Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bizarre (Imaginary) Harvest Moon Contest

There was a time when I posted 'Harvest Moon Trivia' contests on the IGN message board. It was fun to think up the questions and fun to see how quickly other fans would answer them.

This morning I thought of a truly bizarre (imaginary) Harvest Moon contest: a contest to make Dorothy's Chocolate Cookies according to Cammy's recipe. Would any one have the courage not only to attempt the recipe but to try the dish that resulted? Can you imagine???

Here are the ingredients again as given in the Event:

Me: They don’t taste much like chocolate… in fact… just what did you put in them to create a flavor like this…?
Dorothy: Ah… well… it’s a secret recipe, but…
Dorothy: Lamp Grass, Scorpion Pinch, Tuna, Carrots, Onions, Pineapple…
Me (with tear): Okay… you’re upsetting my stomach. Please, that’s enough…
Me (with many tears): Why did you put all of that stuff in it?
Dorothy: But… I just followed the recipe as shown in this book…
Me: I see… that sounds like an odd recipe. Can I take a look?

Unfortunately, it's an impossible task in our world as I doubt any one can find 'Lamp Grass' or 'Scorpion Pinch'.

There always have been odd recipes in Harvest Moon games. Remember how one could make the Suns in FoMT and MFoMT? In those days, we wondered about their uses... Now, of course, we know that they are extremely useful and can be placed in a convenient Basement or Greenhouse to grow crops out of season. Even the 'Winter Sun' has its use, to allow Fruit Trees to progress through their natural growing process to bear fruit when planted in a Greenhouse.

If only we could make 'Elli Leaves' in the real world. How wonderful to be able to take 'Failed' or 'Burnt' Food and transform it into an exotic leaf that restores energy!


  1. I'd love to try Elli Leaves. But I wonder if they would taste like the ingredients in them? It might not taste that good then...

  2. I think Elli leaves in real life would be a breakthrough in the field of medicine.

  3. Scorpion Pinch; would that be a scorpion's tail or pincers? Anyway, if not buyable on the market, one could still catcha scorpion and get the ingridient.. Not me, thanks

    Lamp Grass: I can find grass lamps on google, but no lamp grass. The only thing I can think about is Physalis alkekengi, which looks like a lantern. Lantern, lamp...

    Oh well, that's what I'd choose if I were to make those biscuits. But as Freyr said the cookies made with recipe were awful, I wouldn't like to try them, not at all! XD

  4. Wow, Synth, I love your effort to research this! It would be a strong man/individual indeed who would be willing to try those biscuits... I wouldn't have the stomach for it either.

    There is a perfectly horrid 'reality show' on the telly called 'Fear Factor' where people eat stuff like this on a dare. I never could watch that though.

  5. Earlier today I came up with an idea of what would also be funny in regards to the biscuits request. That in the previous request Dorothy would ask you to bring those ingredients to her. And you would be all puzzled as to why she'd need such weird things. Though I'm not sure if her "pathological" shyness would allow her to make such a request... And in this way the cookies could only be awful, regardless of the answer...
