Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fireflies in Island of Happiness

When I first begin to notice glowing golden points of light near the banks of the river on my Farm, I thought they represented some new secret in Harvest Moon. I followed them in vain, attempting to capture one. I tried to fish for them. I tried to catch them with the stylus...

What they are, in fact, are Fireflies. Yes, they are magical but only in the sense that the beauty of Nature is magical. You will see them randomly near any body of water in Island of Happiness, especially in the Summer season.

The screenshot I have included was taken in haste, but you can see a glowing golden pinpoint of light to the right of my character. It is a firefly. At first, it hovered over the water of the river, then moved gradually east along the path in West Town. You may see them often near the Goddess Spring as well.

Some Harvest Moon games, including Magical Melody and the upcoming Tree of Tranquility, actually include a Firefly Festival. In Island of Happiness, they are part of the landscape to be enjoyed but you cannot interact with them furthe


  1. Ah, reminds me of the fireflies in Animal Crossing - basically just glowing spheres of beautiful light that you could catch with a net. Marvelous sight.

    I would've probably tried to catch them here too, like you. Fireflies just have that effect on people...

    - Mars

  2. Thanks for visiting my site! It is nice to see a comment by another veteran Harvest Moon gamer... I believe we discussed field formations in FoMT/MFoMT long ago on the boards... and much more.

  3. Ah, yes - I just happened to stumble upon while searching for Harvest Moon information on web (mostly ToT stuff, as my curiosity knows no bounds). You have quite a nice blog going here.

    Oh, and I suppose I might as well tell you now, that I sent you that letter info from Gwen through another PM on IGN. As well as another experience I had ...

  4. Oh thanks. I am sorry to say I seldom log on to IGN nowadays. I simply don't have the time. I did go there to retrieve your messages though. What was Gwen's heart level when she sent that letter? It is SO unhelpful! I was certain she would have mentioned CARROTS...
    On another topic, glad to hear you finally met the elusive artist. I never had any trouble with Henry. It's only when players do that hidden requirements surface in many cases. Of course, I plant insanely in any Harvest Moon game, creating huge orchards and fields filled with crops at the earliest opportunity. (In ToT, you can cultivate four different fields by the way.)

  5. Wrong letter? . . . . well, shoot. I had her up to 6 hearts and had received TWO gifts from her ... She was going crazy for me.

    *shrugs* Oh well, I'll just try it again on my new file, and this time get her up to 8 hearts. I probably should have asked you about the hearts first ... <_<; No biggie though.


  6. I just want to say thank you Freyashawk for creating all those wonderful guides. They help me to no end! I am also an avid lover of Harvest Moon games. They are very fun!

    I'm just wondering, do you update this site reguarly, or is it just a pleasure site for one and all?



  7. Mars, if you had her at 6 hearts with two gift visits, that is more than high enough to receive the 'informative letter'. Apparently Gwen's letter is not as informative as the others. In every other letter I've had, the individual tells you what you need to ship to bring him/her back. So don't fret over it, please.

    Islay, I try to update this site regularly with posts about aspects of new Harvest Moon games or an aspect of an existing game that has prompted a host of recent emails from players... even when it may be covered in my guides.

  8. I thought so, but still, it can't hurt to try again. Maybe there's another letter she sends later on during her absence which hints at those carrots. Didn't seem to be but you never know. If this next attempt on my new file ever amounts to anything I'll let you know, though it might be awhile since I'm playing at a slower pace.
