsters to be found in Rune Factory 2 organised by 'family' type. In most cases, Monsters belonging to the same 'family' will drop the same War Trophy but there are exceptions. Where a Monster can be found only in the 2nd Generation, this information has been included.

Orc Family:

Orc: 45 HP. Not very bright, but curious and active. May visit the town out of curiosity. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth. Will harvest. War Trophy: Cheap Cloth. Found in Trieste Forest.
Orc Archer: 45 HP. Calm and laid back personality. It works at one speed: Slow. Skill: Rapid Attack; Attribute: Earth. Does no farm work. War Trophy: Arrowhead. Found in Trieste Forest.
Orc Hunter: 65 HP. Forest hunter. Very few can creatures can evade an Orc Hunter’s arrow. Skill: Rapid Attack; Attibute: Earth. Will not help on farm. War Trophy: Arrowhead. Found in Trieste Forest in the 2nd Generation.
High Orc: HP: 91. Very cautious, lives deep in the woods. Highly territorial and aggressive. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth; Will help with the harvest. War Trophy: Cheap Cloth. Found in Trieste Forest in the 2nd Generation.
Orc Viking: 80 HP. A brutal orc warrior. Acts violently for his own satisfaction. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Water; Wields a double-headed axe; Will not work. War Trophy: Shoulder Piece. Found in Padova Mountains.
High Orc Viking: 190 HP. A proud and imposing warrior. Hates heat and keeps to snowy mountains. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Water. War Trophy: Shoulder Piece. Found at Icy Path and Unfrozen Lake of Padova Mountains only during the day solely in the 2nd Generation.

Goblin Family:

Goblin Pirate: 50 HP. Thinks he’s the strongest. Actually weaker than Goblin Captain. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Fire; Will water your crops. War Trophy: Quality Cloth. Found on Blessia Island.
Goblin Gangster: 50 HP. A crazy rascal who flings around knives and tries to pick fights. Skill: Knife Throw; Attribute: Fire; War Trophy: Skull. Found on Blessia Island.
Goblin Captain: 75 HP. A tough Goblin leader. Skilled at using two knives. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Fire. Will water your crops. War Trophy: Quality Cloth. Found on Blessia Island only in the 2nd Generation.
Goblin Don: 70 HP. Attacks if he catches you merely looking. So wild, it’s frightening. Skill: Knife Throw; Attribute: Fire. Will not help on the farm. War Trophy: Skull. Found on Blessia Island only in the 2nd Generation.
Goblin: 45 HP. Sly little monsters that like to sneak behind and attack from the rear. Skill: Back Stab; Attribute: Fire; Found in Fall area in daytime. Will harvest. War Trophy: Proof of Warrior. Found in Messhina Valley.

Goblin Archer: 45 HP. It lacks composure and tends to drop its arrows everywhere. Skill: Rapid Attack; Attribute: Fire. Found in Fall area during daytime. Will not work. War Trophy: Cheap Bandage. Found in Messhina Valley.
Goblin Sniper: 120 HP. Unmatched marksmanship. Never lets a target get away. Skill: Rapid Attack; Attribute: Fire; War Trophy: Cheap Bandage. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.
Hobgoblin: 120 HP. Looks that can scare even a devil. It’s simply terrifying. Skill: Back Stab; Attribute: Fire; Will harvest crops. War Trophy: Proof of Warrior. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.


Ogre Viking: 120 HP. Hurls two hand axes, but doesn’t have very good control. Skill: Tomahawk; Attribute: Water; War Trophy: Glue. Found only at night in Padova Mountains.
High Ogre Viking: 140 HP. Its jacket is extremely expensive. Inside the jacket are lots of axes. Skill: Tomahawk; Attribute: Water. War Trophy: Glue. Found at Icy Path and Unfrozen Lake of the Padova Mountains only at night solely in the 2nd Generation.


Troll: 267 HP; Massive creatures of enormous strength. One punch can smash nearly any enemy. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: None. Will destroy boulders on farm. War Trophy: Giant’s Fingernail. Found on Blessia Island only in the 2nd Generation.
Hammer Troll: HP 280. Swing huge hammers and hate slime which are immune to being smashed. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: None; Will smash rocks on farm; War Trophy: Giant’s Gloves. Found on Blessia Island only in the 2nd Generation.
Titan: 300 HP. Their punches can break through steel and will cause you more than just a bump. Skill: Serial Attack: Attribute: Earth. Will smash rocks on the farm. War Trophy: Giant’s Fingernail. Found in Palermo Shrine solely in the 2nd Generation.
Gigantus: 350 HP. Their unique style of swinging means that nothing gets away from them. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Fire. Will clear boulders from your field. War Trophy: GIANT’S GLOVE. Found in Palermo Shrine on BF3 Room 8 solely in the 2nd Generation.


Minotauros: 260 HP: A huge monster with a huge axe, but too big to make small movements. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Darkness. Will clear wood from your field. War Trophy: Hammer Piece. Found in the Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.
King Minotauros: 280 HP. The ramming power unleashed from its huge body could uproot a large tree. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Darkness. Will clear wood from your farm. War Trophy: Hammer Piece. Found exclusively in Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.


Little Mage: 100 HP. Tiny wizard. Good at fire magic, he loves to use his powers to grill fish. Skill: Fireball; Attribute: Fire; War Trophy: Magic Powder. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.
Little Wizard: 120 HP; Prankster wizard. Good at water magic. He squirts travelers with his water gun. Skill: Water Laser; Attribute: Water; Will water your crops. War Trophy: Magic Powder. Found at Rushing Waterfall of Padova Mountains during the day and at Shrine both in daytime and at night solely in the 2nd Generation.
Little Emperor: HP 130. Egotistical wizard. Good at wind magic, he always fluffs and primps his hair. Skill: Sonic Wind; Attribute: Wind. Will water your crops. War Trophy: Magic Powder. Found at Palermo Shrine solely in the 2nd Generation.


Faerie: 80 HP. An elusive fairy that can disappear. Especially good at playing tag. Skill: Sonic Wind; Attribute: Wind. Will not help on the farm. War Trophy: Fairy Dust. Found in Padova Mountains solely in the 2nd Generation at the Tomb during the day and at Rushing Waterfall at night.
Dark Faerie: 90 HP. A faerie that induces nightmares of falling down stairs into Hades. Skill: Sonic Wind. Attribute: Wind. Will not work on farm. War Trophy: Fairy Dust. Found in Palermo Shrine solely in the 2nd Generation.


Demon: 200 HP: A sly demon who specializes in hit and run tactics. Skill: Cure; Attibute: Darkness. Will not help on the farm; War Trophy: Devil Horn. Found solely at Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.
Arch Demon: 250 HP. Incredible skill with the spear. But it lacks even the slightest mercy. Skill: Cure; Attribute: Darkness; Will not help on the farm; War Trophy: Demon Blood. Found in Palermo Shrine solely in the 2nd Generation.


Ghost: 50 HP; This ghost suddenly appears from behind, causing a ghastly uproar. Skill: Life Drain; Attribute: Darkness; will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Hood. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.
Necro: 60 HP. A face hidden behind a masque… No one knows what it looks like… Skill: Life Drain; Attribute: Darkness. Will not work on the farm; War Trophy: Hood. Found at the Tomb at night and a Flowing River in Padova Mountains during both the day and the night in the 2nd Generation.

Faust: HP 70. Known as the Grim Reaper, he visits people who are close to death. Skill: Life Drain; Attribute: Darkness. War Trophy: Hood. Cousin to the Ghost and Necro, found only in Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.


Ignis: 50 HP: Always creating heat, it can be used in winter to heat your home. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Magic Crystal. Fire Element found only on Blessia Island in the 2nd Generation.
Tundra: 80 HP. Can move even if its body is frozen. Hates hot spots where it will evaporate. Skill: Cure; Attribute: Water. Will not help on the farm. War Trophy: Magic Crystal. Water Element found only in Padova Mountains at Rushing Water and Shrine solely in the 2nd Generation.
Aerian: HP 100. Suddenly appears on the wind, then suddenly leaves again. Skill: Cure; Attribute: Wind. Will not help on the farm. War Trophy: Magic Crystal. A Wind Elemental found solely in the Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.


Little Golem: 200 HP. Its hands work separate from its body, so it can easily grab something far away. Skill: Charging; Attirbute: None. Will smash rocks on the farm. War Trophy: Bronze. Found solely in the Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.


Monster Box: 140 HP. A monster shaped like a strongbox, lures in explorers then rushes to the attack. Skill: Charging. Attribute: Darkness. Will not help on farm. War Trophy: Broken Box. Found solely in the Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.

Mimic: 140 HP. A glutton who will eat anything. Gets indigestion if it eats good food. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Darkness. Will not help on the farm. War Trophy: Broken Box. Found solely in the Palermo Shrine in the 2nd Generation.


Claw Dragon: 350 HP. Has sharp claws and hard scales. It can’t be fought with normal weapons. Skill: Fire Breath; Attribute: Light; Will not work on farm; War Trophy: Rage Fang. Found in Palermo Shrine only in the 2nd Generation.

Bird Family:

Cluckadoodle: 40 HP. Makes a loud cry early in the morning, so it’s been used as an alarm for ages. Skill: Nonstop Pecking; Attribute: None. Will produce Eggs if you have a Basket. War Trophy: Small Egg. Found in Messhina Valley only at night.
Blackbird: Though black like the night, its poor vision keeps it active during the day. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Wind. Will clear lumber from field on farm. War Trophy: Bird Wing. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.
Weegull: 90 HP. It hunts its prey from high above and can kill swiftly from the sky. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Wind. Like the Blackbird, it will clear lumber from field on farm. War Trophy: Bird Wing. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.

Bovine Family:

Buffamoo: 80 HP. Gentle and calm, it doesn’t attack people, but try not to make it mad. Skill: Head Butt; Attribute: None. Provides Milk if you have Milker. War Trophy: Small Milk. Found in Messhina Valley.
Buffalo: Agitated by the sight of red, this beast is large enough to ride on. Skill: Charging; Attribute: None. Can be used for transport. Will demolish boulders on farm. War Trophy: Bull Horn. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.

Sheep Family:

Wooly: 50 HP. Special feature is its fluffy fur. Well vented, it stays cool in summer. Skill: Tackle; Attribute: None. Provides Woolin the form of Fleece if you have clippers. War Trophy: Wooly Furball. Found in Trieste Forest in the Spring Clearing only at night.


Silver Wolf: Wolf that lives in the snowy mountains. Hard to tame due to its wild nature. Skill: Tackle; Attribute: None; Can ride it if you take it out of the barn. War Trophy: Wolf Fang. Found in Padova Mountains.
Hunter Wolf: 125 HP. Its dazzling fur catches the eye. I’d feel like a Prince riding it! Skill: Tackle; Attribute: None. You can ride this Monster. War Trophy: Wolf Fang. Found both at the Icy Path and the Tomb in Padova Mountains solely in the 2nd Generation.

Panther Family:

Shadow Panther: 70 HP. A rare beast that can walk on two legs. Skillfully uses its front legs to eat. Skill: Tackle; Attribute: Darkness. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Panther Claw. Found on Blessia Island.
Blood Panther: 100 HP; Can run extremely fast. It’s speed is unsurpassed. Skill: Tackle; Attribute: Darkness; Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Panther Claw. Found on Blessia Island only in the 2nd Generation.

Tortoise Family:

Tortoise: 107 HP; Has a large shell on its back. Withdraws into its shell if in danger. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Water; Will water your crops. War Trophy: Tortoise Shell. Found only on Blessia Island solely in the 2nd Generation.

Squirrel Family:

Chipsqueek: HP: 90. A charming little creature. It is always eating something. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Fur. Found solely in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.
Furpuff: HP 95. It’s long, thick fur has great texture. Just petting it will make you happy. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth; War Trophy: Quality Fur. Found solely in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.

Fish Family:

Dorado: 100 HP. Can live on land or in water. Too heavy to catch with a fishing rod. Skill: Water Gun; Attribute: Water. Will water crops on farm. War Trophy: Fish Fossil. Found at Freezing Cave both during day and at night in Padova Mountains only in the 2nd Generation.
Sky Fish: 100 HP. A mysterious fish, it floats in the sky. Blows a powerful water blast from mouth. Skill: Water Gun. Attribute: Water; Will water your crops. War Trophy: Fish Fossil. Found at Freezing Cave in the Padova Mountains both during the day and at night solely in the 2nd Generation.

Bee Family:

Queen Bee: A Queen Bee that rules the hornets. Gracefully flies around the skies. Skill: Rapid Attack; Attribute: Wind; Produces Honey if you use a Basket. War Trophy: Insect Jaw. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.
Hornet: HP 50. Works feverishly for the queen bee. Relentlessly stings the enemies. Skill: Rapid Attack; Attribute: Wind; Produces Honey if you use a Basket. War Trophy: Insect Jaw. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.

Ant Family:

Ant: 20 HP. Wanders around aimlessly, sometimes suddenly remembering to attack. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth. Found at night in Trieste Forest. Will harvest crops. War Trophy: Insect Skin. Found only at night in Trieste Forest.
Killer Ant: HP: 61. The ant chief. Can even chew through rock with its well-developed jaws. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth; Will work on the farm, helping with the harvest, or pulverising large boulders. War Trophy: Speckled Skin. Found only at night in Trieste Forest in the 2nd Generation.

Spider Family:

Spider: 25 HP. Scurries about quickly, overcoming its prey with speed and ferocity. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth. Will not work on the farm. War Trophies: Strong String. Found in Trieste Forest at night.
Hell Spider: HP 45. Lounges about among the tree branches on a hammock made of spider thread. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Earth. War Trophy: Sparkle String. Found at night in Trieste Forest only in the 2nd Generation.

Scorpion Family:

Scorpion: 30 HP. Hides in the sand to hunt its prey. Stores a powerful poison in its tail. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Darkness. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Scorpion Tail. Can inflict Poison. Found on Blessia Island only at night.
Death Stalker: 65 HP. Captures its prey in its claw, then kills it with its poisonous tail. Skill: Serial Attack; Attribute: Darkness. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Scorpion Pincer. Found only on Blessia Island only at night solely in the 2nd Generation.

Beetle Family:

Giant Beetle: 110 HP; Lifts and throws enemies with its horns. Its aim is to defeat Hercules in a fight. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Wind; Will destroy boulders on the farm. War Trophy: Hard Horn. Found on Blessia Island only at night solely in the 2nd Generation.
Hercules Beetle: 150 HP (2 hearts); Sharpens its horns everyday on a tree. These special horns never break. Skill: Charging; Attribute: Wind ; Will smash rocks on the farm. War Trophy: Hard Horn. Found on Blessia Island only at night solely in the 2nd Generation.

Slime Family:

Slime: 150 HP. A gelatinous monster. Its jelly-like body protects its core. Skill: Tackle; Attribute: None; Like its ‘cousin’, the Dark Slime, it will water your crops. War Trophy: Little Crystal. Found at Narrow Path in Padova Mountains both during day and at night solely in the 2nd Generation.
Dark Slime: 160 HP. Body colour darkens to protect its core. Can it really see from inside there? … Skill: Tackle; Attribute: None. Will water your crops. War Trophy: Little Crystal. Found at Blocked-Off Cave in Padova Mountains solely in the 2nd Generation.

Mushroom Family:

Big Mushroom: 70 HP. A gigantic mushroom as tall as a person. Emits poison powder if it senses danger. Skill: Poison Powder; Attribute: Earth. Will not help on farm. War Trophy: Spore. Found in Trieste Forest in Mushroom Patch during the day only in the 2nd Generation.
Tricky Mushroom: 105 HP. Monster mushroom that glows fluorescent. Glowing is the way it communicates. Skill: Poison Powder; Attribute: Earth. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Spore. Found in Trieste Forest in Mushroom Patch solely at night only in the 2nd Generation.

Flower Family:

Flower Blossom: HP: 76. It fires seeds from its mouth and is very sensitive to sound. Skill: Cure; Attribute: Earth. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Root. Found in Trieste Forest only in the 2nd Generation.
Flower Lion: 65 HP; Sprouts impressive leaves that look like a lion’s mane. Skill: Cure; Attribute: Fire. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Root. Found on Blessia Island only in the 2nd Generation.
Flower Lilly: 80 HP; A monster with lovely blossoms, containing a very sweet nectar. Skill: Cure; Attribute: Wind; will not work on the farm; War Trophy: Root. Found in Messhina Valley only in the 2nd Generation.
Flower Crystal: 90 HP. This mysterious plant has transparent leaves that look like crystals. Skill: Cure; Attribute: Water; Will not help on farm; War Trophy: Root. Found both at Iceberg Midway and Unfrozen Lake at Padova Mountains only in the 2nd Generation.

Other Plants:

Pomme-Pomme: 50 HP. Sometimes it looks just like an apple with its round body, but it’s too big… Skill: Charging; Attibute: None; Will not work. War Trophy: Apple. Found in Spring Clearing of Trieste Forest during the day.
Leaf Ball: 85 HP. A floating plant monster. It likes sunny places. Skill: Sonic Wind; Attribute: Wind. Will not work on the farm. War Trophy: Plant Stem. Found in Trieste Forest only in the 2nd Generation.
Planchoa: 65 HP: Smarter than it looks, it can understand human language. Skill: Sonic Wind; Attribute: Wind; will not work on the farm; War Trophy: Plant Stem. Found in Trieste Forest only in the 2nd Generation.


  1. Nice groupings. I wouldn't have thought of that. Thanks!


  2. There are actually two kinds of Mimic/Treasure Box monsters.

    One is called the Monster Box, and the other is the Mimic. Both are found in Palermo Temple.. I think the first one can be found if you go down the central flight of stairs and pull left once you're down. The generator spawns a Claw Dragon, and the monster, which is a tan colour with a greenish interior.. I don't have my DS on me, or it would be more informative. x.x

    Hopefully this was helpful. :D

  3. Duly noted, Omni, and duly added to the Guide. That's one I had missed, although at first I had suspected there would be two as there were two in the original Rune Factory. In THAT game, the difference mattered, as each one dropped a different item. In Rune Factory 2, the only difference is physical appearance.

  4. P.S. You are right that the one with the Claw Dragon IS the Monster Box. That was the first one I tamed and added to the Guide.

  5. maybe put some spaces between monsters so we dont get them confused

  6. Anon, there are spaces as well as coding in my actual Bestiary and Caves Guide. You will find the links to all my guides on the right side of this page. This was nothing more than a little post.
