Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Yue Holds the Key to a Better Life in the 2nd Generation

In Rune Factory 2, although you need to order all building expansions from Byron, it actually is Yue who offers the items that allow you to take advantage of the upgrades.

A new option will appear in Yue's Menu in the 2nd Generation, offering 'Bargains' to your character. Bargains are available only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you ask for a Bargain on any other day, Yue will declare that she has 'sold out' of all Bargains. Furthermore, if you do not have a Workshop, you will not be able to access the choices in the Bargain Menu. If you do not own a Kitchen, you will not be able to access the Cookware Bargains on Friday.

It is Yue who will sell the Small and Large Kitchens needed if you wish to cook the Recipes learned in your Lessons at School. It is she who sells the actual Forge and Pharmacy bench. Yue offers additional storage space in the form of a new Refrigerator and Shelves that can be purchased from her on Wednesday. Finally, Yue sells all the Cookware in the form of the old Harvest Moon 'Utensils' and moreover, sells all six Makers as a set.

Without Yue's Bargains, you will find that your new Workshop is nothing more than a big empty Room!

All this information is included in my General Guide now but here is a little video tutorial about Yue's Bargains:


  1. What if she's your mother?

  2. It doesn't matter! Your mother will be in the farmhouse early in the morning to greet you but she then will go about her ordinary business and not even acknowledge the relationship for the most part during the day.

    Furthermore, she will be at zero hearts with you at the start of the 2nd Generation, with all other individuals at zero as well.

  3. Good thing they don't have some sort of social services in Alvarna!
    The father just left his family, the mother doesn't acknowledge the child for most of the day and so the poor child is left unattained for most of the day, running in dangerous places filled with monsters, working on a farm alone AND expanding the school plus buying all the equipment. Why can't Rosalind's and Max's family buy all that, they seem quite the wealthy types.

  4. Wow, can't wait to play it. So much information already! You are the best. I am reading the ToT guide, it's awesome (though I wished the font was a bit larger). How cool if you had written the guide for RF2! Anyway, can't wait to receive my Rune Factory 2, you already have many guides about it, I am so glad.

  5. Synth and Ana, you guys made my day!

    Synth, your comment made me giggle... love it!

    And Ana, I am glad you find my guides helpful. Yes, no one likes the size of the text in the ToT Guide. They didn't want more pages... but mine was the longest guide they ever published I think, in terms of actual number of words.
    Sorry about that! I don't follow Julius Caesar or Napoleon in my literary style, although the latter is one of my heroes.

    There are changes in ToT that are not reflected in the Guide because the version I played differed from the ultimate retail version. I wrote about the changes on this site, but in case you missed it: no raw fish now at the Fish Shop, no Cocoons at the Brownie Ranch EVER... and there is an unfortunate glitch that prevents you from experiencing Calvin's Request Event, so it's best not to raise him to that Heart level!

    Anyway, I think my final guides for Rune Factory 2 should be MORE comprehensive than the Official Strategy Guide. That's the nice thing about internet guides... I can keep working on them without a deadline. Mind you, it's rather satisfying to have my name on a published guide as well.

  6. Just an idea...
    Could you add under the link to Amazon to buy the guide a link to a special post or separate document listing the differences between the guide and release game? I know there's already a post about that somewhere and you wrote that now, but I think this way it might be easier for readers to find the changes, even though they are smaller ones.

  7. Thanks once agtain, Synth, for your excellent suggestion. I have created a new page that lists the changes and added it as a link with the link to the Official Strategy Guide. That is the limit of what I am allowed to do, I expect, with respect to ToT.

  8. Quick question. I notice that on my game, the seed maker doesn't work all the time. Why, just recently, I tried putting an onion in, and my character said, "I can't use this now." So, do you know when the seed maker does work?

  9. Quick question. I notice that on my game, the seed maker doesn't work all the time. Why, just recently, I tried putting an onion in, and my character said, "I can't use this now." So, do you know when the seed maker does work?

  10. Anon, I actually wrote a little post about this today, because you are not the only player not to realise that when your Rucksack is full, you won't be able to use a Seed Maker! You need an Empty Slot for the seeds... There is no other special requirement.
