Friday, October 24, 2008

Strange Problem with Cursed Tools in HM DS

A player emailed me with this problem: With a cursed tool equipped in the Tool, the player had the required amount of money and rang the Church for service. Carter told the player that he doesn't have the cursed item with him. (I am using 'him' because the character is a boy in HM DS.) The tool is equipped: in fact, the character is unable to remove it now because it IS a Cursed Tool.

This is not the first time I have heard of this, but I cannot recall any solution. Does any one have any helpful information about this?


  1. There's a slight possibility ... If the cursed tool happens to be the hammer, he could go to the 4 mine and find the wonderful stones - the goddess would then destroy the curse. ... But that's assuming he has access to the mine ... and that he has the hammer equipped (and hasn't already done this...).

    I've asked around, someone else might know of an easier solution...

    PS: If you're interested in some trivia, check out my latest post.

  2. Thanks, Mar. Please do keep me informed. It's evidently a glitch but most glitches can be circumvented somehow. Your suggestion of appeal to the HG in the 4th mine is a good one, but as you say, it would work only if the tool equipped is the Cursed Hammer AND remember that Cursed Tools drain energy at a prodigious rate...

  3. Hi, I am the original emailer with the problem. The first time I hit this problem, I found the hammer and ran home, called the church, he siad I didn't have the cursed item when it was right there on my head while I was calling! I had to get rid of the tool somehow because I couldn't do anything with a tool on my head so I dropped it on my property. I continued to play for a while and then was mining again when I found the watering can and the same thing happened, church says I don't have the cursed item with me but there it is on my head. This time I dropped it in my shipping basket since I have no other options. I don't have access to the 4th mine yet so that won't work yet. But a good suggestion. Please let me know if you can think of anything I might not be doing correctly, or why it may be doing this?

  4. I suggest try throwing the cursed tool in the trash can. I'm not sure if you can get another tool from the mines, but it's worth a shot.

  5. Wait ......... what? ... On your ... head? ... ... Please clarify something for me ... When you took the hammer and called ... what slot was it in? Was it in the red tool slot? I don't see how you could've just thrown in it away, let alone had it over your head if it was equipped ... being a cursed tool.

    I haven't played HM:DS so I'm not familiar with how things work, but in FoMT a tool that was equipped didn't appear over your head, only when you used it. I don't know what the case is here ... but double check and make sure you put that cursed hammer / watering can is in your RED tool slot, then try Carter again. SAVE before you do it though...

    Unfortunately no one else has responded to my inquiries on the forums I visit so that's all I got.

  6. hey,
    you need to have the cursed tool in the tool (red) slot before calling the church rather than the item (green) slot which is what causes the item to appear above your characters head

  7. I think that, although the player originally told me he had the tool 'equipped' in the tool slot, it probably was in the Item Slot and of course, if that were the case, Carter would not recognise it. A Cursed Accessory must be equipped in the Accessory Slot and a Cursed Tool must be equipped in the Tool Slot if you wish to have the curse removed from it.

  8. i have the same problem and it would only go in the item box: the green one, and i dont know how to equip it, and i cant move it to any other boxy thing. AND it wont go into the shelves that i bought OR the beauty box OR the tool box. i need to knw how to equip it or whatever.
