Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rune Factory 2 Guides and Updates

As I have received a number of emails from players asking if the Rune Factory 2 Guides that have been uploaded are complete now, I think I should make it clear that I am updating those Guides (and adding new Guides) on a daily basis at this point. Always look at the top of the Guide to make certain it is the latest version.

I sent out new Guides as well as updated versions of the General Guide this afternoon but they may not have been uploaded yet. By tomorrow, all Guides will be expanded further.

My own philosophy here is that it is better for players to have something than nothing. Rather than waiting until the Guides are complete, I prefer to publish them as quickly as possible, while continuing to update and expand them. Fortunately, IGN has been wonderful about uploading the updated versions regularly.

In terms of my ego, it is not as satisfying for me perhaps to put my name on an incomplete guide but the real point of the guides is to help players enjoy the games. If I were looking for a game guide, I'd rather find a decent incomplete guide than no guide at all or a guide that pretended to be complete but waffled where any details were concerned.

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