Thursday, September 27, 2007

Harvest Moon Boy and Girl for PSP

Shaggy, a Harvest Moon fan, recently posted a comment on this site to ask if I had created a guide either for 'Back to Nature' or 'Harvest Moon Boy and Girl'. Actually, I never covered 'Back to Nature' but I am about to embark on a new guide venture to create a guide specifically for 'Harvest Moon Boy and Girl' for the PSP. It will take time, as do all my guides, as I am very thorough in my gameplay and base the guides on my own games. I do believe, however, that my existing guides for FoMT and MFoMT (Friends of Mineral Town and More Friends of Mineral Town) will be of assistance in playing Harvest Moon Boy and Girl. Fundamentally, they should be the same game, although Natsume always adds new dimensions to old games when they are created for new platforms. 'Friends of Mineral Town' basically was 'Back To Nature' modified and transformed for the GBA handheld system. 'More Friends of Mineral Town' was the 'Girl' version.

The first guides I ever wrote were guides for Friends of Mineral Town. If you are playing the boy in 'Harvest Moon Boy and Girl', the FoMT General Guide should be useful to some extent until I can create a guide specifically for the PSP game. In similar fashion, my General Guide for 'More Friends of Mineral Town' should be useful in playing the girl in 'Harvest Moon Boy and Girl'. As I have not touched the game yet, however, this is mere hypothesis. I do know, however, that players who were playing 'Back to Nature' often successfully used my FoMT guides for reference.

It will be difficult to put 'Rune Factory' aside, I have to confess. It always is difficult to leave any Harvest Moon game. Investment in terms of time and energy is great and after all, these games represents actual ongoing lives. Like your village in Animal Crossing, your neighbours NEED your continuing commitment and when I am absent for any length of time, I feel I have betrayed my 'community' somewhat. Harvest Moon in particular instils a tremendous sense of 'belonging' and working to restore the farm makes one truly believe one has created a place for oneself.


  1. Dear Freyashawk

    Thank you so much! I look forward to working with your guide when it comes out. I will have a look at the FoMT guides and see what I can find. If I had a DS I would also be playing Rune Factory, but unfortunately I only have the PSP console. I looked at a few promotional trailers of Rune Factory on Natsume's site and it really looks good, Innocent Life style graphics with the complexity of the "traditional" HM games. I wish it would come out for the PSP. However, at the moment, I am really enjoying playing Boy and Girl!

    Thanks again for your commitment to HM, it makes all the difference!

    Yours in Harvest Moon
    Shaggy the Mountain Gnome

  2. Hi. I've read your HMBG for the PSP. I just want to say that it was really helpful. Just wanted to let you know that for Kai's heart event, the one at the inn where Rick and Duke are ganging up on Kai. I think that the right option would have been "Both are wrong." The result was: Kai goes up to his room. Duke, Rick and the supermarket guy stays. They are stunned that i stood up to them. Kai's heart went up one color. It was green before but it became orange the next day. Also Pineapple is his Most favorite fruit. When I gave it to Kai, his heart color went up. This happened all in summer of the first year.

  3. Deejoe, Pineapple always is Kai's Most Favourite Gift, whether in FoMT/MFoMT or any other Harvest Moon game.

    As far as the responses to the Event are concerned, I tested all possibilities and my Guide is based on the results. I always experience any Event with every possible result before I actually save it with the correct response.
    I think I included all of the results in the Guide but if I didn't, they are in my game journal. It has been a long time since I was able to play HM Boy and Girl. In fact, I did not finish all the guides I was writing for that game yet. It was a project that I undertook at the prompting of other players, while committed to Sims Castaway, My Sims and HM Cute DS...

  4. Deejoe, I owe you an apology. I looked at My HM B & G Courtship and Marriage Guide and see that it is very incomplete. As far as Kai's Likes and Dislikes are concerned, I seem to recall that I discovered Pineapples in Boy and Girl NOT to be worth more in terms of heart level value than some of the other items he liked, unlike other HM games. As Pineapple is a valuable item, I did not place it at the top of the list in that guide, although I should have mentioned it. As far as the Heart Event is concerned, I do need to add ALL results to it as well. Thanks for pointing that out. When I am finished with IoH, I'll go back to Boy & Girl... It deserves far more attention than I was able to give to it at the time.
