Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cecila and the Round Stone: Marriage Proposal

In my preliminary game, I now have experienced the Proposal and marriage Events for all the Eligible Girls in the 1st Generation.

Here is Cecilia's Request Event at 10 hearts. As the actual marriage proposal option will occur in the course of the Request Event both for Cecilia and for Alicia, there is a final Request Event for each that will not appear until the girl has attained maximum 10 heart Level.

I have included all possible responses and results for Cecilia. If she walks away without having had a marriage proposal from you, the Request will reappear on the Bulletin Board immediately. You will be forced to go through the entire Request Event again if you wish to propose to her. The only other way to propose to her is if you interrupt her wedding to Jake.

Cecilia's Proposal Event is unique in this respect. The reason for this is because she wants her future spouse to propose to her in a 'monster-infested' area. You therefore must meet her once again on the Bridge if you decide to marry her after making either of the 'negative' responses previously in the Event.

When at last I believed I had dealt with all the Eligible Girls sufficiently for the Courtsihp and Marriage Guide, a visitor to this site in fact suggested that I actually stay married to each girl for 10 days after the wedding in order to experience (and document) all the dialogues for each of the girls after marriage.

I still have to cover the 2nd Generation AND the new Animal Crossing game... I am tempted, however, as I do have all the special Proposal Items and it would not require much more than sufficient patience to deal with all the well wishers at the Weddings again. I probably will do it. Would any one describe me as obsessive perhaps?

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