Sunday, September 14, 2008

Random Results at Festivals in Island of Happiness

I wrote previously about the random result that can occur at the New Year's Day Rice Cake Festival in Island of Happiness, wherein your character chokes on one of the Rice Cakes. This is not the only Festival that can surprise a player, however. The Snow Festival is another.

I discovered that the type of Snowman that you create is utterly random and Gannon will make a different response to each. It is not the number of characters who agree to build the Snowman with you either that determines the result. It is completely random. Whether two or ten characters build with you, the Snowman can be ordinary or extraordinary. If ordinary, Gannon will be unimpressed. If extraordinary, he will make a remark to that effect.

I have included screenshots from two different results at the very same Festival in the same year. The same characters built the snowman with me on each occasion. As you can see, the result on one occasion was 'Hmm, this is it?' On the other, Gannon exclaimed: 'Holy cow! This is a heckuva snowman!'

By the way, the Snow Festival is rather unique in terms of Harvest Moon Festivals. It is a Festival that allows your character to invite every one in attendance to participate with him/her in the building of a Snowman. It therefore celebrates Friendship rather than Romance. If your Friendship levels with every one at the Meadow are sufficiently high, you can build a snowman with every one. Those who lack sufficient heart levels will refuse to build with you. At 4 hearts, individuals refused in previous years. At 6 hearts or higher, every one accepted the invitation.

It reminded me a little of the Tomato Festival in Harvest Moon Boy & Girl in that respect, except that there is no competition here, no opposing teams and you are able to work with EVERY ONE rather than choosing to be part of one team.

At the end of the Snow Festival, your parting thoughts will differ according to the Snowman that you build as well. It is yet another example of the fine sense of detail that went into the creation of Island of Happiness.


  1. I think this would be my favorite festival (if I owned the game anyway). IoH seems to excel particularly well with the festivities from what I've seen ... unlike say, Magical Melody, which is pretty lackluster in the festival area ...

    I hope ToT has some good ones like this ...

  2. ToT has wonderful festivals. You won't be disappointed. Community festivals and romantic festivals both are incredible.

    There is something very romantic about riding a horse to the top of the hill to meet your beloved beneath the Mother Tree as well...
    which is how you celebrate the Starry Night Festival and hear romantic declarations of love in ToT.
