Monday, September 29, 2008

Appeal to other Players for IoH Farming Degree Sub-Titles

The complete list of Farming Degree Titles is included in my General Guide but I yet have to complete all the 'Sub-Titles' that accompany grades in the Titles.

I am paying more attention to changes in 'sub-titles' now in my own game, but it probably would be quicker if other players helped me complete the list. So far, writing solely from memory, I have:


These 'sub-titles' will be found in front of the word Ranch on the front page of your Assets List.

For example, your character may be a:

Spicy Ranch Marquis

or a:

Dog Ranch Duke

Gender is not a factor in the titles. A girl character as well as a boy will be given the title of 'Duke' rather than 'Duchess'.

I would be interested to hear other players' theories as to the significance of the word 'Blond' in this respect. Does it have a specific significance in Japanese culture or is it simply an example of the wonderful, inventive Harvest Moon humour that is exhibited in all Harvest Moon games?


  1. I have a title of Green Ranch Virtuoso. It is my first day since I moved up from Super Rancher.

  2. I was Super Rancher before winning the mining competition and after am Mild Ranch Virtuoso.
