Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Easy Recipes in Island of Happiness

This information has been added to my General Guide, the link to which can be found on the right side of this page, but for those who are beginning the game, I thought it might be useful to post it here as well.

Cooking Tip for Maximum Energy Value

When you look at Recipes in my Guides, you will see a ‘Basic Recipe’ and a ‘Best Recipe’ for many of the Cooked Dishes that you can make in Island of Happiness. Do not be seduced by the word ‘Best’, however, into making that version automatically. It may be ‘better’ than the ‘basic’ recipe in terms of the Energy Values it gives, but it may not be as good as making TWO of the Basic Recipes for the same dish.
Where the optional ingredient is the same ingredient that would be used to make another ‘basic’ dish, do that instead!

For example, with respect to the Boiled Egg and Spa Egg Recipes, you can add Mayonnaise to boost SR by 3 Points and Fullness by 1 point. Is this worth it? No, not at all. If you do not have a Maker, Mayonnaise must be made in your kitchen with an Egg and Oil. Even if you have a Mayonnaise Maker, it would be far better to take the Egg and make another Boiled or Spa-Boiled Egg with it than to add Mayonnaise to your Basic Boiled Egg or Spa-Boiled Egg. This is not the case always with respect to optional ingredients. Each Recipe must be assessed and the enjoyment of Cooking for its own sake may be worth more to a player than the values of ingredients in terms of energy.

In the early stages of gameplay, however, Butter generally is better shipped to bring more Characters to the Island than used as an optional ingredient in Recipes. If you wish to use the Milk most profitably in terms of creating energy recovery items, boil it and make Hot Milk, which is worth +15 SR and +7 FL instead of making it into Butter, which will add only +4 SR and +1 FL to any Recipe as an optional ingredient.

Maths may be tedious for some, but if judicious calculation will allow to reach a lower level in the Mine, it is worth the effort!

Easy Recipes in the 1st Year

Here are some easy recipes and their values in terms of Stamina and Fullness. All Recipes will be listed in my Cooking Recipe Guide but there are only a few that you will be able to make in the first year with the ingredients that you can obtain. Note that you have six slots for ingredients whenever you cook. There are other optional ingredients that can be added in many cases to a Recipe, but I have tried to choose the six BEST ingredients here not only in terms of their energy values but in the ease with which you can obtain them early in the game. In many cases, you will be able to make only the Basic Recipe in the first year, but I included the Best version as well.

Note that, although there is no Basic Recipe that uses a Large Fish as an ingredient, you often can add a Large Fish as an optional ingredient to boost the energy value of a Recipe that requires a Medium Fish. I included recipes for two Herbal Dishes, even though the item required to obtain them is White Grass and cannot be found until Winter.

The Recipes chosen here have been chosen on the basis of the lowest common denominators. In other words, the Crops required are those that do not need to be unlocked. I have included no Recipes that require Makers, although optional ingredients may include processed ranch products. In other words, I have not included Cheese Recipes.

As far as obtaining Recipes is concerned, you often will find that an ingredient given to Luke or Madelynn will result in a Recipe that you cannot make at the current point in your game. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to obtain as many Recipes as you can as early as possible. Recipes as well as Cooking bring new arrivals to the Island.

The biggest value of Cooking early in the game is to provide you with Recovery items for the Mine. You may find it almost impossible to descend to low levels in the Mine until you are able to cook. Wild Grasses and Chocolate provide some Energy Recovery but not enough to take you to the 50th floor without difficulty. It is on the 50th floor that you will find Orichalc, the item needed to create Accessories that boost Stamina and Fullness. It therefore is important to reach the 50th floor of the mine as early as possible in the game.

Remember that Energy Values are defined differently in Island of Happiness from many other Harvest Moon games. They are NOT defined by Stamina Recovery and Fatigue Resistance but rather by Stamina Recovery and Fullness. I therefore have used the abbreviations SR and FL.

Pickled Turnip: 70G (Obtain from Café with Turnip)

Basic Pickled Turnip: Turnip
+15 SR +2 FL

Best Pickled Turnip: Turnip, Cucumber, Cabbage, Onion, Carrot
+26 SR +10 FL

Tomato Salad: 70G (Obtain with Tomato from Café)

Basic Tomato Salad: Tomato
+15 SR +3 FL

Best Tomato Salad: Tomato, Mayonnaise, Ketchup
+21 SR +9 FL

Herb Salad: 34G (Obtain from Café with White Grass)

Basic Herb Salad: White Grass, Black Grass
+30 SR +5 FL

Best Herb Salad: White Grass, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Mayonnaise
+47 SR +9 FL


Carrot Soup: 130G (Obtain with Carrot at Café)

Basic Carrot Soup: Carrot
+15 SR +3 FL

N.B. You could add Carrot Juice as an optional ingredient but doing so adds nothing in terms of Energy Values.

Egg Soup: 60G (Obtain from Café with Egg)

Basic Egg Soup: Egg
+15 SR, +3 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Cooked Dish.

Herb Soup: 34G (Obtain with Black Grass from Café)

Basic Herb Soup: White Grass, Black Grass
+30 SR +5 FL

Best Herb Soup: White Grass, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass
+45 SR +10 FL

Hot Chocolate: 20G (Obtain with Chocolate from Café)

Basic Hot Chocolate: Chocolate, Milk
+22 SR +8 FL

N.B. Although you can add optional ingredients in the form of Hot Milk, it will add nothing in terms of Energy Values.

Hot Milk: 110G (Obtain with Milk from Café)

Basic Hot Milk: Milk
+15 SR +7 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe.

Relax Tea: 460G (obtain with Relax Tea Leaves from Café)
Basic Relax Tea: Relax Tea Leaves
+50 SR +10 FL

Best Relax Tea: Relax Tea Leaves, Milk, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass
+72 SR +25 FL

Tomato Juice: 70G (Obtain with Tomato from Café)

Basic Tomato Juice: Tomato
+15 SR +3 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe


Steamed Turnip: 240G (Obtain from Café with Turnip)

Basic Steamed Turnip: Turnip, Medium Fish, Egg
+30 SR +8 FL

Best Steamed Turnip: Turnip, Medium Fish, Egg, Shitake
+33 SR +10 FL

French Fries: 100G (Obtain with Potato from Diner)

Basic French Fries: Potato, Oil
+20 SR +10 FL

Best French Fries: Potato, Oil, Mayonnaise, Ketchup
+28 SR +10 FL

Braised Potato: 90G (Obtain with Potato from Diner)

Basic Braised Potato: Potato
+15 SR +8 FL

Best Braised Potato: Potato, Carrot, Onion
+21 SR +12 FL

Roasted Corn: 110G (Obtain with Corn from Diner)

Basic Roasted Corn: Corn
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Roasted Corn: Corn, Butter, Oil
+21 SR +12 FL

Popcorn: 110G (Obtain with Corn from Diner)

Basic Popcorn: Corn
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Popcorn: Corn, Butter, Oil
+21 SR +12 FL

Corn Flakes: 110G (Obtain with Corn from Diner)

Basic Cornflakes: Corn
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Corn Flakes: Corn, Milk, Strrawberry, Chocolate, Hot Milk, Yogurt
+30 SR +24 FL

Grilled Eggplant: (Obtain with Eggplant from Diner)

Basic Grilled Eggplant: Eggplant
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Grilled Eggplant: Eggplant, Miso
+20 SR +12 FL

Boiled Egg: 60G (Obtain from Café with Egg)

Basic Boiled Egg: Egg
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Boiled Egg: Egg, Mayonnaise
+18 SR +11 FL

Spa-Boiled Egg: 60G (Obtain with Egg from Café)

Basic Spa Egg: Egg
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Spa Egg: Egg, Mayonnaise
+18 SR +11 FL

Fried Egg: 70G (Obtain with Egg from Café)

Basic Fried Egg: Egg, Oil
+20 SR +18 FL

Best Fried Egg: Egg, Oil, Butter, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Miso
+32 SR +21 FL

Steamed Egg Custard: 110G (Obtain with Shitake from Diner)

Basic Steamed Egg Custard: Egg, Shitake
+25 SR +10 FL

Best Steamed Egg Custard: Egg, Shitake, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Grilled Fish
+49 SR +24 FL

Sashimi: 90G (Obtain from Diner with Medium Fish)

Basic Sashimi: Medium Fish
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Sashimi: Medium Fish, Large Fish
+18 SR +12 FL

Fish Sticks: 90G (Obtain with Medium Fish from Diner)

Basic Fish Sticks: Medium Fish
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Fish Sticks: Medium Fish, Large Fish
+18 SR +12 FL

Grilled Mushroom: 60G (Obtain with Shitake from Diner)

Basic Grilled Mushroom: Shitake
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Grilled Mushroom: Shitake, Matsutake
+20 SR +13 FL

Foiled Mushroom: 60G (Obtain with Shitake from Diner)

Basic Foiled Mushroom: Shitake
+15 SR +10 FL

Best Foiled Mushroom: Shitake, Matsutake, Butter, Wine, Miso
+36 SR +17 FL

Mountain Stew: 180G (Obtain with Shitake from Diner)

Basic Mountain Stew: Carrot, Shitake
+25 SR +15 FL

Best Mountain Stew: Carrot, Shitake, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Potato
+39 SR +27 FL

Seaweed Paste: 90G (Obtain with Seasweed from Diner)

Basic Seaweed Paste: Seaweed
+15 SR +8 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Dish.

Main Courses:

Omelet: 210G (Obtain with Egg from Café)

Basic Omelet: Egg, Milk, Oil
+20 SR +25 FL

Best Omelet: Egg, Milk, Oil, Potato, Corn, Carrot
+30 SR +33 FL

Grilled Fish: 90G (Obtain from Diner with Medium Fish)

Basic Grilled Fish: Medium Fish
+15 SR +18 FL

Best Grilled Fish: Medium Fish, Oil, Miso
+21 SR +19 FL

Boiled Fish: 90G (Obtain from Diner with Large Fish)

Basic Boiled Fish: Medium Fish
+15 SR +18 FL

Best Boiled Fish: Medium Fish, Wine
+20 SR +19 FL

Carpaccio: 140G (Obtain from Diner with Sashimi)

Basic Carpaccio: Sashimi, Oil
+20 SR +20 FL

Best Carpaccio: Sashimi, Oil, Cucumber, Tomato, Onion, Wine
+30 SR +30 FL


Two Basic Desserts that you can make early in the game, provided you obtain at least one Chicken and one Cow, are Ice Cream and Pudding. Give Madelynn Milk and give Luke Milk to acquire each of these useful Recipes. If you look at the Energy Values, however, you will see that, although both are made with the same ingredients, Pudding is worth 5 points more in terms of Stamina Recovery. Make Ice Cream once and ship it to add it both to your Cooking Page and your Shipping List, then make Pudding ever after.

Pudding: 160G (Obtain with Milk from Diner)

Basic Pudding: Egg, Milk
+30 SR +8 FL

Best Pudding: Egg, Milk, Cornflakes, Chocolate, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam
+45 SR +17 FL

Ice Cream: 160G (Obtain with Milk from Café)

Basic Ice Cream: Egg, Milk
+25 SR +8 FL

Best Ice Cream: Egg, Milk, Cornflakes, Chocolate, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam
+40 SR +17 FL


Relax Tea Leaves (Obtain with Green Weed from Diner)

Basic Relax Tea Leaves: Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Green Weed
+2 SR +3 FL

Bodigizer: 320G (Obtain with Red Magic Flower from Diner)

Basic Bodigizer: Orange Grass, Black Grass, Red Magic Flower
+50 SR +5 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe

Bodigizer XL: 450G (Obtain with Bodigizer from Diner)

Basic Bodigizer XL: Bodigizer, Blue Grass
+100 SR +5 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe

Hungerizer: 450G (Obtain with Red Magic Flower from Diner)

Basic Hungerizer: Orange Grass, White Grass, Red Magic Flower
+5 SR +30 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe

Hungerizer XL: 570G (Obtain with Hungerizer from Diner)

Basic Hungerizer XL: Hungerizer, Green Grass
+5 SR +60 FL

Mayonnaise: 100G (Obtain with Egg from Diner)

Basic Mayonnaise: Egg, Oil
+1 SR +1 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe.

Butter: 200G (Obtain with Milk from Diner)

Basic Butter: Milk
+1 SR +1 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe.

Yogurt: 150G (Obtain with Milk from Diner)

Basic Yogurt: Milk
+2 SR +2 FL

N.B. There are no optional ingredients for this Recipe.

Most Useful Cooking Ingredients in the 1st Year:

When you are playing IoH in the first year, you need to choose often between shipping an item or using it in a Recipe. In my own experience, the most useful ingredients early in the game are: Eggs, Milk, Shitake Mushrooms and Medium Fish.

To obtain Eggs, you need at least one Chicken, but a Chicken Coop can be filled quite easily by incubating Eggs. Milk is obtained from an adult Cow if you buy a Milker from Mirabelle. Medium Fish can be caught at any location on the map. Shitake Mushrooms are found in the Wilds in the Autumn season. If you buy a Seed Maker from Gannon, you can create Shitake Seeds as soon as you find them in the wilds and plant them on the pallets east of your Farmhouse. You can unlock the Seeds at Chen’s Market later in the game.

Shitake Seeds planted on a pallet grow slowly but can be harvested 50 times before they will die. As Shitake is an ingredient in a number of very useful and easy Recipes, they can be a great boon to your Energy Recovery.

Fairly early in the game, I was able to reach the 255th floor of the Mine by taking many Grilled or Boiled Fish, Puddings and Steamed Egg Custards. Extra eggs were made into Egg Soup. In terms of Energy Recovery, it always is better to cook an item than to eat it raw.

In your first Winter, you will find only White Grass in the Wilds but this is very useful as it is the ingredient you need in order to obtain two Herbal Recipes. Herb Soup and Herb Salad are useful Recovery Items, especially for players who do not have Chickens or Cows yet, although I would urge players to make a Chicken Coop one of their first priorities.


  1. Just thought you would like to know.

    The Pudding recipe you have listed is named Porridge in the game.

  2. No, you are mistaken, at least where the Natsume English version of the game is concerned.

    Porridge is Vaughn's Most Favourite Gift and is made with Rice and Milk. Pudding is made with Milk and an Egg. This is true in MOST Harvest Moon games as well as in Sunshine Islands. I have made both Recipes often in Sunshine Islands. Finally, Porridge is a 'Main Course' and Pudding is a 'Dessert'. I am capable of making typographical errors and have made many, but this is not one of them! Thanks for writing though.

  3. Actually, I am VERY glad you posted here because, when I accessed my IoH Cookbook Guide on IGN, I saw to my horror that an incomplete version appears there. I will send a completed version later today, when I can find the file. Some recipes are incomplete in terms of ingredients in the current version that appears.
