Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Thanksgiving Festival and Skye


As I am obsessed with Skye, I cannot neglect his response to Chocolate Cake on the occasion of the Winter Thanksgiving. As always, you must meet him between 10.00 p.m. and midnight somewhere on the road between the entrance to the Valley and the Goddess Spring. Give him a piece of Chocolate Cake and he will say: 'Hehe. I'm happy to get something from you, Freya. Thank you!'

Fairly straightforward for Skye, really. I have discovered that he becomes rather more shy with me as his heart level increases.

A couple of days after the Winter Thanksgiving, his heart level reached deepest red at 60,000 AP. I had the Blue Feather in my rucksack, as I have been going through 'temporary' weddings with other bachelors. I decided to show it to Skye to see what he would do.

Much to my consternation, he asked me: 'Are you gonna give your love to some one else, Freya?'

I hoped that was merely a preliminary remark, rather like Griffin's first response to my proposal, which was to ask if I were teasing him... but no! Again and again, flourshing the Blue Feather, Skye merely responded with his fear that I would give my heart to some one else!

I was very distressed by this. I take any romantic setback in Harvest Moon very seriously. One lavishes so much attention on the game that one makes a considerable emotional investment in every courtship... Skye, I have to admit, really has made an impression on me. I was overjoyed when I was able to trigger his Fourth Heart Event, despite my inability to experience Part II of the Blue Heart Event due to Carter's drunken meanderings...

I finally admitted defeat and went to bed disconsolately. Could it be that it was because I had missed Part II of his Blue Heart Event? I could not imagine this being the case... why would subsequent Heart Events have triggered if I no longer were eligible to marry him?

In the middle of the night, I had my answer to the puzzle. I was awakened by the Heart Music.
Me: (!)
There's a note here.
'Tonight I'm going to steal your heart away.'
'Yours truly, Phantom Skye.'

How romantic! And yet, I was a little taken aback... I had no intention of marrying Skye this early in the game, BEFORE I had a chance to experience the Starry Night Festival with all bachelors and the remainder of Mineral Town bachelor events.

Even so, I decided to let events take their course. My desire for Skye could not be contained...

At 10.00 p.m., I left the house to search for Skye. I was unable to find him at the entrance to the Valley, nor could I find him at the Goddess Spring or at any of his usual haunts. I finally gave up on it and went home to bed.

I was awakened abruptly again by the Heart Music, with a sense that Skye was near.
When Skye appeared, I was given a choice:

Give him your heart.
Don't give him squat.

How could I resist? Of course, I gave him my heart, flourishing my Blue Feather.

A most romantic scene followed...

A week later, we wed by the Goddess Spring. The Harvest Goddess appeared to ring the bells for us.

Now I had a real problem, however. I didn't want this to occur in reality at this point. I therefore reloaded and this time, did not show him the Blue Feather. Even without making a proposal, I experienced the same event...

Was there no way to avoid an early marriage to the love of my life??? Had I been TOO clever???

I finally hit upon a possible solution. I stashed the Blue Feather in my Tool Box before I went to bed.

My ploy worked! The game treated the situation as though I did not have the Blue Feather yet. Skye's red heart did not diminish but the event with his note did not trigger in the night.

I do not know how long I will be able to resist him, though. He is utterly romantic, both before and after marriage, although he sleeps quite late. Once you are wed, he will stay in bed each morning until 10.00 a.m.! Even so, when he finally awakens, he will say the loveliest things to you...

I am returning now to my single state, in anticipation of the Starry Night Festival, but the memory of Skye's proposal and the joy of finding him in the Big Bed in my house is inexpressible. At your private wedding ceremony, he will refer to himself as a 'no-good thief' but I cannot agree. He makes my heart sing.


  1. So is it confirmed that the Best Friend system will be on the HMDS Cute version then? People on Gamespot and GameFAQ have been debating on whether it will be kept or not in the NA version.

    In the Japanese version, the only way I unlocked his marriage event was by keeping the blue feather in my rucksack and sleeping. The problem afterwards was that I kept squealing (real time) whenever I saw Skye in my house from that point onwards...

  2. In my posts, I have stated that the presence of the Blue Feather in your rucksack when you go to bed is what triggers Skye's proposal event. I actually married him but did not save the result as I am experiencing all Star Festival Events with all bachelors and eligible girls.

    The version I have from Natsume is the one that will be released officially on 25 March. The Magical Girls are 'eligible' in terms of Best Friend status, as they respond in the same way as the bachelors. I will 'propose' to Leia after I catch the Bottled Message in Spring... that will be final confirmation of the fact. I a waiting to see if they bring me Cookies in Spring as well before I marry Skye... They did promise to do so.

  3. See my post entitled: 'Triggering Skye's Marriage Proposal Event' for all details about Skye and his proposal.
