Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Visit to the City in Animal Crossing City Folk

Here is a little tour of the City in Animal Crossing City Folk, showing some of the new characters as well as the old ones. One almost feels sorry for Lyle now, however much of a pest he could be in Wild World! And the perfidious Redd still sells forged paintings...


  1. 9-90,000...? *cries* It's enough to have to pay my debts but for the outfits?!

    I hated having to donate the paintings only to have Blathers freak out and say it was a forgery.

    I guess I feel sorry for Lyle... But not too much. He annoyed the heck out of me whenever he kept chasing me around in front of my house. I DON'T WANT INSURANCE!

  2. Hello
    Your guides are very good. Thanks :D

  3. Nathan, I have purchased FOUR Forged Paintings from Redd so far... if it weren't for the sake of the guide, I wouldn't have purchased the ones I suspected were forgeries, but...

    Redd has not sold my primary character a single authentic artwork. My secondary character bought ONE authentic painting so far, which means that 4 out of 5 were forgeries!

  4. Thanks, da millionth Kim! It was kind of you to post. I'm glad my guides are helpful.
