Friday, July 11, 2008

Requirements for Marriage in Island of Happiness

In terms of the requirements for marriage, Harvest Moon tends to be very practical. Whether you are playing FoMT/MFoMT, HM DS/Cute DS or Island of Happiness, experiencing all heart events is NOT sufficient. You must be able to offer your spouse a BED. I suspected this was the case in Island of Happiness, but have confirmed it by experiencing all heart events with all bachelors and bringing most of them to deepest red heart level without expanding my house for the third time. A medium house is not large enough for a 'Husband Bed' apparently, as that option was not unlocked until Gannon completed the Large House. The 'Husband Bed' then became available at Chen's Shop for 10,000G. Until I actually bought the 'Husband Bed', the bachelors continued to reject my Blue Feather. As soon as I had the 'Husband Bed', they accepted... Naturally, I did not save the results as I am the one who really is not 'ready for that yet'.

It therefore is not sufficient if the guy is head over heels in love with you. If you cannot offer him a comfortable bed of his own, your proposal will be rejected.
The husband and wife do not share the same bed in many Harvest Moon games. The 'Big Bed' often is the place where spouse and child sleep, while you continue to sleep in your original narrow little bed. The beds tend to be pushed together though when this is the case. IoH actually is different in this respect as the photograph shows. The two beds are placed along the western wall of the large house with no semblance of closeness. It is very interesting. The Husband's Bed actually is the one in the topmost left corner of the house. I will be interested to discover if the Man's Bed always is the one in the top corner or if the 'Wife's Bed' would occupy the same position when your character is a boy... When I progress further in the Boy's version of the game, I'll be able to confirm this one way or another.

In some Harvest Moon games, the child will have a crib, but usually in the games made for the handheld systems, the child shares the 'Big Bed'. In IoH, there is a separate child's bed, making it more like the larger console Harvest Moon games.

In IoH, the marriage proposal will be accepted only when you have experienced all four heart events, brought the eligible girl/bachelor to fullest red heart level, upgraded your house to a Large House and after you have purchased the Spouse's Bed.

When you propose, you will experience a special proposal event under the title of 'Popping the Question'. One week later, you will experience a Wedding Event at the Church.

I did not marry Denny on a permanent basis, but I have to admit that the wedding ceremony was very amusing. Nathan was very formal and serious, asking the prospective groom if he would honour and love me as long as I lived. Denny simply responded: 'Heck yeah!'

The ceremony occurs inside the Church, but afterwards, the crowd will gather next to the Harvest Goddess Spring. As is traditional, the Harvest Goddess will bestow her blessing on the couple and will give her own gift by ringing the Bell. The credits then will roll, but any Harvest Moon fan knows this is NOT the end.

After the credits, you will experience another event: 'After the Wedding...' Your spouse, in a traditional Harvest Moon ritual, will ask you to choose a nickname.


  1. Would you happen to know the date of when Island of Happines be released in america?

  2. What do the kids look like? Do they have the coloring of the mother if u r playing as Mark or vice versa?

  3. IoH was released on July 29.

  4. IoH will not be released officially until 26 August. Its original release date was delayed.

    The children do not have as much variation in appearance in IoH as they do in games like ToT or even HMDS/Cute DS.

  5. help...i was able to unlock nathan and alisa although i have purchase 3 bridge,give offering to harvest goddess, and have visit east town..
    wat can i do??

  6. Ng, in the most recent versions of my General Guide and Characters Guide, I stated that I believed almost EVERY new option is unlocked by a combination of specific requirements and the total of Farming Degree Points that your character has earned. The reason that you have not been able to bring Nathan and Alisa to the Island yet, therefore, would be because you had not earned sufficient Farming Degree points even though you had met the specific requirements.

    There are a couple of ways to earn points quickly: when you win a Festival Contest or experience any Heart or Rival Heart Event. Have you experienced many Heart Events? How many Contests have you attended or won so far?

    I still am researching Island of Happiness myself. Although I wanted to have guides on the internet at the time when the game was released, I still am updating them on a daily basis. It is only when other players have problems with events and new options that hidden requirements come to light sometimes.

  7. Well I wanted to marry Daughn and I give him chocolate everytime he comes visit the island. I have been doing this for um a season already and his heart did not change from black to purple yet. Freya, please help and have you married Daughn yet?

  8. Kiwi, you mean 'Vaughn', don't you? Yes, I married him successfully and had a darling son with him. He's a sweet husband.
    It WILL take you longer to raise his heart level as he is on the island only on Wednesdays and Thursdays before marriage. Chocolate is a great gift for him. His 'Most Favourite' is Porridge but you won't be able to make that early in the game so Chocolate is as good a gift as any for Vaughn. Be patient and you will win him!

  9. Lol yes Freya I did mean Vaughn, hahahahaha! How much money does it take to build all the bridges? The most money I have had is 78,800 G. Yes I'm not rich and it took me a whole year to do that. Do you have any money making tips? And also, it wasn't my first season to try, it took me till winter! I stil have a black heart. I'm trying to be patient but I cant! On the harvest moon DS, I got mad because I couldn't get 60 sprites lol! Well hope you reply by tomorrow! Bye Freya!

  10. Kiwi, I wrote a post for you today with tips on making money early in the game. I won't repeat all of it here, but do read my latest post. I had all the bridges built fairly early in the first year in my first game, because I sensed they were vital.

  11. Awww thank you! WAit, how do I get to your post? Oh and you know when you go to assets on the game? I have two hearts for Vaughn. DOes that mean anything or no?

  12. Oh my lord guess what? I Have a purple heart with Vaughn! It took 1 whole year for me, and I did the purple heart event. Do you know what the next heart event is? Oh and how much friendship points do I earn when I give Vaughn chocolate?

  13. Kiwi, please look at the right side of this page and you will see links to all my IoH Guides. Go to the Courtship and Marriage Guide and you will see an entire section that deals with Vaughn, his likes and dislikes as well as the schedule of his Heart Events.

  14. Ok I get it. Thanks! Hey um you know the seaweed that you find at the beach in spring? Is it true that you can ship it for 800-900G?

  15. Kiwi, yes it is, and you have alerted me to a typo in my Guide where I gave an incorrect shipping value for Seaweed. I mistakenly gave almost the same value for Shipping and Selling to Chen. Don't sell Seaweed to Chen as you will obtain only about 100G but if you ship it, you should net at least 800G.

    I hope a corrected updated version both of the General Guide and the Items List Guide will be uploaded before the end of the day. 'B' Rank Seaweed ships for about 830G and 'A' Rank ships for 1000G or more.

    I am testing a theory I have now that the Rank and Quality of the Seaweed that you gather may depend on the time of day when you collect it... If not random, it either would be based on time of day or on the weather, I believe.

  16. Later, having tested my theory, Rank of Seaweed does appear to be based on the time of day when you collect it. Go to the beach at 6.00 a.m. to collect the highest rank of Seaweed!

  17. Wow, how do I wake up that early and rush to the beach? Oh I made like 20K by shipping the seaweed and I have 124K now! I saved my game and I bought all the bridges, got the church, got the jungle, got the forest, and got the hotel, the diner and the cafe! But the problem is, I don't want to spend my money like that you know? And if you sell the grass instead of eating it, it makes pretty good money right?

  18. Hey guess what?! I'm gonna get married to Denny! HE was way easier than Vaughn. I have all the requirements, I just need him to get to red heart level. I'm at the orange!!!!

  19. Oh my lord. You know the new DSi? Do you think its a waste? I mean I want to play my gameboy games and it doesn't even have a slot for it? And plus my friend is gonna brag about how cool it is. I WILL SERIOUSLY PUNCH MYSELF IN THE FACE IF SHE DOES, I'M TIRED OF HER

  20. Kiwi, I've seen a lot of hype about the DSI, but I am not inclined to rush out and buy it at the moment. The DS Lite is a fabulous little system, far superior to the original DS but I agree with you that the ability to play old GBA games (and unlock extra options in DS games by doing so!) is invaluable. I am quite happy with my DS Lite.

    In a year or so, no doubt there will be a superior version of the DSI and all the people who bought the system when it first was released will wish that they had waited...

  21. By the way, I didn't comment on your switch from Vaughn to Denny... Yes, Denny probably is the easiest and quickest bachelor to win, because all you have to do is give him a small fish daily. Elliot is not difficult, especially if you visit Taro daily for the weather. On the other hand, you won't get 100% completion by marrying either Vaughn or Denny as you will prevent Lanna and Sabrina from ever marrying. But then, you always can play another game later and another and another... and see what it is like to marry every single bachelor and then every single girl as well!

  22. Freya, I had bought the child bed and the next day i was supposed to have the pregnant event did not occur..... wait did I ask you this already hahaha.

  23. Well, it has to be one full season after marriage as well... You can't get pregnant if the honeymoon didn't occur at least a full season ago. I expect your spouse has to have been at full 10 hearts for 60 days as well... That was the case in other Harvest Moon games.
    How long have you been married? (You switched to Denny, right? If Vaughn, the event might not occur on Wednesday when he is absent from the Island after marriage, although I think it probably would occur regardless.) How long was Denny at 10 Hearts before you married him?

  24. Well Denny has been having 10 hearts since Winter 19th 2nd year. We got married on Spring 2 and it is now Summer 2, the same year. Am I suppose to wait another season for the pregnancy event?

  25. Kiwi, in some Harvest Moon games, the spouse had to be at 10 hearts for 2 full seasons before pregnancy would occur. If this is the case in IoH as well, the event should occur on 19 Summer. Let me know if it does.

    Denny's Heart Events are tied to fishing (and shipping caught items) but I can't imagine pregnancy would be! On the very odd chance that it might be, though, have you been fishing regularly and shipping caught items? I don't think this is a factor, however. I think you should experience the 'Big News' event on 19 Summer if not sooner...

  26. Kiwi, in some Harvest Moon games, the spouse had to be at 10 hearts for 2 full seasons before pregnancy would occur. If this is the case in IoH as well, the event should occur on 19 Summer. Let me know if it does.

    Denny's Heart Events are tied to fishing (and shipping caught items) but I can't imagine pregnancy would be! On the very odd chance that it might be, though, have you been fishing regularly and shipping caught items? I don't think this is a factor, however. I think you should experience the 'Big News' event on 19 Summer if not sooner...

  27. Freya is it true that you can buy toys for your dog in harvest moon island of happiness? I've been searching up a lot and I could have sworn I saw something like that. I tried to search it up again but it doesnt even show up!

  28. Kiwi, as far as I know, there are no dog toy purchase options in IoH. Often players become confused between different Harvest Moon games. In HM Boy & Girl, you can buy a dog ball from Won. In FoMT/MFoMT, you could buy a frisbee and actually participate in a contest at the Beach each summer with your dog. In HM DS/Cute DS, you are given a dog ball to use to train your dog. IoH, on the other hand, does not appear to offer any training toys for the dog.

  29. Oh okay thanks

    DO you have a gaiaonline?

  30. Freya have you tried marrying anyone else? It's because when Vaughn and Sabrina got married and had their baby Emma, she told me that even though i was her "Daddy's" friend, she hated me! How rude hahaha!

  31. Hi :)

    I'm trying to marry Denny and so far I'm at an orange heart with him. I'm about to upgrade my house to get a bed, but is that really all you need? I've built all the bridges and the 2 latest people to come to the island were Cliff and Mark. When I buy my second bed, will I be ready (after getting a red heart of course), or is there more I have to do?

  32. Hi
    What does the hearts on the asset page mean? Ive got Denny on 2 hearts but his heart colour hasnt changed.
    Thanks ;D

  33. I am currently trying to unlock Denny and Lanna's proposal event, but I am unsure of what I need to do to do so. I have read that there is a fishing requirement -- Do you have a ballpark idea of how many fish I must ship in a season?
    Also, do all the main characters have to be on the island to trigger a rival proposal? Natalie is currently absent due to her pregnancy, but Pierre has returned.

    Thank you for your help!

  34. Anon, it has been awhile since I played, but I would suggest that catching 50 fish might allow the event to occur.

    IoH is SO complex compared to other HM games. As the arrival and departure of other characters always is based on performing specific activities and shipping items, it sometimes is difficult to know whether or not the actual requirement is the presence of a specific number of subsidiary characters or the activity itself (such as fishing). In retrospect, it is possible that ALL the Rival Heart proposal events are based, not on the actual activities (mining, cooking, fishing) but on the presence of a specific number of subsidiary characters from the Team that is associated with that activity (Fishing Team, Mining Team and so on).

    As for the Hearts on the Asset page, they do correspond with Heart Level but actually are based on total points. It therefore only is a general indication of where you stand with some one as opposed to a specific one.

  35. hi i really need help i have had all heart events with elliot and he has a deep red heart i have a husbands bed lg house and 2 briges unlocked all the heart events have occured but he wont except the blue feather wats wrong??
